Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 193 – Battle of the Forbidden City

Chapter 193 – Battle of the Forbidden City

The Forbidden City is a super-large building complex covering an area of ​​723600 square meters. It is definitely not enough to walk down every inch of such a large place in the morning.And you keep walking, and people can't stand it-so the guide set up some breaks in the middle.

During the break, Li Guoyao licked his face and approached Ai Wen with a smile: "Teacher, I want to ask you to say something that is not worth talking about."

"Improper speaking" Ai Wen turned his face away and continued to drink water-this guy must be trying to mess up something again, and he must cut off his dangerous thoughts from the beginning.

The students all laughed, but Li Guoyao said nonchalantly: "Teacher, look. We finally came to the Forbidden City, and we must leave a memory of the Forbidden City! I think ordinary photos have no soul."

"So?" Ivan asked funny-what's the matter?Do you want to drive in and race?What is your family background?
Li Guoyao smiled innocently: "Teacher, don't you think the proposition of a decisive battle on the top of the Forbidden City is cool?"

"You want to build the house? Believe it or not, if you dare to go to the house, a group of old experts will jump out and fight with you immediately?" Ai Wen sneered.

A decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City?Do you read too many novels or love apartment?
Li Guoyao hurriedly said: "It's okay if we don't go to the room! Let's fight against the background of the Forbidden City. Teacher, besides me, you are the only one practicing martial arts in our class. Just cooperate with me~"

"It's really drunk. You old man is still acting like a baby. Your coach teaches you this all day long?" Ivan said depressedly.Li Guoyao's last few voices were really touching, and his blunt coquettishness made goose bumps all over the floor.

Li Guoyao didn't care how much Aiwen's goosebumps fell, as long as Aiwen made a move, he would succeed.

"Thank you, thank you! Help us record!" Li Guoyao handed the phone to Xie Mingjie and said, "You can choose the filter yourself, the video you shoot must be handsome! I count on this to increase my popularity!"

Then Li Guoyao rubbed his hands and came to Ai Wen who was sucking water and asked, "Teacher, shall we start?"

Aiwen nodded, but still didn't put down the water bottle in his hand: "Come on. You attack me, I just happened to see if you have made any progress during this time."

Li Guoyao nodded, and he stepped on the five-element plum blossom step and walked behind Ai Wen secretly to attack his shoulder.Ai Wen caught his intention out of the corner of his eye, slapped the ground with one hand and kicked Li Guoyao's palm with a barb.

Li Guoyao immediately changed his move, switched legs and kicked Ai Wen's ass - because he was sitting on the ground now and it was inconvenient to move.But at this time, Aiwen swept his legs around with a fallen leaf and stood up neatly.

"Lao Ai's move is so cool!"

"Me! Peggy! Name! Three seconds! Dead!"

"Don't give up on me, Brother Wen, people don't talk too much!"

Li Guoyao continued to attack Ai Wen, punching vigorously with a set of punches, and his flying kicks were also a bit hot.He is no longer Wuxia Amon, after practicing martial arts for a few months, he should have improved, right?

But Ai Wen has been practicing Kung Fu since he was a child, and he has never given up on it—even if he switched to Sanda, he has not given up on martial arts routines.Occasionally, he would pick up martial arts routines to practice while punching sandbags in the gym.

It can be seen from Aiwen's skill data-his routine martial arts proficiency is higher than that of Sanda fighting.According to national standards, advanced martial arts routines are equivalent to the level of Wuying-level martial arts athletes, but Nian Aiwen was at this level when he was at his peak.But he doesn't rely on this to make a living, and his skills have degraded from advanced to intermediate.

Don't think that skill proficiency can only go up, some skills are rusty if you don't use them, just like a certain idiot author wailing all day long: What's the use of this iron rod?

But in fact, even the intermediate level of martial arts is not comparable to Li Guoyao, a novice who has studied for several months.Aiwen's ability to dismantle moves is absolutely top-notch, and after he learned Sanda, his moves have become more fierce, and his hands have both power and beauty.

Next, Ai Wen took Li Guoyao away. He was already familiar with Li Guoyao's level and ways, so he started to give Li Guoyao some tricks.This kind of feeding can only be done by masters who bring Mengxin who is far behind him in ability. Aiwen will also be under pressure to play against martial arts athletes now.

Ai Wenwen's martial arts is the Northern School of Shaolin's martial arts, and the movements are open and close-Li Guoyao's coach is a senior in a certain martial arts school of Ai Wen, and their martial arts methods are in the same line.The southern style of martial arts is flexible and elegant, suitable for close-to-body short strikes, while the northern style of martial arts is more open and closed, with punches and kicks full of power.

This fight lasted for more than two minutes, and Li Guoyao was exhausted from jumping up and down—high-intensity fighting was very exhausting, and within three minutes Li Guoyao's little face was flushed.

After Ai Wen shook Li Guoyao out with an iron mountain, he signaled him to stop here. Xie Mingjie returned the phone to Li Guoyao: "No, here you are--the effect is sneaky!"

Li Guoyao replayed it happily, and he found that the angle recorded by Brother Xie Mingjie was particularly good, which could highlight the handsomeness and strength of the protagonist.After he did a simple post-production for the video, he posted it on the top and waited for attention and followers.

There are too many children playing with small videos now, especially they like selfies with filters. It’s like the queen obsessed with the magic mirror—and this magic mirror is exclusive to you, and will always tell you that you are the most beautiful.

In addition to Xie Mingjie recording the PK between Li Guoyao and Ai Wen, many tourists also took out their mobile phones and recorded it.How exciting is this?The favorite thing for modern people is to share!Take photos of new things around you and let others like them!
And these people have a lot of hidden title parties. When they post videos, they often write some bluffing titles in order to attract people:

"shock!Martial arts masters appear in the Forbidden City"

"I'm afraid when I think about it, my experience in the Forbidden City"

"Fighters Appeared in the Forbidden City, I Was Shocked When I Know the Truth"

"Domineering exposed, see how other people's teachers educate students"

"Can Such a Person Be a Teacher?I don't even believe it! "

Aiwen is not interested in how these wild talents make titles to attract attention. It is not a shameful thing to shoot a small video in the Forbidden City-he did not destroy cultural relics and ancient books, and he did not scribble on the wall and defecate anywhere .

The two tour guides are handsome by Ai Wen. They are college classmates, and they always sit and chat together during breaks.

"My mother's teenage heart is flooding again, Teacher Ai is too fierce!" a young tour guide whispered.

"Yes, yes, I thought Mr. Ai was good for nothing except being handsome, but I didn't expect to fight so well. I heard that he and our Director Gao are still buddies." Another lady tour guide gossiped.

"If my homeroom teacher was so handsome, would I be able to take a major in tourism management? In the morning, I will go to Peking University and Tsinghua University!"

"Who says it's not? The country owes me a Teacher Ai!"

(End of this chapter)

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