Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 208 - Video goes online

Chapter 208 - Video Online
When Chen Yanzi saw the hand-painting that Ai Wen gave her, she was almost so excited that she immediately broadcast it live in the office. Fortunately, Ai Wen was always steady and righteously postponed the reward until she went home.

However, that painting was treasured by Chen Yanzi, and she planned to frame the painting and hang it in the bedroom. The clarity of Ai Wen's hand-painting was no worse than that of a 1080p camera.Moreover, the things drawn by people are more soulful, and the love contained in them is unmatched by any photo.

Chen Yanzi took a deep breath: "Don't panic when you encounter something, first take a photo and send it to Moments."

"How do you write the copy?" Chen Yanzi fiddled with the phone with one hand, and the other hand was bitten in her mouth and gnawed lightly.

In the end, after thinking hard for a long time, Chen Yanzi paired this painting with the following words: "My husband learned to paint, and he insisted on using other people as models. The things he drew were really ordinary, and he didn't even draw one-tenth of my beauty. It must be done." Punish him to draw ten more pictures!"

Ai Wen has Chen Yanzi's special attention here, so when Chen Yanzi posted on Moments, Ai Wen's phone also vibrated.He carefully tapped the things sent by Chen Yanzi and asked: "Are you sure you won't get beaten if you show off like this? Anyway, if I have this kind of friend, I will just block you. Look, how annoying!"

"What? If you allow me to be happy, don't let me show off? If you don't show off your happiness, the pleasure will be reduced by half. You see, those who are submarines in the circle of friends are all able to get by, and these people will show off immediately when they encounter something good. Come out and show off your superiority." Chen Yanzi refuted with reason and evidence, but Ai Wen felt speechless.

No way - the nature of Aiwen's work determines that his circle of friends cannot post randomly.Leaders, colleagues, and parents of students are all in the circle of friends. And sometimes the work account and life account cannot be distinguished so clearly.So he simply kept his circle of friends silent and didn't post any updates.

The last post on his Moments was the report for the military parade on the 2020th National Congress of the year before last -- it's amazing that he hasn't posted on Moments in the whole year of [-] in my country!That's how I can stand loneliness!Moments strategy and submarines are talking about him!
Aiwen never posted Moments, but he likes to read other people's Moments to understand the joys and sorrows of other people's lives.This feeling of spying on the screen is very interesting-and he doesn't comment on it, and he just pulls it down after seeing it.

Chen Yanzi is different - she is her own boss, she can post whatever she wants, complain about whoever she wants, and diss whatever she wants.So the update frequency of her circle of friends is very high-husband sends one for delicious food;
However, she is not bombarded with advertisements all day long like those micro-businesses. Her updates are more about life feelings.For example, I am so tired and want to die; I really want to be hugged and held high by my husband. And this girl loves to show her affection in the circle of friends.

If Aiwen had this kind of friend, he would usually choose to ignore it. But this girl is his wife, and Aiwen can only set it to pay special attention.

Not long after the post was posted, Chen Yanzi's cell phone began to jingle to indicate that there was a message to reply:
"Eating dog food online! What did I do wrong?" - This is the old classmate's reply.

"I'm envious of my real name! Yanyan's husband is great!"--This is the reply of a sister who has a good relationship.

"Please organize to send a boyfriend! As long as Mr. Ai Wen is half as good as I can accept!" -- This is the reply from the dance teacher of the dance school.


And not only friends, Aiwen actually saw that his father-in-law and mother-in-law also gave a like, and replied with a thumbs up emoji, which is very spiritual. It seems that the second elder is quite satisfied with his son-in-law.

Ai Wen forcibly suppressed the corners of his mouth and said, "How difficult it is for other people's husbands to post like this. What if other people's wives insist on comparing their husbands with me? Aren't you causing trouble for other people's families!"

His words are very interesting-you taste, you taste carefully!On the surface, Ai Wen is warning Chen Yanzi not to post on Moments as a show, but the deeper meaning is—look!Your husband is so good!

Or how to say that the study of literature has a deep way of speaking!A paragraph will give you several central ideas for you to analyze. Those who write well are all layer cakes. You think you have seen the bottom but find that people can continue to analyze in depth.
With Chen Yanzi's brain circuit, of course, she couldn't understand the deep meaning in the words, but she felt that what Ai Wen said was very reasonable-what if others know how good her husband is and have unreasonable thoughts?Men are all big trotters, so the house flower smells like wild flowers?

As the saying goes, a wife is not as good as a concubine, a concubine is not as good as stealing, and stealing is not as good as not being able to steal Chen Yanzi feels that as the eldest mistress of the Ai family, she must defend her rights in the palace
Looking at Chen Yanzi who didn't know what to make up by himself, Ai Wen silently picked up his mobile phone and ordered a takeaway - it was time for dinner, and the dance school didn't have a kitchen for him to show off.So at this time, we can only resort to takeaway.

While he was waiting for the takeaway, Xiaowan's post-production video was completed and the video was uploaded.Chen Yanzi is a well-known grandma in the dance area, and as soon as the new video is updated, many fans come here admiringly.

"Da Yanyan is updated again?"

"Front row onlookers!"

"Here is brother?"

"Sofa, bench, beer and melon seeds drink!"

"Almost a lifetime!"

"High energy warning ahead!"

"Appeared! It's a new face!"

"Hi, young lady!"

"Expressionless superstar loli!"


"Poison warning! Doctor save me!"

"It is well known that Dae Yeon is 1.7 meters tall!"

"Think carefully and fear!"

"Think carefully and fear!"

"Think carefully and fear!"

Not long after the video went live, the barrage of sand sculpture netizens almost blurred the video.After all, Da Yanyan, who has been soloing all the year round, has an extra dance partner, and she is a giant Lolita who is fairer, more beautiful, and has longer legs.
Seeing the introduction next to the video, netizens learned that another Wu Jian’s nickname is Xiao Ai Ai Ting Ting, how high the sugar content is!Especially the expressionless dance style made the gang excited.

So with the continuous influx of traffic, the popularity of this dance video has been rising—the number of views has jumped from [-] to [-], and it has climbed again from [-]. Dong Xiaowan felt his liver tremble when he saw the increase in the number of views— Is this the strength of Boss Aiwen?
There are two types of grandma masters in the Pozhan dance area, one is the technical stream, and the other is the one that sells face, but you can't tell which kind of video it is in the dance videos of Chen Yanzi and Ai Wen.On dancing: Chen Yanzi is at a professional level, and Ai Wen is at a semi-professional level, even if it is average, it is also a level that can make a debut.On the value of appearance. Well. It's not about who.Whether it's the entertainment circle or the grandma, under the beauty of women's clothing Aiwen, they are all hot chickens!
So the netizens were also puzzled-what kind of bastard grandma would such a bastard combination not make a debut to earn money to break the station?Sure enough, the world is so big and full of wonders?
(End of this chapter)

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