Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 200 - Meeting the Parents

Chapter 200 – Meeting Parents
Aiwen then sketched the candidates in his mind.

Li Guoyao?That kid is handsome enough, but he is a special student now, and he will have to take the physical examination in the future. Sending him to the entertainment circle now means to spoil his growth.So let him go first.
There are a few guys who don't like to study. The three heroes Yang Er, Yan Jin, and Liu Jianwen can indeed arrange a wave.It is not impossible for the three of them to get together and form a youth group to debut.Liu Jianwen, the chubby guy, focuses on being cute, Yang Er focuses on being lively, and Yan Jin focuses on being cool--isn't there a popular sister fan and mother fan now?Arrange it all!No fans?buy!Teacher Ai is rich!All the arrangements!
So Ai Wen asked Liu Jianwen, Yan Jin and Yang Er's parents to have a meal at the holiday villa that day.That's Aiwen's home field. He is now the second boss of the villa, and having a banquet with guests can be regarded as a respectable place.

The parents of these three children are not ordinary people. Liu Jianwen's father is a boss, Yan Jin's father is an executive, and Yang Er's father is Shu Ji from a certain township under Q City.

This is also the reason why these three children don't like to study - they can live a good life relying on the shadow of their elders, so they are not very interested in learning.Without the internal driving force of learning, even if they read a book, their left eye goes in and the right eye goes out, and even if they listen to a class, they listen to the left ear and the right ear pops out.

The reason why their grades are not bad in the grade ranking is definitely because they were forcibly forced out by their classmates.If you can’t memorize this text, you won’t be allowed to go to the toilet!Just ask if you are afraid?Ai Wen was also afraid that this kind of forced reading would drive the children crazy, so he found another way to arrange a new way out for the three children.

My family knows about my own affairs, do the parents not know whether their children love to learn or not?Although they have some influence in their respective fields, they are not enough to send their children to the first middle school level.This is also the reason why the child was divided into No. [-] Middle School in the end.

Firstly, the background of the family is not that strong, and secondly, the child himself is not up to date, and it is a deadly virtue wherever he is sent.

So these three children took turns to be the bottom of the class, and rounded up the bottom three of the seventh class.Sometimes Li Guoyao can advance to the top [-] in the class with his extraordinary performance, but the results of these three are as steady as a dog every time.

The three parents felt that there should be nothing good about the teacher asking them out, and they were ready to give red envelopes.They know very well in their hearts, and if they can successfully gain a foothold in society, they must be clear about the rules of human relations.

So when Aiwen saw the three parents take out the red envelopes to "respect" himself, he was a little confused: "No. What do you mean by the three brothers?"

"Brother Ai, we understand what you mean. Your child has caused you trouble in school. A little care is not respectful." Liu Jianwen's father, the chubby old Liu, smiled like a Maitreya Buddha. The red envelope is pushed to this article.

As the saying goes, people don’t blame people for being polite, and they don’t hit people with smiling faces when they stretch out their hands. Liu Jianwen’s father feels that he is very sincere-two stacks of standard thickness pink tickets, the weight is definitely in place!
Yang Er's father's red envelope was a bit thinner, but it was also very generous - the same 2 yuan, but he gave it a shopping card, so it was more reserved to give it out.

Yan Jin's father gave the most elegant gift - a piece of pure gold gold leaf. The gold leaf is about one tael, and the price is also around [-].

Ai Wen couldn't help laughing: "The three elder brothers think of me as an autumn wind today? Brothers, put away your things. I asked the three of you to come today mainly to talk about their future development direction."

Although Aiwen refused to accept it, the three parents still had no intention of taking the things back.Just kidding, do you understand what it means to be unwilling to be honest with your body?What's more, how bad is it to take it at this time?The most reliable way is that the parents left things on the dining table, and Aiwen picked them up inadvertently.
So no matter how you record, there is no evidence of Aiwen receiving gifts, let alone video materials of him receiving gifts-because the gift givers are not there, Aiwen "picked up" these things.

In fact, Aiwen really didn't spend so much time, because the system strictly forbids him from accepting gifts.Items that are not expensive, handicrafts, tobacco and alcohol, etc. are collected, but red envelopes, shopping cards, and gold leaves worth tens of thousands. Even if Ai Wen collects these things, they will be thrown into the tool money by the system Accounts are used to take from students and use to students.

The three parents sat up straight and listened to Ai Wen's words. Ai Wen said seriously: "Whether it is Liu Jianwen, Yang Er, or Yan Jin, they are not interested in learning. Even at this stage, because of the teacher's persecution and the help of classmates, they have made some progress, but in After the rebellious period comes, there will be a bigger rebound. Moreover, the class style of Class [-] is very strict, and the students have great hostility towards students who do not like to study."

The three fathers felt a little bit in their hearts when Ai Wen said this-this is to force them to transfer schools!Children can't stay in the class, staying here will only increase troubles!

Ai Wen continued: "I have a friend who works in a cultural media company. I want to send three children to him as trainees for training. After three or two years of training, they can form a group debut. You also know about the entertainment industry. , Earning money is really fast, and once a child becomes well-known, it will be good for future development. Some universities even allow admission without examination.”

When the three parents heard what Ai Wen said, their minds changed. Since their children are unwilling to study, why not choose another path?What's the point even if they finish high school and university step by step?It's better to listen to Teacher Aiwen--fight!
"A teacher for one day, a father for life. Whether it is Liu Jianwen, Yan Jin, or Yang Er, they are all my students. The first teacher Confucius proposed to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, so I think it is a very cruel behavior to trap them in the classroom and as a practice. Students also need to learn cultural lessons. Too many people suffered from cultural losses when traffic stars grew wildly before, so don’t worry about the cultural lessons of the three of them—I will arrange the best cultural teachers to teach them.” Ai Wen The truth is revealed.

The three parents were moved by Ai Wen's sincerity--Teacher Ai is a good person!Even if his own child is the worst in the class, Mr. Ai Wen is still seriously thinking about finding a way out for them, and he does not hesitate to make connections to train his own child.

Are they not fools?It doesn't cost money to train a trainee, does it?No matter how low the salary of trainees is, they still need to invest!Who will take the money?Didn't Mr. Aiwen come out in the end?
Thinking of this, the three parents felt that the gift they sent today was really shabby, and even slapped their faces!It's an insult to give Teacher Ai Wen a gift with this little money!

"If the three of you agree, I will contact my friends to make a complete packaging plan. I guarantee my personality here, and I will definitely make them famous at any cost." Aiwen said seriously.

Teacher Ai Wen has already said this, and the three parents will be really shameless if they carry it.The three parents raised their glasses and drank the wine in the glasses to express their gratitude.

Learn high to be a teacher, and be a model--Mr. Aiwen has the virtuousness of Confucius!

(End of this chapter)

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