Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 210 - My Uncle Is Not a Human Being!

Chapter 210 - My Uncle Is Not a Human Being!
After getting the answer she wanted, Chen Xiaolin spread out on the sofa of Chen Yanzi's house like a salted fish that had lost her dream.Aiwen walked into the living room and asked, "What would Xiaolin want to drink? Juice? Soda? Tea?"

Chen Xiaolin stared at Aiwen with eyes like a spotlight, but she didn't see her unnatural appearance under women's clothing except that she felt that Aiwen's boss was more handsome and his skin had become better.

There is a huge contrast in Aiwen's appearance under different genders, and it is the kind of heaven and earth.If someone hadn't told you that this was Mr. Ai Wen, you wouldn't have imagined that these two faces were the same person.

"What's the matter?" Ivan asked curiously.

Chen Xiaolin asked nonchalantly, "Boss, are you really so beautiful in women's clothes?"

"Well, this question, how should I put it? I am face-blind, and I can't tell whether I am beautiful or not. Anyway, all women are not as beautiful as me." Ai Wen calmly pretended to be pretty.

Chen Xiaolin: (* ̄︿ ̄)! --unhappy!
She continued to ask, "Will my aunt feel no pressure when she is with you?"

"Pressure? I was forced to do business by your little aunt, okay?" Aiwen said helplessly: "Xiaolin, I can't learn from your aunt in the future that a girl must be gentle. By the way, you have someone you like ?"

Chen Xiaolin's little face turned red all of a sudden: "No way? No way."

Ai Wen showed a funny smile with a half-smile: "Do you think you can fool a front-line educator with your appearance? Did you take the initiative to explain it yourself or did I make an appointment for a drink with my uncle, and then talk about it after three drinks?" ?”

"You have to promise not to speak out!" Chen Xiaolin said seriously.

Aiwen pointed his fingers at the sky: "I will never say anything about it! You know my character."

"I like Li Yang." Chen Xiaolin said in a low voice, as low as a mosquito buzzing.

Ai Wen chuckled: "It seems that you like pure sports models. I thought it was Xie Mingjie's domineering style."

"Who likes to be a top student, let's leave Lao Xie to Jin Qiong!" Chen Xiaolin curled her lips. It is well known that the class deputy has been watching the monitor very closely. He rushed to answer the question for a while.

The careful thinking here can be said to be Sima Zhao's heart-everyone knows it!
As the sports committee member of the seventh class, Li Yang has always been youthful, sunny and handsome. At this age, it is normal to attract the attention of some little girls.After all, this is one of the four most beautiful men in class seven - the appearance of class seven is quite good in the year group, and the four beauties can be rated as class grass if you take it out.

Besides, Li Yang is a good basketball player, the only one who can play against him in Class 14 is Luo Zeyue, the gold fighter.That guy is 185 years old this year, and his height of [-] doesn't look too low standing next to Ivan.

"Little uncle, you don't talk nonsense, do you?" Chen Xiaolin asked eagerly.

Aiwen smiled: "Why should I talk nonsense?"

"Then you won't punish Li Yang?" Chen Xiaolin asked nervously.

"Your brain circuit is in the same line as your aunt, right? You like Xiao Li, the person who tends to make mistakes is you and me why punish him?" Ai Wen couldn't understand the little girl's brain circuit—it was too clear Strange!

Chen Xiaolin pouted: "Aren't you the head teacher! I'm afraid you have an occupational disease, what should I do?"

"At school, I'm the head teacher, and at home, I'm your uncle. But I can be an adult—do you want to be at the same table with Li Yang next semester?" Ai Wen smiled kindly.

At this time, Chen Xiaolin felt that Boss Aiwen was too reliable!Life savior, guiding light!

"Yao! Yao! Yao!" Chen Xiaolin said excitedly.

"Cheke is making trouble?" Ai Wen added: "Hey, since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been difficult to balance. For you, uncle will use his power for personal gain."

Chen Xiaolin was so happy and crazy, her little head was full of happiness and sweetness of sitting with Li Yang.However, she didn't see the bewildered smile on the corner of Ivan's mouth.

Silly child. Do you think that the teacher's sitting is really the beauty of adults?Stop it!Some people can only watch from a distance but not get close. When you get close and lose the hazy beauty, you will find that all the good feelings have disappeared, leaving only a chicken feather.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the two hearts slowly warm each other because of the proximity of the distance, and finally a good marriage is really achieved.However, if there is such a loyal feeling, Ai Wen feels that he doesn't need to beat the mandarin ducks.Ai Wen really has junior high school classmates who are now getting married and having children. You can't explain the fate.

As for where Chen Xiaolin can go, Ai Wen doesn't know. He doesn't know whether he is full of disappointment and leaves behind youthful regrets, or joins hands towards a better tomorrow. The instability of life, only through the wind and rain, can we have the courage to join hands for a lifetime.

However, he still strictly demanded: "Your uncle, I can open the back door for you, but you have to promise me one thing."

"Say it!" Chen Xiaolin gritted her teeth.

"It was not allowed to have sex with boys before!" Aiwen clasped the thumb and index finger of his left hand into a ring, and poked inside with his right index finger.
This is a very suggestive action. As a generation who grew up with the Internet, Chen Xiaolin certainly knows what Ai Wen is talking about.Her little face turned red again.

"Yeah." After Chen Xiaolin nodded, she covered her face and got into the master bedroom, hugging her sister-in-law and not letting go.

Alvin: .
It's not that he has to ask for it, but that her aunt has a criminal record!She dared to do that on the first night when she and Ai Wen met. If he didn't know that Chen Yanzi had no experience before, he would have thought that Chen Yanzi was also a battle-tested veteran!
Ai Wen was also quite afraid that the little girl would hand herself over to her aunt like her aunt, and it wouldn't matter after she grew up, but she was exempted from it before.Although there are quite a lot of children in middle and high school now, he still hopes that Chen Xiaolin can wait until she grows up to try again.

Talk about a pure love before you are an adult, just talk about it, don't let your kidneys go!
Chen Yanzi came out of the bedroom in a daze and pinched Ai Wen: "What did you say to Xiaolin? She got under the bed and won't come out."

Alvin: .
"Teacher and student talk." Ai Wen replied solemnly.

"Look at your virtue!" Chen Yanzi gave Ai Wen a white look: "When you get home, put away your teacher's shelf. This is home, not school."

Ai Wen nodded with a sneer: "What my wife taught me is that the small ones must be corrected."

Chen Xiaolin poked her head out of the bedroom timidly and looked at Ai Wen with eyes full of deep meaning. Seeing this situation, Chen Yanzi pinched her waist and said angrily: "Comrade Xiao Ai Ai, you are trying to make trouble!"

"No, my wife! I'm wronged!" Ai Wen bowed with a bitter face: "Xiaolin fell in love with a little boy in my class! I'll give her advice!"

When Ai Wen saw that the situation was not good, he directly explained everything——Chen Xiaolin was the one who cheated on her uncle first!Don't blame my uncle for being a bad person!

Chen Xiaolin looked at her aunt who was staring at her with a half-smile and was stunned: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ?
Uncle!Aiwen old thief!You cheat this little fairy!This little fairy believes in your evil!
(End of this chapter)

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