Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 198 - I want to pretend to be 13!I want to learn to draw!

Chapter 198 - I want to pretend to be 13!I want to learn to draw!

After finishing the copywriting and sending the video material to Lao Hu, Aiwen found himself in a state of doing nothing--that's right!Winter vacation has begun!

Teachers' winter and summer vacations have always been the envy and envy of countless office workers, public servants, and practitioners in public institutions.The winter and summer vacations are more than three months a year, and they are paid vacations--the month of the Chinese New Year is even more excessive: No. 13 months' salary is added as a benefit!
Once the students are on vacation, it must be a fun game - Aiwen can know without guessing that the children in Class [-] should be doing all kinds of black and white.Whether it's a skydiving simulator or canyon drag racing, it's impossible for these guys to open the holiday homework and finish it seriously when they first have a holiday.

But for teachers, you don't know what to do when you suddenly have a holiday.Aiwen’s choice in previous years was to walk around China with a bag on his back, and learn things while traveling poorly. For example, in the previous summer vacation, Aiwen studied B-BOX while taking the train. The eyes of others can stick to it.

But this year, I'm sure I won't be able to travel.Chen Yanzi's dance school is the busiest during the winter and summer vacations. It's okay for her to skip a few days of class as the principal, but if she follows Ai Wen around the country, the people below will explode in place.Just like the No. [-] Middle School--the principal is not at home every day, and the middle-level leaders of the school will go crazy!
So his plan to travel basically fell through—not to mention that he had just played around in the Imperial Capital, and it would be meaningless to go out and run around.In the past, he was a rootless prodigal son who wanted to go wherever he wanted.But now he is a man who is about to get married, and it would be outrageous to wander around anymore.

So Ai Wen decided to do logistics for Chen Yanzi at home and cook delicious food for her every day.For the rest of the time, he can think about continuing to learn some fancy skills to improve his ability to pretend.It is boring to learn things not to pretend to be b. Only by showing yourself in front of others can you comfort your empty heart.

This is also the reason why Aiwen agreed to appear in women's clothing with Chen Yanzi after all kinds of arrogance - he also wanted to show off his skills in his bones, what a chance to show off in front of such a good woman as the granny in Pozhan?Aiwen can't stand Jinyi Night Walk. When choosing between integrity and pretending to be 13, Aiwen will seriously choose to give up integrity.

Since Uncle Bing said that we are the back waves, then the back waves must rise up!

This time Ai Wen plans to learn painting skills, his painting foundation is very general, only those pitiful skills left by the art teacher in middle and high school.Moreover, in the No. [-] Middle School, the art teacher is also weak and suffers from illnesses all the year round. When it comes to class, he will "entrust" the main subject teacher to help "substitute for the class".

What a miserable woman!

What a humble subject!

Physical education teacher assigns name when he calls radio gymnastics anyway.As for the art teacher?hehe!Concentrate on taking your art specialty students to go!You don't need to worry about other cultural students!
Unfortunately, Ai Wen is a cultural student. So his art foundation is almost non-existent.His drawing skills with colored pencils were learned from reading books by himself, if it wasn't for the sake of being a school girl, who would learn it?

In other majors in the university, if you use colored pencils to draw a picture for a school girl and write an affectionate poem under the picture, the effect of attracting school girls is almost zero.But in this magical land of the Faculty of Letters—the school girls are basically young girls and sickly, the effect of a colored lead painting or a brilliant love poem is no less than a big Ivan, which can easily blow away The girl's heart.

Literary girls are best lied to, even if you have no money, they are willing to follow you willingly!At least at the university level, it's hard to say after graduating and being assimilated by society.

So in the Faculty of Arts, you will always see the magical combination of Beauty and the Beast. When this happens in other colleges, you can understand that the man is really rich, but in the Faculty of Liberal Arts, you can sigh—this man Really Meow has the means!
When Ai Wen graduated, a classmate in the next class resolutely married a forty-something professor in the Faculty of Liberal Arts regardless of the worldly vision. Three Views to Judge Literary Girls
Cough cough, too much talk. When Aiwen checked his skill information, he found that his drawing skills were at the elementary level——67% progress. Sure enough, even if he was going to lie to a little girl, he couldn't draw too much.There is obviously a world of difference between sending a girl a picture of a lady and sending her a Guernica (the one painted by Picasso with a bunch of twisted psychotic flowers) to soak her in.

Although Ai Wen's drawing skills are not that outstanding, he still has the ability to fool girls.So he plans to refine his drawing skills this summer vacation, and then show himself in front of the students after school starts--the teacher's happiness is so simple, simple and unremarkable!
"Yanyan, does your school have a studio and a teacher who teaches painting?" Ai Wen asked.

Chen Yanzi rubbed her sleepy eyes: "Yawn. What are you doing? Enroll students in interest classes?"

"No, I want to learn by myself--over a month of winter vacation, it's not bad to learn something when you're free." Ai Wen explained.

This time, Chen Yanzi knew where Ai Wen's strange skills came from!There are too many holidays for this product!And the work is not busy, as long as you use your spare time, plus a smart head, why can't you learn?

According to the 1-hour law, top people need 1 hours to perfect a skill-but if you only need to get started or be proficient, up to [-] hours of exercise are enough.

This is why most of Aiwen's body is intermediate and advanced - he is too young and has not insisted on practicing a certain skill for ten years.Just like Mozart and Bill Gates. They have achieved their current achievements after at least 1 hours of hard work.

However, Aiwen does not want to become a master, but simply wants to play 13. This means that he does not need to practice for 13 hours. As long as he is proficient in this skill, he can use it to play [-] and he will be satisfied.

Learning to paint with professionals for a month, how can you improve your proficiency to an intermediate skill level?You must know that the painting skills of the art teachers in the school are at the intermediate level.Artists with advanced levels are either great touches, or have art exhibitions all over the world!How could anyone condescend to become a middle school teacher?

Aiwen's skills can not only be improved by adding some open-hanging methods, but also can be improved through self-training.For example, if he insists on giving lectures every day, giving serious lectures, and giving high-level lectures, his proficiency in speech and eloquence skills will continue to increase.

However, for this group of people who are slow to improve over time, Aiwen estimates that it will take him ten years to improve his speech and eloquence skills to the master level!How many decades can a life have?So it's cool to open and hang for a while, and it's always cool to open and hang all the time!
(End of this chapter)

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