Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 206 - The Video Shooting Starts

Chapter 206 – Video Shooting Starts

Not long after Chen Yanzi's phone call was made, a short-haired, heroic girl pushed the door and walked in. As soon as she entered, she asked in a hurry: "Sister Yanyan? Is this brother-in-law?"

God knows how determined it took her to call out the word "brother-in-law" when she saw Aiwen.What about a liar?Who is this 1.8-meter giant loli in front of me?man?impossible!
Chen Yanzi pushed Ai Wen forward: "Xiao Wan, this is my husband Ai Wen who always mentioned it to you, but this is the first time you have met. He is a Chinese teacher in No. [-] Middle School"

Dong Xiaowan's thinking at this moment is stagnant. As Chen Yanzi's queen photographer, she has been wandering around all year round.Moreover, her late stage skills are very strong, and she will occasionally take orders and train a ghost animal video to subsidize her life.

There are indeed a lot of bigwigs in the women's clothing section in Pozhan, but even with makeup on, you can clearly see that the masculine characteristics of many bigwigs give people an uncoordinated texture.But this Comrade Aiwen, apart from being taller, has no flaws and is completely natural.

Maybe if he doesn't speak, no one would dare to treat him as a man. His skin is delicate and his face is as beautiful as an angel. If he just walked on the street like this, who would dare to call him "handsome guy" in front of his face?
Chen Yanzi continued to introduce: "Honey, this is Dong Xiaowan, one of my good sisters, she is my queen camera and post-production, she runs her own photography studio."

Ai Wen stretched out his delicate and slender hands like jade carvings in a friendly way: "Hi Xiaowan, I heard Yanzi mentioning you a long time ago, and I finally saw you today."

When Dong Xiaowan heard Ai Wen's magnetic and round baritone voice, she really believed that this is the fact that she is a master of women's clothing.Just at the last second, she was still filling up all kinds of wonderful stories in her mind, but she didn't expect that Ai Wen was really a man.

"Hello. Hello." She quickly changed the subject: "Sister Yanyan, can we start filming?"

Chen Yanzi nodded, she had already changed into her dancing costume, and as for the makeup, Ai Wen took care of it all by herself!The level of general wedding photography and bridal makeup is not as good as him!Moreover, Aiwen has experience in using various high-end cosmetics and knows the subtle differences between different brands of products.

This is purely accumulation of experience. No way, he is such an excellent ex-boyfriend!To be honest, if a girl can really meet a boyfriend who does makeup for you - don't hesitate, marry him immediately!
After Aiwen himself has undergone some modifications, his foundation is really good.There is no need for a single bit of cosmetics to embellish and embellish the hibiscus. Only natural carvings can show his beauty.However, because it is shooting a video, I still need to put on a little makeup, because the film will have a certain color difference.

When Xiao Wan started to adjust the instrument, Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi found their positions and got ready.In order to reduce the workload, Dong Xiaowan directly arranged three cameras to shoot at the same time.Two fixed-point shooting, one moving point shooting.Finally, the material is flexibly selected for post-production, and the effect is absolutely excellent!
The controllers of the three cameras are all Dong Xiaowan, and this is the only way to show the strength of a technical leader.Ai Wen can play one camera with ease, and Dong Xiaowan can play three camera positions superbly. She controls the action camera, and the other two fixed camera positions need to be adjusted by remote control. It is a huge test for photographers .

However, a huge advantage of the dance area video is that it does not require too much displacement, so the technical difficulty is much lower.If Ai Wen wants to make an action movie, Dong Xiaowan will probably be tired and cry
Cheerful Huaxia style music sounded, and Chen Yanzi and Ai Wen started the performance.They have practiced for half a day, and all technical movements have been broken through.Especially Aiwen, although he is a novice on the road, he is stable.Whether it is shaking the fan or kicking, it is 100% in sync with Chen Yanzi.

Dong Xiaowan can see clearly behind the camera. Ai Wen did not hold Chen Yanzi back during the dance -- and the audience's eyes would unconsciously run to Ai Wen, either staring at his face or at his little one. Pretty waist and long legs.

Don't forget, Chen Yanzi's net height is ten centimeters shorter than Ai Wen's. The height of 1.7 meters is outstanding among girls, but in front of Aiwen, she is a dwarf. If there is a difference in height when shooting a video, the audience will subconsciously think that Chen Yanzi is shorter instead of Aiwen being too tall.

However, the beautiful faces of the two dancers have already recovered the ticket price, and there is absolutely no loss in one-click triple combo.And no one knows that these two beautiful dancers are actually married couples, so I ask you if you are afraid!
After dancing once, Dong Xiaowan adjusted the angle of the camera and asked them to dance again to re-record the material.The more materials, the easier it is to edit out high-quality products.Three-camera jumping twice is six pieces of material, and it is easy to produce high-quality goods when splicing and editing these six pieces of material.

Rehearse all morning and record for half an hour.Dong Xiaowan brought her own computer, and she found a quiet room to start video post-production.The videos in the dance area don’t need any special effects rendering, and don’t need any fancy embellishments. Sand sculpture netizens don’t even care what the background music is. Xianqier. Finally, it will be decided whether the white female ticket can be successful.

According to Dong Xiaowan's speed, the video will be online before midnight.Nor is she a voluntary laborer.She has cooperated with Chen Yanzi for a long time - 20.00% of the proceeds from the video belong to her.

Chen Yanzi has always been ranked high in the dance area relying on her excellent looks and her on-line dancing skills.But she never goes to any annual meeting or celebration - she's just a soy saucer, and she especially despises those grandmas who can't dance and sell butchers in the dance area.

She never shoots any videos with edge-of-the-line nature, and has always maintained a pure and unaffected image.After all, she doesn't rely on making videos to eat. Being a grandma is firstly to promote the dance school, and secondly to find something to do
That's why Chen Yanzi refuses any "business" cooperation, such as a wealthy boss, please stay away.Will Chen Yanzi, who has an annual after-tax income of millions, be taken care of?Who is willing to pay so much money?

Dong Xiaowan slipped away in a hurry, and Ai Wen also took off her wig and took a breath. The thick Victoria wave curls on her head felt quite uncomfortable. After changing into a neat men's outfit, Ai Wen took a deep breath— - Still men's clothing is refreshing!

Chen Yanzi shook her head regretfully: "Tsk tsk. Although he's still so handsome in exchange, he's not as stunning as women's clothing."

Ai Wen's handsomeness in men's clothing is a kind of gentleness like jade from a stranger, and unparalleled in the world; but once he puts on women's clothing, his slightly exotic face will turn into a seductive poison that makes people want to stop, turning other people's His gaze was firmly fixed on himself.
Aiwen is also powerless to complain about this, but this is better-it is better for him to keep a low profile when he usually goes to work.Men's clothing is handsome, but the visual impact is far less than that of women's clothing, which looks like Big Ivan.This will help him to work safely and stably.


(End of this chapter)

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