Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 194 - The National Museum

Chapter 194 - The National Museum

Because of sufficient funds, the children ate at Quanjude in Wangfujing at noon.After all, I came here just because of the reputation, and if you want to eat, you can eat the most resounding brand.Aiwen can also be regarded as an excuse to eat an authentic imperial roast duck, and it is worthwhile to eat one duck and three meals.

While eating, Chen Yanzi called Ai Wen.Ai Wen was very puzzled - what happened to this girl?Seeing each other. One day not seeing each other is like three autumns?Thinking about not seeing each other for only one morning?
"Daughter-in-law? What instructions?" Aiwen answered the phone and asked.

Chen Yanzi asked: "Did you fight with the students in your class in the Forbidden City? You fought handsomely!"

"(OДO)?" Ivan was startled--wow!Is there an undercover agent by your side?Could it be that Chen Xiaolin has been helping her aunt to keep an eye on her uncle?Mamma Mia!terrible!

"How do you know?" Ivan asked.

Chen Yanzi smiled coquettishly: "When my sisters and I were eating and waiting for the food, we watched the short videos when we were bored--I saw a video of you and the students fighting in the Forbidden City by chance when I was watching the nearby push. Don't say it, you are very skilled. Yes, you and that kid come and go, enough for martial arts movies!"

"Is the world so small?" Ivan was speechless: "How long have you seen it?"

The information transmission in the Internet age is indeed extremely fast, which also means that many things cannot be hidden from you - just like Ai Wen never hides the number of his ex-girlfriends, because Chen Yanzi may know one of his ex-girlfriends one day. What about the ex-girlfriend?

Don’t think it’s impossible—we all live in Q City, maybe we’ll meet each other. Because Ai Wen has already seen the hellish feeling of a certain ex-girlfriend coming to Chen Yanzi’s dance school to take yoga classes, not to mention how sour and refreshing !

"And I saw more than one of them~ It seems that the tourists around have taken pictures of you. You and Li Guoyao probably have the potential to be a small hit. As long as you keep exposing, you may become a small Internet celebrity or something." Chen Yanzi giggled with.

Aiwen sighed helplessly: "I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength doesn't allow it! I originally wanted to be a quiet and handsome man, but it's too difficult for the students to force me to embark on the road to fame."

"Hahaha! Yanyan, your husband is too funny!"

"Yes! It's so funny!"

Aiwen went crazy: "Sisters? Are you driving a speakerphone?"

"That's right! Are you surprised? Are you surprised?" Chen Yanzi asked with a smile: "His husband is excellent! He must show off!"

"Okay. You won. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Little brother Ai Wen, please take care of me." Ai Wen greeted Chen Yanzi's sisters on the other end of the phone.

"Yeah? Yanyan, are you still in love with siblings? It's so romantic!" one of Chen Yanzi's sisters exclaimed.

Chen Yanzi could only nod helplessly: "Ai Wen is one year younger than me."

"After checking your eyes, I know you are a person who likes puppies!" Another sister complained.

Are all girls chatting this aggressively nowadays?Ai Wen had no choice but to retreat, three women in one play, Ai Wen was almost becoming an old general on the stage!

After a Quanjude meal, the mouth was full of oil, and a group of people continued to walk happily against the cold wind.Their afternoon itinerary is indoor - Huaxia National Museum.The travel company has arranged group reservations, so they don't need to collect tickets or queue up to enter the venue directly.

There are professional explanations in the Huaxia National Museum-although it costs money, the standard is really high.They can tell the cultural stories of historical legends contained in each cultural relic like a few treasures, so that the cultural relics can truly come alive.

After walking around for a while, the tour guide announced that the students could disband and visit freely—this kind of closed venue is not afraid of students getting lost, and it is a group of high security, and it is also a kind of bondage to tie them together.Ai Wen was also happy to be leisurely, wandering around the venue for a long time.

The tour guide is surrounded by children from Class [-] waiting to listen to the story, and Ai Wen didn’t even think about rubbing against the tour guide—anyway, there is an electronic tour guide in the museum, and most of the history of cultural relics can be obtained from the electronic tour guide, so it’s quieter to walk alone .

When he was tired from walking, he went to the eating area to sit down and have a drink to rest. Meals are not allowed inside the exhibition area, but there is a special eating center on the first floor of the east gate of the museum, which serves both drinks and hot light meals.And there are many special food for sale here.

For example, Siyang Fangzun chocolate, lollipop gift box, Jijinzhiyu butter cookies. These delicious and beautiful gadgets are very commemorative, and many children bought some to take home.

Ai Wen also bought a box of Lucky Gold Butter Cookies as a gift for Chen Yanzi.Just kidding, if she went out for a walk for a day and didn't bring back anything, Chen Yanzi would definitely feel sad if she didn't say anything on the surface.And Aiwen is sure - many of the things she went shopping today are for herself.

Chen Yanzi is a good girl, although she is a little self-willed, it is also human nature.The main reason is that this girl is good-looking and has a very 404 figure!Among Aiwen's previous ex-girlfriends, she is not as good in body as Chen Yanzi, and she is not taller than Chen Yanzi in stature, and Aiwen, who is taller than Chen Yanzi, dare not want her - because Aiwen is more than 1.8 meters The height can't hold the giantess!

Therefore, Chen Yanzi's appearance has the highest rating among all the girls Ai Wen has dated with.Dating and marriage, don’t they all start with appearance, respect for talent, suit character, and last for kindness. In the end, the problem of character is that if there is no appearance, the relationship may not even start!

There is no need for Aiwen to find an ugly monster to wrong him!How uncomfortable it is to be frightened every morning when you open your eyes!

The tour time of the National Museum is three hours.Before the retreat, the children all left here. The sky has already darkened, and the days in northern winter are very short. The sun rises at seven in the morning and sets at four or five in the afternoon.At the beginning of the Chinese lanterns, the lights of the imperial capital under the night curtain are bright and beautiful.

After walking for a day, the children are very tired.Under the guidance of the tour guide, everyone found the bus and went back to the hotel to rest. After resting, they could go downstairs for dinner.Dinner is eaten in the hotel cafeteria, and the food must be in place-but no drinks are provided.

After dinner, everyone went back to the house to play on their own, but Aiwen assigned them a composition homework - watching the flag raising.Patriotic education must be struck while the iron is hot. After today, the enthusiasm of children may gradually cool down.The composition requires a base of [-] words, and there is no upper limit on the number of words - as long as you don't fill in the water, Ai Wen will dare to review it for you if you write [-] words.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Chen Yanzi called Ai Wen to pick her up.Ai Wen wrapped himself into a dumpling and drove away from the hotel - don't ask where the car came from, it was Guan Gaoxin who borrowed it.The dignified young master of the Gao family still lacks a car?In the imperial capital, what is expensive is not the car but the license plate - Gao Xindong's car belongs to the company, but the company belongs to him, so this is not considered a public car for private use.

Aiwen is now a major customer of the company, is there any problem with lending the car to the customer?no problem!Is there something wrong?Nothing wrong!

(End of this chapter)

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