Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 192 - Early Settlement Function

Chapter 192 - Early Settlement Function
The Forbidden City, located on the central axis of the imperial capital, was formerly known as the Forbidden City. It was the royal palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and it is also the largest palace complex in the world.Whether it's Buckingham Palace, Versailles, or the Kremlin—compared to the size of the buildings, they are not enough to be built by the Forbidden City alone.

Huaxia's garden craftsmanship can be called ingenious. Although it is indeed a waste of time and money in detail, but the limitations of history are like this-the whole world belongs to the Zhu family and the Aixinjueluo family. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the inheritance of the ancestors.

Reincarnation itself is a skill, and Ai Wenwen thought that he was an intermediate reincarnation skill, but he never thought that it was a rhetoric that wants to be promoted before suppressing!Who would have thought that Addison would tell himself that he was a rich second generation three years after he graduated!Pit son!

At its peak, the Forbidden City received [-] visitors a day, and even a few dozen people from Class [-] of junior high school could not even splash a splash of water when thrown into the Forbidden City.Walking along the corridor of history with the tour guide, it feels good to look back at the slightest traces of history from the subtleties.Aiwen likes to travel very much. In the three years before he became a teacher, he liked to walk around with a bag on his back every winter and summer vacation.

Sometimes he goes by himself and meets girlfriends on the way; sometimes he takes his girlfriend along, so he doesn't pick up girls randomly on the way.Traveling alone is lonely and embarrassing. It is a joy to come out to play pictures. The scenery around is beautiful when accompanied by beautiful people.

Moreover, when Aiwen travels alone, he basically does not carry any money, and the basic investment is a train ticket.Then he traveled all the way and made money all the way—singing, taking pictures, and handsome people are always liked to hire, not to mention that Aiwen's various skills are really good.

Whether it is Aiwen's singing voice or photography skills, they have been officially certified by various ex-girlfriends.Being able to meet the requirements of the ex-girlfriend is basically considered semi-professional.He has an ex-girlfriend who likes to sing. After breaking up with him, he went to participate in the audition for Good Voice. In the end, he went all the way to the top eight. Can you believe it?

Don't think that selling singing doesn't make money, Aiwen can tell you seriously - as long as you are handsome and sing well, there are girls who throw money into the box and even girls who scan V letters to pay and add friends.

More than once, Ai Wen encountered scouts who wanted to sign him and package him for his debut, but Ai Wen rejected them all.Just kidding - I am a moral teacher of the people, okay?What's more, it is still unclear whether those so-called scouts are liars. What if they are pimps for places like Baima?
Aiwen, the tourist money, has already called Gao Xindong, and he is now making a deposit with a capacity value of 78 yuan-but his account balance is insufficient, with less than 20 cash left.

So when he thinks about spending money again, he should think about his own capital. It seems that he needs to pay attention to the account balance in the future, so as to avoid spending money but having no money.

2020 has passed, and the two buildings promised by Dad have also arrived in full.Aiwen's monthly rental income finally exceeded one million.Ai Wen didn't calculate the exact amount, and it didn't matter how much the rent was. He only cared about how much money he had in his account.

He hasn't tried to use the banknote ability value to improve the attribute yet, and the system can only add points for himself besides the game. It's not a loss to exchange the ability value of 100 million banknotes for a little bit of attribute value, but the physical value is linked to the life balance!

It's not far away from the million dollar ability value, and Aiwen decided to try his strength after saving up to one million before school starts.He has tested his strength in the gym - after years of training, he can easily lift 100 kg of barbell.However, Ai Wen felt that this was already his limit—it was impossible for him to increase the size of his muscle mass just for the sake of strength.He's happy with his current size -- average speed, strength.

Why don't strongmen go to weightlifting competitions?Those foreign strongmen weigh two to three hundred catties at every turn, and they can only participate in super heavyweight competitions when they go to weightlifting competitions.Weightlifting is divided into heavyweights, and it is not cheap for strongmen to participate in weightlifting competitions.

Ai Wen's weight is 67 kg, and the world record for weightlifting in the 69 kg class is 196 kg in clean and jerk. Ai Wen is far behind this group of people.The muscles on his body don't look obvious, and only when he exerts force will there be obvious explosions.

"System, what is the strength value of those people who lift the world record?" Ivan asked the system.

The system responded immediately: "None of them are over ninety."

Ai Wen was surprised: "So I can participate in the Olympics if I raise my strength to over 90?"

"Yes, you can, but the system doesn't recommend you to do this. You are a teacher, so participating in the Olympics isn't a serious job—and your strength is obtained by cheating. Is it really interesting to crush children?" The system asked rhetorically.

Aiwen thinks about it - the Olympics are more about fighting spirit, and there is really nothing commendable about running in the Olympics.Although the protagonists of those sports novels are always at a disadvantage in the competition, but after a long time, the protagonists themselves will find it boring.

"Isn't it boring to increase the attribute and not be able to install 13?" Ivan complained to the system.

"The essence of pretending to be 13 is not in the attention of everyone under the spotlight, but inadvertently showing your excellent taste in front of others, and you savor it carefully," the system advised.

Makes sense!

It turns out that the system is the real king of B kings!
It seems that you have to figure out how to make money and how to spend it!The hundreds of thousands I have left are not enough to do anything.
"Hey, system? I don't have enough funds for anything now, what if I have no money for investment?" Ai Wen asked.

The sweet voice of the system immediately became ethereal: "This system is a god's item, with attributes that transcend time and space dimensions. Although the function is not powerful, but my grade is here! With the blessing of the system, what you make Any investment can be settled in advance. For example, for the house in your hand, when you are short of money, you can directly settle the ten-year rent. The system will jump out of the long river of time to calculate the specific value of the ten-year rent for you, and then pay all the rent in one go. The most important thing is that the money you receive is the amount of 2021-2030, but the currency value is the value of 2021. That means, you have escaped inflation."

Aiwen also studied economics, and he trembled immediately after hearing the introduction of the system: "But where does your money come from?"

"It's very simple. There are many currencies in this world that are placed in the accounts of various banks in digital form. The total number of these digital funds is beyond your imagination, and the utilization rate of these digital funds is also appallingly low. The system It just extracts a negligible amount from the vast digital currency, and then uses your future income to make up for the deficit bit by bit. In fact, the settlement in advance means that the system lends you other people's money without interest .”

It turned out to be like this!This feature is really awesome!

Take the real estate in Aiwen's current hands as an example. His monthly rent is 100 million. If she settles the ten-year rent at once, she can immediately get 2000 million in cash.This is not the final figure, the system will also compensate according to the rent increase, unless Aiwen does not raise the rent for ten years, otherwise he will end up with more funds.

This function!Cowhide!
(End of this chapter)

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