Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 207 - I'm in the dream Zhuang B

Chapter 207 – I'm in the Dream Zhuang B
For the rest of the time, Chen Yanzi will give dance lessons to the students, and Ai Wen will also make an appointment with a teacher for one-on-one painting tutoring.He intends to learn every painting technique, and when he has learned about the same, he will use a large sum of money to spend his ability points on the advanced level and return to school to show his holiness.

In the first half of the year, the quality of the blackboard newspapers in Class Seven was worrying. Although Class Seven had a top student like Xie Mingjie, most of them were not very accomplished in painting art.So in the monthly board newspaper awards, the top seven classes couldn't even get into the top three.

There is a difference of several dimensions between the level of newspapers in class [-] and other classes--the blackboard newspapers of other classes are exquisite and delicate, and the blackboard newspapers of class [-] are all kinds of low-school children. Buckle down the newspaper and take it away.

So when school started, Aiwen planned to draw the welcome board poster alone in advance—it would be best to draw the naked-eye 3D effect.Aiwen inquired about the level required for that kind of painting. Perhaps only advanced painting skills can draw that kind of cowhide shiny effect.

However, intermediate drawing skills can draw posters freehand - give you a picture and you can easily enlarge it and copy it to the blackboard.However, Ai Wen felt that it was not enough to install 13, and the naked-eye 3D three-dimensional board newspaper could better show his greatness.

Ai Wen is taught by the ace art teacher of Chen Yanzi's art school. He is a master of the art department of Southern Normal University.It's just that this unlucky kid missed the best job hunting window because of his dream of going to the end of the world with his sword, and he became a former student from a fresh graduate.

In order to make ends meet, he came to a dance school that was just about to expand his art, music and other businesses to apply for a job, and Chen Yanzi, who knew people well, paid a lot of money to stay.The class fee for ordinary teachers is [-] cents ([-] for the teacher, [-] for the school), and [-] for this master of fine arts ([-] for the teacher, [-] for the school).

Moreover, in order to retain talents, Chen Yanzi put a lot of effort into matching a certain dance teacher from the school with him.Places like educational institutions don't mind office romances very much, as long as you fall in love and don't delay your class, there's nothing wrong with it.As for get out of class, why do you like to go!
Therefore, I am grateful for Chen Yanzi's kindness, and this master of fine arts has no secrets in teaching Ai Wen.He saw that Aiwen had a little hand-painted foundation, so he carefully analyzed Aiwen's foundation and helped him find the fastest way to improve.

For an adult like Ivan, it would be a waste of time for you to talk to him about art theory.You just need to tell him how to draw beautifully and how to outline beautifully.

The master leads the door, and the practice is in the individual.How much Aiwen can learn depends on his wisdom and perseverance.There are many people who sign up for training with the idea of ​​learning to play, and in the end they also gain a little bit, but the real level of improvement is far from as great as imagined.

But is Evan a mediocre?Certainly not!He is an outstanding talent with an intelligence of over 85 and a spirit of [-]!As long as he is determined, there is nothing he can't learn!
So the master of fine arts found that Aiwen was like a dried sponge thrown into the water, absorbing the swelling crazily.After an afternoon of one-on-one teaching, he discovered that Aiwen had actually gotten started!
This is very spiritual!But Aiwen knows his own affairs. Art is a humanities and art discipline. Appreciation of beauty is not only a subject of art, but also a subject of literature.Beauty is interconnected, so Ivan has a natural sensitivity to beauty.

Relying on this sensitivity, Aiwen can use his hand-painted old foundation to get started quickly and quickly absorb all kinds of knowledge for his own use.To use an analogy, Ai Wen, who graduated from the Faculty of Arts, is like Wang Yuyan in Tianlong Babu - proficient in a hundred martial arts but only a mouthful king.

If you go to the art exhibition with Ai Wen, he can also give you a thorough analysis, including light, composition, color use, and humanistic care, and everything can be discussed in detail.But you ask him to draw a picture for you. He may have spent a lot of effort to come up with a picture of "Chicken Pecking Rice" just like Zhu Zhishan in the Star Master movie.

But once Wang Yuyan practiced martial arts, her speed of progress would be incomparably terrifying.Aiwen is in this state now, he has a whole body of knowledge but no matching painting skills, but when he really learns from the situation, he can quickly grasp the essence by analogy.

Just like a person who is proficient in all kinds of violin skills, if you ask him to learn the erhu, he will quickly get started. The threshold for a hall drum player to play the drum kit is not high. Just like in a band, the lead guitarist is loose, and the bass player is biting. It can also be topped.This is the reasoning by analogy - Ai Wen is still a little accomplished in calligraphy, they are all playing with pens, and they all enter the same family.

After seeing off the teacher, Ai Wen went straight into Chen Yanzi's office carrying a drawing board.She is the principal, and the office is a single household. Ai Wen occasionally comes to try the office play cough cough pay attention to the picture of the river crab
He opened the drawing paper, put the pencils aside, and then turned on the phone to find a photo of Chen Yanzi - the one in clothes.Don't ask if there are any without clothes, don't ask, if you ask, there is no one!
According to the brain composition method taught by the teacher today, Ai Wen restored the photos into lines, and then restored them into a structural diagram. He first drew the lines with a pencil, and drew a wireframe on the drawing paper that could not see the human shape.Strange as it may seem, these wireframes are an essential element of a drawing.

After the wireframe is drawn, the drawing will basically not go too far.Ai Wen continued to draw the character lines with a pencil.The specific operation is to refine the wireframe, and then a rough outline of a beautiful woman will appear.

The next step is the process of careful sculpting, and after this process is over, a lifelike Chen Yanzi will appear on the paper.The last step is coloring. You can use colored pencils, crayons, or even gouache for coloring.In the art circle, coloring is the most basic entry technology-in the painting studio, the salary of color assistants is the lowest.

After filling and coloring, a photo-quality hand-drawing is declared complete.When the finished product came out completely, Aiwen's painting skills rose to the intermediate level of system certification.

"Ding dong! Learn from high school to be a teacher, and be a model. The user still does not forget to improve himself and raise his painting skills to a level in the open state. Open the hidden rewards. Congratulations to the user, your painting skills have been upgraded to Advanced. (This reward will only be triggered for the first time)" The system's sweet notification sound echoed in Aiwen's mind, leaving Aiwen alone in Sparta.

Does this have hidden rewards?And is the skill level up out of thin air?This reward is not too generous after careful calculation-it only needs 100 million banknotes to upgrade an intermediate skill with zero proficiency to advanced level.

have a look!This is mind!This is boldness! The ability value of 100 million banknotes can be described in mere words!It's not that Ai Wen is gone, but that he has too much tool money!
However, it is quite a happy thing to pick up a first-level experience for nothing. But why do I feel nothing when I upgrade my skills?I didn't suddenly burst out any artist's middle school temperament!What is wrong?
The system reminded in a timely manner: "Upgrading and upgrading will subtly improve after the user enters the dream, so that you can have the best upgrading experience. Skill upgrading involves various links such as knowledge instillation and ability improvement, so doing it in the dream can be beneficial to the user. the best protection of the brain."

Nothing wrong!I like!I love pretending to be B in my dream!
(End of this chapter)

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