Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 191 – Raising the Flag

Chapter 191 – Raising the Flag
After picking Chen Yanzi back to the hotel, Aiwen booked a morning call for the students at 05:30 in the middle of the night downstairs.Thank them for coming to see the flag raising in winter - if it is changed to summer, the flag raising time is very early.The flag-raising time in January is around 07:30, which is when the imperial capital is at dawn.

Aiwen specially notified the wake-up time in the class group tomorrow morning. If anyone didn't get up, Aiwen would take compulsory measures-directly break into the room and drag people out of the bed like a dead dog.

You can stay up late, this is your freedom.But you have to gather on time tomorrow. If the whole class is waiting for you, it's your fault.The hotel they stayed in was near the Fourth Ring Road, and it took an hour to drive to Tiananmen Square in groups -- and Tiananmen Square didn't let you park!Moreover, security checks are required to enter the square. Therefore, the schedule is very tight, and everyone must hurry up and enter the venue in a busy and orderly manner.

Those like Chen Yanzi who want to have a beauty sleep will not go tomorrow!She has graduated from university, what kind of patriotism is she still accepting?And she feels that she is already patriotic enough, she is a frontline worker in Huaxia art education!From the root to the root, the seedlings are red!
Because I had to get up early, Ivan didn't toss too much about the exercise before going to bed, and he almost gave up as soon as he saw it.If Chen Yanzi wanted to stay up late and play games, she would let her go. Anyway, she didn't have to take students on a trip.Tomorrow, their sister Tao will go shopping in Xidan Joy City to "carry a bottle". From this point of view, this girl is more chic than Ai Wen--it's self-willed not to bring students!

Aiwen doesn't have many buddies in the imperial capital, but he has a lot of ex-girlfriends in the imperial capital.In his memory, there seem to be four ex-girlfriends who developed in the imperial capital. It is not ruled out that they will come to the imperial capital later.However, with Chen Yanzi, the empress in the palace, by his side, Ai Wen has no plans to pick up the flowers in the evening, bring up the old things again, or revive them.

Don't disturb if you can. Everyone has a new life, and the right way is to be safe.

It doesn't matter to chat with buddies, chatting with ex-girlfriend is courting death.Ai Wen felt that he had only lived a quarter of a hundred years old, and he was not young enough!He didn't want to be demolished by Chen Yanzi!
Early the next morning, the conscientious hotel attendants called the students' rooms one by one. After washing his face hastily, Aiwen went downstairs to have breakfast. In addition to watching the flag raising this morning, he also had to take a tour nearby- - The Huaxia National Museum, the Great Hall of the People, the Forbidden City, and Beihai Park are all within the scope of the tour.

If you can complete these points in one day today, it will be great. A story about the Forbidden City is worth exploring for a day.Moreover, these scenic spots are very concentrated, and the distance between them is not far from each other, and they can be reached by walking.

In fact, the place where Chen Yanzi went for a stroll today was very close to Ai Wen, and the straight-line distance was no more than five kilometers.It's just that Ai Wen took a dip in the antique historical sites, and Chen Yanzi and her sisters went shopping in the shopping mall.

When the national flag guards walked out of Tiananmen Square, the children crowded in the front row burst into tears.A strong sense of national pride filled everyone's hearts.The sense of ritual of raising the national flag in the school is very different from the sense of ritual of standing in Tiananmen Square to watch the flag raising.

Although it's freezing cold, everyone's heart is warm.Looking at the children's excitement, this is the right place - Ai Wen felt that it was necessary for him to infiltrate patriotic education continuously during the children's growth period.

As long as the children in class seven don't go astray, they have great hopes of passing the 211, 985, double first-class exams in the future.But Aiwen doesn't want his students to fall into the embrace of capitalism while reading.The lack of a sense of national mission will allow intellectuals to blur the boundaries of the country.In particular, foreigners are still advocating the theory that science has no borders and bewitching Chinese talents to be their dogs.

Little do they know that science has no borders, but scientists do have borders.If you fall behind, you will be beaten is the eternal theme.Instead of going to a foreign country to be a second-class citizen, why not try our best to build our own motherland?

There is no so-called absolute democracy in this beautiful country, but when the epidemic hits, we are united.Only on the land of China can the sons and daughters of China truly stand upright.

Aiwen absolutely does not want to see his students studying abroad, immigrating, and becoming bananas after a few years.He does not object to students building the motherland after earning rice knives. He simply needs to learn martial arts and sell them to the Americans.

Some students in his circle of friends always like to advocate that the moon in foreign countries is rounder after studying abroad.Ai Wen has never been abroad, so he doesn't know if they are bragging or the truth.But after seeing and laughing, he decisively blocked these people.

That's right, he is a nationalist - he has always believed that people who are not my race must have a different heart.Such a person cannot be a great entrepreneur or a great politician, but he is qualified as a teacher of the people.

The national flag is rising slowly, and every second is the purification and sublimation of the children's hearts.He believes that this morning will benefit the children for a lifetime, and let them understand what family, country and world are.Even if they can't understand it at this moment, they can plant a seed in their hearts to take root and germinate in the future.

After watching the national flag raising, the tour guide took the children to the Meridian Gate.This Meridian Gate is the place where the legendary "meridian gate copy and cut" is. Of course, this statement is actually wrong. The place where the old emperors were beheaded is usually Caishikou.Meridian Gate is actually a misunderstanding - the Meridian Gate is the place where the emperor blames ministers.Generally, there are not many dead people in this land
The opening time of the Palace Museum is 08:30, so the tour guide took the children for a stroll in Zhongshan Park during the 40-plus minutes.Although there is nothing to see in the winter park, attractions such as Sheji Altar, Tanghuawu, Baowei and Heping Square are also worth visiting.

Otherwise, how would you pass the four and 10 minutes?It is also very interesting to listen to the tour guide's explanation - the tour guides sent by Gaoxindong are all experienced professionals, and they are definitely not the kind of part-time jobs hired from the university's tour guide major.Not to mention [-] a day, no one knows anywhere during the day, and accompanying your escort at night
As a professional tour guide, you must know the story of which scenic spot in the imperial capital, which is the basic quality of a professional tour guide.The significance of the existence of the tour guide is to make the tour more flesh and blood rather than simply taking pictures and looking at the house.

When Aiwen came to the imperial capital for a walk before, he liked to follow the tour guide of the senior group. The travel experience with a guide and without a tour guide is simply a world of difference.The experience with a group tour guide is also very different from that of a private tour guide.Of course, the private tour guide here refers to a professional, not the kind of professional self-enlightenment!
The 22.5-hectare Zhongshan Park will definitely allow students to play for an hour, and the Palace Museum will open after this hour.The professional team must not allow tourists to do nothing, that is definitely a slap in the face!
(End of this chapter)

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