Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 201 - Aiwen's Ambition

Chapter 201 - Aiwen's Ambition

The three parents were grateful for Aiwen's hard work, and finally agreed to his entertainment development plan for their children.Everyone knows that it is necessary to become famous as soon as possible. There are too many children who are thirteen or fourteen years old as trainees in Gao Liguo.

Although Liu Jianwen's chubby image is not suitable for the entertainment industry, but this image is pleasing in the comedy industry-for example, how many people in the largest cross talk group in Asia are fat?

What's more, does being popular in the entertainment industry depend on your appearance?No!Rely on capital!Aiwen dares to brazenly say that he is the capital now--doesn't accept it?If you are not convinced, Sajia will invest [-] million to test the water first!not enough?Another [-] million!

Anyway, this money can only be spent on students, who is not spending it on?And it's easier to lose money in the entertainment industry!In case of losing all the money, the tool money lost will be worth the money!

So Aiwen can coax and say: I don't care about money!Anyway, the money earned back is just tool money, and only the money lost is the value of money!
After this, the three parents are all grateful to Teacher Aiwen.It is rare for a teacher to be able to achieve the level of Teacher Aiwen!This is no longer what can be described in four words of professional ethics, such a special treatment is simply like a son's treatment!

If it weren't for the fact that Ai Wen was too young, they would have doubted whether the son was their own - an outsider was so kind to their son?Very doubtful!

However, based on Teacher Ai Wen's performance in the first half of the semester, parents all know that this is a rich second-generation teacher who spends money on students.After all, there has been a legend that Mr. Aiwen has a villa among the mountains, rivers and clouds, so everyone can accept Aiwen's image of spending money like water.

And looking at it from another perspective, it is also good for Aiwen that the three students Liu, Yang, and Yan will drop out of school to enter the entertainment industry.The last three bosses who were holding back the grades of the class were all suspended from school, and the average score of the seventh class was able to rise to the top.It is important to know that the grades of the students who are studying are not included in the calculation of the average score. This is very advantageous!

After seeking the consent of the parents, Liu Jianwen, Yang Er, and Yan Jin were clearly arranged.As for whether they made their debut together or developed Aiwen individually, it doesn't matter, Lao Hu must have professionals to guide the packaging, and he is only responsible for paying the money!

And these are still three golden sinkholes--Ivan's continuous investment is needed until they break into fame, but once they grow up to be able to cut leeks, Ivan will immediately choose to retreat and sell them-to Otherwise, those incomes will deduct his ability value!Don't think that you won't deduct money power points once you spend them--the system will remember the account clearly for you, and you will never get any money power points until you fill up the debt!
The next thing is to eat. After the matter is discussed, everyone's topic will be more relaxed.During the chat, Yang Er's father asked Ai Wen: "Mr. Ai, do you have any investment intentions? We are attracting investment in Changxing Township."

Ai Wen smiled and said: "I'm just a little teacher, I don't know how to invest at all."

Yang Er's father expressed that it is a pity that Changxing Township plans to build an eco-tourism town this year, and it needs to introduce foreign capital to develop.It is not enough for the development of the industry to rely solely on government investment. Only the introduction of private capital can make the economy more dynamic.

In fact, Ai Wen is quite interested - with Yang Er's father on top to give him a policy advantage, this investment will definitely not lose money.But he has no money!Regardless of the fact that he still has hundreds of millions of tool money left, the money can only be spent on students.Private investment can only use real money accounts, but what is 5 yuan enough for?Rent a house to engage in farmhouse fun?
It would be great if Ai Wen was a university teacher, then he could fool a certain student into investing in Changxing Township—no money?do not be afraid!The teacher has it!loss?do not be afraid!The teacher will take care of you!
Therefore, Ai Wen felt that after graduating from a Ph.D., he could choose to stay in school to teach and become a university lecturer. As students get older, their thinking becomes more flexible, and there are more directions to choose.There is only one Xie Mingjie among the more than 40 children in the seventh class, and even Xie Mingjie can only let his father go out to form a company.

However, if you want to stay in Northern Normal University, a doctoral degree is the most basic - of course, if you are holding Lao Jin's thigh, Aiwen's staying at the school to teach will definitely be easier and more enjoyable.

But three years of master's degree and four years of doctor's degree. Dr. Aiwen was already 33 years old when he graduated!Thinking about it feels far away!However, if your supervisor is strong enough, it is not impossible to graduate with a Ph.D.-as long as you have enough credits and the thesis meets the standards, you can also apply for early graduation.

As for the requirement for a Ph.D. to be out of production, Ai Wen said that it is good to have a look - his work in the front line is to cooperate with the doctoral supervisor's research, which is part of the national education project!So this is an operation within the scope of the rules.The most frustrating thing is that this part of Aiwen's work experience is recorded in the length of service. Even if he becomes a university teacher in the future, his length of service will still be calculated according to the year he graduated from undergraduate course!

Don't think that the length of service is unimportant. If the length of service is long, whether it is salary increase or promotion of title, it will be very fast.Moreover, Lao Jin guaranteed that Aiwen would be a lecturer after graduating from a master's degree, and he could stay for a while to directly evaluate an associate professor after graduating from a Ph.D.

This is very comfortable. Although many people in China have been criticizing the issue of professional titles, professional titles have been a curse for countless educators for a period of time.Why not be able to evaluate associate professors a few years in advance?
As for the requirements for class hours, Ai Wen had to work hard during his doctoral period. After all, if he wanted to be evaluated as an associate professor, he had to meet the hard standards of class hours.Lao Jin can at most help Aiwen within the scope allowed by the rules, but if Aiwen's own performance does not meet the rigid requirements of the selection, Lao Jin can't help him.

After all, the competition for professional titles in colleges and universities is also quite fierce, and you need to be hardworking yourself. Even if Aiwen has the support of Lao Jin, he must have that level of ability.Otherwise, he might be murdered one day.
In fact, this class of junior high school students should be the last class of junior high school students brought by Ai Wen.During the postgraduate period, his research mainly focused on the junior high school part of the basic period of compulsory education. During his doctoral period, his research should focus on the high school part.

So after he sent the students from class seven to graduate, he would also fly to No. [-] middle school with the students.Don't think that it's not easy to work, in fact, the things in Aiwen's high school are very simple.

First of all, he is good enough, and the grades of the children in Class [-] must be very good, which also means that he has enough teaching performance to support all his operations to stop Yoyo's mouth.Secondly, Lao Jin's face is also big enough. Ai Wen will be one of the researchers of the national education project after his Ph.D., and the Municipal Education Bureau is definitely willing to give this face.

The future is bright, but the road is tortuous. When looking up at the starry sky, we must not forget to keep our feet on the ground.Ai Wen's most urgent goal now is to arrange the three dogs Liu Jianwen, Yang Er and Yan Jin clearly.

Let them spend a new year at home first, and after the first seven, send them to the imperial capital to be trainees!

Dear children, you can go to the imperial capital to be a tool for the teacher to spend money in peace!
(End of this chapter)

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