Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 209 - Chen Xiaolin: Class 7 is no longer me

Chapter 209 - Chen Xiaolin: Class Seven is no longer me
With the increase in the number of broadcasts, countless netizens expressed curiosity about the identity of the new face, Xiao Ai Ai.Such a beautiful beauty just popped out of nowhere?

So the netizens began to look for clues—the netizens who followed Chen Yanzi’s account for many years were the first to find the target: Chen Yanzi had posted a dance video about this little Ai Ai before, but because the camera was too far away, people couldn’t see Xiao Ai Ai’s face clearly.

But according to the map, you will always find clues, and nothing else-it is very uncommon among girls to say that Xiao Ai's height of more than 1.8 meters is very uncommon.And even if you can't see the face clearly, you can always find similarities, especially if the video is posted by Dayanyan, the chance of the person who dances to the Pure Land of Bliss in the sports meeting is Xiao Ai Ai is very high.

"So Xiao Ai Ai is a teacher girl?"

"Love love!"

"Da Yanyan will leave it to you and sneak away to Xiao Ai."

"Leg Play Year Series"


"Boss Ai Ai?"

Among the tens of thousands of barrages, there were also a small group of barrages expressing shock. After all, there were many fans who followed Chen Yanzi's account, including everyone in class seven who were on vacation.

When Chen Yanzi was teaching the girls in class seven to dance, they had talked about being a grandma at Pozhan.Back then, when Chen Yanzi recommended the children to study in her dance school, she asked them to pay attention to her own account. So when the latest video was released, everyone in Class [-] was too bored to browse the account.

When they saw the latest issue, their emotions were ecstatic at first, and then gradually fell into autism-this is our handsome, tall, and handsome teacher Ai Wen?

Does Mr. Aiwen have a beautiful twin sister or twin sister?Otherwise, how could it be so beautiful?

During the sports meeting, Aiwen’s make-up and changing of clothes were all done in the back bucket of the three bungee, and his appearance was so bright when he was dancing--more importantly, Aiwen was facing the rostrum directly, leaving The backs of everyone in class seven.

In other words, what the students saw was Aiwen dancing in women's clothing - no one knew what the women's clothes looked like.They have always thought that Teacher Aiwen's women's clothing looks like Ruhua--don't think that Ruhua has hot eyes, Ruhua is a handsome uncle without the hot eyes!
But when everyone in class [-] saw the video of "teacher" Chen Yanzi's dance area, they were completely fascinated-what's the matter?My teacher can't be so beautiful!

The closest relationship with Chen Yanzi must be her eldest niece——Chen Xiaolin. She was killed and asked about the inside story at the first time. The video was shot with Chen Yanzi. Is that big magnesium aluminum called Xiao Ai Ai? My boss, Aiwen, will know as soon as he asks.

So Chen Xiaolin was bombarded by her classmates in various private chats, and various portals were opened on her mobile phone. After she tried to click in, she still looked confused.who I am?where am I?Is it really my uncle who is dancing with my sister-in-law?

In the end, under the instigation of everyone, she called her little aunt Chen Yanzi to ask - no!She chose to come to ask, and she directly pestered her father to visit her sister-in-law.

Father Chen is also confused - what's going on with this kid?Why do you think of visiting your little aunt today?Is today the International Aunt Visiting Day?This little guy suddenly found out?The question is, should you be filial to your parents if you realize your filial piety?What's the matter with respecting my little aunt!

Chen Xiaolin's visit has already been made, and Chen Yanzi and Ai Wen have already gone home.So Dad Chen sent Chen Xiaolin upstairs and went back. Chen Xiaolin could stay at her aunt's house if she wanted to. If she wanted to go home, she could also ask Ai Wen to send her back -- anyway, Ai Wen also had a car.

