Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 199 – Real Money and Tool Money

Chapter 199 – Real Money and Tool Money
Aiwen checked the bank card account, and he found that his cash deposit was less than 5 yuan.Xie Mingjie's father has already made an appointment with him to sign the investment agreement at noon, and the lawyer has already drawn up the contract.

Looks like it's time to settle early!Aiwen called the system in his mind: "System! Please withdraw cash! Ten years' rent for all the houses under my name that can collect rent!"

"After calculation, the ten-year rent of the house under your name is 1 million yuan, and the subsequent payment is the handling fee," the system informed.

Alvin: .
You!You are so big!The ten-year salary of fishing juice is only a fraction!

"Important reminder: The funds settled in advance can only be used to invest in students, not for personal squandering, personal investment and home purchase."

Ivan exploded: "wdnmd! This is my own money! Why can't I spend it?"

"No! This is the system's money!" The system solemnly informed: "Your rent has not yet been confiscated, and the current account balance is settled in advance by the system using the existing financial loopholes."


Aiwen's ten-year rent, which was buzzing in his head, became system funds, how could he not explode in place?The good guy finally became a billionaire himself, but there are huge restrictions on spending his own money!

"Forget it. For the sake of ability value, let's bear it!" Ai Wen comforted himself with the reason of money ability value--it's too difficult!Being a teacher is so hard!

At noon, I made an appointment with Xie Mingjie's father and lawyer, and Ai Wen drove this car and set off from home.On the way, Aiwen has been calculating what disposable income he still has. In the end, he found out in despair that he had worked hard for 20 years and returned to before liberation.

From now on, all he can spend is his meager wages—I'm so tired that I don't love her anymore!But in addition to salary, he also has a box lunch business that earns 2 to [-] yuan a year.The owner of the fitness meal has successfully brought the business into the campus, because it is delicious and nutritious and has been welcomed by parents.

For a short time, the boss has no intention of killing the donkey-it is difficult to accomplish one thing, but it is very easy to destroy one thing.As long as Aiwen just finds a reason to say that there is something wrong with his box lunch, all the students will choose to unsubscribe.

The extra income is Aiwen's research plan for matchmaking at this time. As long as he wins the list of No. [-] Middle School, he will be able to earn millions of extra income every year, and his life will not be so tight.

A rich man is difficult for a man without money!

The signing went very smoothly, and Ai Wen happily paid the money.After the contract was signed, Ivan immediately chose to settle.However, there are many aspects of the settlement this time that Ivan needs to operate by himself.

Because it involves the transfer and sale of shares, there are many decisions that need to be made. After all, shares can only be sold for money, and what cannot be sold is paper.Just like those who are locked up in the stock market, the stock has a price, but if no one buys it, it is waste paper!
So the system formed an interface similar to a text selection game in front of Ivan:
1. After the company has developed and stabilized a round of financing, do you choose to sell the stocks in hand?

A. Yes;
B. No;
Ai Wen chose No, and the system continued to list multiple choice questions:
2. The company has gone through a round of financing, and your stock has been diluted to 37.2%. Now that you are going to conduct a second round of financing, do you choose to sell your stock?

A. Yes;
B. No;
Ai Wen felt that he could still persist, so he continued to choose to keep the stock.The system continues to give the company's direction: the company's products are unique and popular with consumers, and the existing giant companies want to acquire the company at a premium.The chairman chooses to retire after success, do you sell the shares in the hands of the premium?
A. Yes;
B. No;
Aiwen feels that it is not easy to persevere until now, and the room for stock appreciation is limited, and it is quite strenuous to operate by himself.So he chose to shoot.The stock market is risky, and you need to be cautious when going public. If it does go public, there will be companies that lose their pants.

So Aiwen chose to sell the remaining shares at a premium, and the system settled the funds when Aiwen chose to sell.

"Congratulations to the user, your investment has turned a profit -- after the settlement, the investment profit of 3.8 million Huaxia currency tax and operating funds have been deducted from the profit." The system reminded.

Ivan was startled—is it so cowhide?He asked curiously, "When did I sell it?"

"Four and a half years later" the system informed.

That is to say, Xie Mingjie's unlucky child will have hundreds of millions of assets five years later-that is, when he was just admitted to university?He is not a rich second generation, but a pure rich generation!He is the chairman, and his father is purely a tool for his son to work for!

Aiwen asked curiously: "System, how does the choice I made before actually operate when it actually happens?"

"This system will entrust the agent of the financial studio to operate your stocks, and the agent will take full power to operate the stocks on your behalf. Your choice will be notified to the agent by this system." The system explained.

It turned out to be like this, no wonder I only need to make a simple choice to settle in advance. It turns out that there are financial agents as tools to help him handle the shares.

Aiwen's current funds are divided into two parts, one part is "tool money" that can only be used to invest in students and teaching, and the other part is "real money" that he can freely control.

He simply counted the properties of the two accounts: the tool money account still has 5.4 million yuan; the real money account has more than 5 points left. Aiwen feels that he is really miserable!He had to pay off the car loan, or else his monthly salary would have to be thrown into the Wrangler!

A deposit of more than 5 yuan is all the net worth for Ai Wen. And the money is not enough for the casual suit he is wearing.However, Aiwen had to think carefully about how to "spend" the more than 5 million tool money. Anyway, he couldn't use it, so he might as well throw it on the students.

But what can thirteen or fourteen-year-olds invest in?Ai Wen thought about it and suddenly his head hurt, and Ai Wen thought of Hu Yutian in a flash.Isn't this better than a film and television media company?Let's make TV series and movies!That thing is simply burning money, and if the ratings and box office hit the street, all the investment will be lost!

It's good to lose!Anyway, the money lost is tool money!The tool money lost can also be turned into banknote ability points to add points to oneself, it is so beautiful to think about it!

What?The student is too young?Have you never heard of a profession called child star?Anyway, there is capital for teachers!Being a teacher is capital!Even if you throw money at a pig, you can become a star pig!Anyway, Hu Yutian also has some contacts in the circle, the big deal is that Ai Wen spends money on resources!
Don't think that Ivan is taking advantage of loopholes!Aiwen is thinking about the students, okay?You think about it from this angle: students are not good at learning, should teachers teach students in accordance with their aptitude?Since you can't be a university student or a great artist, then being an actor and star entertaining the public is also an achievement!

Better than dropping out of school and becoming a street bastard, right?Alvin, this is saving souls!Aiwen, this is Purdue sentient beings!

(End of this chapter)

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