Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 218 - It's time to arrange a wave!

Chapter 218 - It's time to arrange a wave!

Man is a desire-driven creature, and a salted fish that has lost its dream has no motivation to make progress.This is why the country has been worrying that the post-[-]s generation is too Buddhist.Although Uncle Bing's "The Back Wave" triggered a wave of reverse carnival last year, the per capita anxiety of the post-[-]s generation has not been greatly subdued.

In fact, this is the pain of the times. Although the post-[-]s generation did not catch up with the period of rapid leap forward, they have truly enjoyed the benefits brought by development.However, the blockage of the upward channel and the various persecutions of economic pressure made the post-[-]s generation give up their struggle.

Everyone's common mentality is this:

Anyway, if you can't afford a house if you work hard for the rest of your life, then don't buy it at all!Renting a house is the same!
Anyway, saving ten years is not enough for a bride price, so why don’t you get married at all—let’s leave girls of the same age to the previous generation as mistresses, and wait for us to be in high positions before going to the next generation’s post-zero and even post-zero
The living conditions of the post-[-]s are superior, so the post-[-]s' ability to resist stress is fragile.They do not have the resilience that the previous generation should have, because they have not endured hardships or hardships—why are there no young people in the countryside anymore?The hard, tiring, dirty and smelly farm work doesn’t make much money, so why don’t you get paid for doing something in this era?

Therefore, in the face of irresistible setbacks, the post-[-]s may choose to retreat strategically or simply lie in the pit and enjoy the moon. This is also a way of self-regulation, and it is effective-so the Buddhist system has become a trend culture.

When the strugglers found that no matter how hard they worked, they could not improve their lives, more and more Buddhist post-[-]s appeared.However, this state is actually a kind of harm to the nation and the country, but you can't throw all the blame on the post-[-]s.

It is the post-[-]s and post-[-]s who occupy most of the resources and wealth of the society. Because they started from humble beginnings, and because they have suffered from poverty and hunger, they pursue extreme hedonism.

How about a joke?Comrade Xiao Wang worked hard, worked hard, and strived to be the first. Finally, his father's legacy reached the pinnacle of life.But this world is so cruel.
Ai Wen is considered to be a very wealthy group of people born in the [-]s, so he doesn't have much anxiety about the status quo of life.But he also has his own troubles - too much money to spend!

The system has issued a warning!If the money in the account exceeds the standard too much, it will deduct Ivan's banknote ability value on a periodic basis.What if the banknote ability value is not enough to deduct?Then deduct the skills first!If Aiwen's skills are washed, then the system will start deducting attribute points. The system is not so unconscionable, it deducts skill points and attribute points according to the exchange price.

Therefore, Aiwen's anxiety is more intense than those born in the [-]s-three months is a cycle, and if his tool money account exceeds [-] million, the excess will be deducted according to the ratio of ten to one.

What's the meaning?An extra 1000 million deduction ability is worth 90 million points!Aiwen is used to the handsomeness brought by more than [-] physical strength, if the system deducts the physical strength again, he may go crazy.Although he can still be classified into the group of handsome guys, but handsomeness can only be more or less!

The next settlement time is at the end of March - the system will conduct quarterly accounting, and each quarter the system will set a spending standard based on the balance of the tool money account.

You can spend more money but not less!

Aiwen is sad, Aiwen is depressed, Aiwen scratches his hair too hard!It's so hard to spend money!
What are you doing to burn money fast these days?Aiwen knows the way to get money quickly-you can find various ways by looking through the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China.But how to burn money legally, reasonably, and in line with system requirements is very bald.

While holding a lollipop in his mouth, Ai Wen opened the electronic file of the growth quality report book of the students in Class [-], and carefully analyzed it. It's time to arrange another wave of these guys!

This group of students includes those who like music, art, watching movies, taekwondo, and musical instruments. Aiwen feels that he can arrange projects for students according to their interests and hobbies.You need to be famous as early as possible. Look at those successful people who didn't have a lot of stories when they were children?
What's more, 13 or 4 years old is not young anymore!In ancient times, it was definitely past the stage of self-cultivation, and reached the age when the family was already in harmony.It's time to add burden to them.
He focused his attention on some children who were not very good at grades. The interests and hobbies of those yelling gods of learning are actually not extensive-like the top ten who don't study for a day and feel uncomfortable. They spend a lot of time on In terms of study, there are a group of people who lack extracurricular cultural life.Of course, it is also a kind of happiness that they can get happiness from learning-but this is not so easy to arrange.

Aiwen quickly found an ordinary girl through screening, her hobby is drawing comics.

It's good to draw comics!No matter you like male and female, male and male, female and female or about small animals. The teacher is very supportive!

So Ai Wen quickly sent a V letter to the girl named Wang Huixiu to ask her to wait for him at Kaifengcai, which is the nearest to her home, at six o'clock.Wang Huixiu's first feeling when she received Ai Wen's private message was that she was confused--it's already a holiday, what are you doing, Mr. Banzai?Is it to supervise the recitation of classical Chinese or to interview the reading of famous works outside of class?
why me?
o (╥﹏╥) o
She felt uneasy as if she was bumping into a deer, but no one dared to refuse to go when Boss Aiwen summoned her.In class seven, the class teacher's authority is above everything else!

The reason why we met in Kaifengcai is because the flow of people here is relatively large, and the security is relatively good.More importantly, children really like to eat foreign fast food and drink foreign soda. I have to say that Colonel Ken's food is indeed unique, and it is particularly well combined with China's local specialties.

For example, you can eat Laodidu chicken rolls and thirteen-flavored crayfish burgers in local Kaifeng cuisine, but you can’t find these things in Midi!These new products combining local and foreign are the mystery of the enduring Kaifeng cuisine.

When Ai Wen arrived, Wang Huixiu had already waited anxiously for a while.She finally understood that the most painful thing for people is not death but the process of waiting for death. The ten minutes of waiting for Ivan was really quite tormenting.

Seeing Ai Wen walk into the Kaifeng restaurant, Wang Huixiu waved: "Teacher!"

Ai Wen walked over quickly and sat opposite her and asked, "Have you ordered anything? Teacher, please!"

Wang Huixiu looked bewildered--(-*)?

Isn't summoning at this time the ultimate judgment?Does Boss Aiwen want me to be a full ghost?

teacher!I was wrong!Give me a chance!I must study hard and make progress every day!I must say five things, four beauties and three loves!I must keep in mind the 24-character mantra and insist on it every day: prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity, and friendliness.
The baby is still young!The baby still wants to ask the sky to borrow another 500 years!

(End of this chapter)

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