After half a year of getting along, the two families have gradually become familiar with each other.Ai Wen is a person who has a certain amount of advance and retreat, and his speech and behavior are quite comfortable.Chen Chengwang's brother is very satisfied with Ai Wen's brother-in-law - and Ai Wen is also the head teacher of his own daughter.Judging from the rising of her daughter's performance curve, Ai Wen is also a very qualified teacher.

"Brother, why don't you sit down for a while? Drink some water before leaving!" Ai Wen asked to stay.

Chen Chengwang also had a lot of things to do, so he planned to go back after a few polite words with Ai Wen.

"Yanzi, you stay with Xiaolin first, I'll see you off!" Ai Wen yelled at Chen Yanzi, then put on his clothes and sent Chen Chengwang to leave.

As the two walked away, Chen Chengwang expressed gratitude: "Brother-in-law, you have worked hard for the past six months. Xiaolin's academic performance has improved so fast! Your sister-in-law and I were almost taken aback by her grades. By the way, Xiaolin's How much can you rank in the specific results? It is very uncomfortable for you to not announce the scores and rankings of this final exam."

There is nothing I can’t say about my uncle Ai Wen: “Xiaolin’s performance in the top ten in the class is still a bit short, but she can stand in the top [-]. For the year group, she is stable in the top [-]. As for the city’s level. It should be within the top [-]. If she takes the art route, if this score can be stabilized, it will not be a problem to enter the top art university. And with this score, she can be admitted to the No. [-] Middle School—but she will definitely enter Just don’t go to the key class. The key class of No. [-] High School only accepts the top [-] students in the city.”

Hearing Ai Wen's incisive analysis, Chen Chengwang deeply felt that his brother-in-law was sincere, and he was not playing tricks with his family at all.To be honest, Chen Xiaolin's current achievements are already an unexpected result of the Chen family.They thought that it would be fine for Chen Xiaolin to be in the top [-] in the whole school - they didn't expect to be able to squeeze into the top [-] in the city.

After hearing Ai Wen's words, Chen Chengwang happily drove home to share the good news with his wife. As soon as Chen Xiaolin entered the door, she entangled her little aunt, Chen Yanzi, who was only ten years older than herself.

"Auntie! Did you upload the video again today?" Chen Xiaolin asked.

Chen Yanzi put down the phone with a smile: "How is it? Can your aunt and I dance well?"

"Okay. By the way, who is the other person? The name Xiao Ai Ai always gives me a sense of deja vu?" Chen Xiaolin asked deliberately.

Chen Yanzi pointed to the door: "No~ he's back!"

Chen Xiaolin was in Sparta: "Is he really the boss of Aiwen?"

"What's the boss? When I get home, I'll call you little uncle!" Chen Yanzi said dissatisfied--doesn't it mean that if you call me the boss, you will become an equal?Are you trying to rebel against your little aunt?Are you going to be sisters with my old lady?On the contrary, you little bastard!

Chen Xiaolin stuck out her tongue: "Is it really Teacher Ai Wen?"

Chen Yanzi didn't object when she heard Chen Xiaolin call her a teacher - the teacher is an elder, and she is not considered inferior as a teacher's wife.

"It's him, haven't you seen him dressed in a pure land of bliss?" Chen Yanzi asked in wonder.

Chen Xiaolin was helpless: "Auntie! Perspective! Perspective! We can only see the teacher dancing in a long skirt, but only the back of his head!"

Chen Yanzi didn't think of such a thing: "Did you see it this time? The authoritative certification of this author--is your uncle."

Chen Xiaolin is autistic and her little aunt is good-looking, which is recognized by the whole family.However, she is confident that blue is better than blue, but no matter how inflated she is, she dare not say that she will be more beautiful than Aiwen in the future. People can have self-confidence, but they can't be inflated.The genes of the old Chen family are good, but Boss Aiwen's face-defying appearance is no longer what the genes of the old Chen family can support.

She suddenly felt that the title of Class Flower in Class Seven was about to change hands, and the new winner turned out to be her head teacher—a man!

OTZ is so angry!
(End of this chapter)

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