Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 219 - Dream!

Chapter 219 - Dream!
Seeing Wang Huixiu and the frightened bird trembling like quails, Ai Wen waved his hands with a dumbfounded smile, and he said seriously: "Today, my teacher is not here to check homework, but I want to chat with you."

Although Wang Huixiu was relieved because she had escaped the catastrophe, she was still uneasy and uneasy. Her grades were not up to the mark, and her appearance was not as good as many of her classmates. Why did Teacher Ai Wen ask me out?

"Master, I heard that you like painting very much? And you still insist on studying in specialty classes?" Ai Wen asked appropriately.

Wang Huixiu nodded dully: "Well, teacher, I was wrong! I will never learn to draw again! I must study hard and improve every day! Work hard, unite and improve! Try to get into the top ten in the class. Well, it's a bit difficult. The top two Is ten all right?"

Looking at Wang Huixiu's twisted little face, Ai Wen: .
This fierce tiger landing apology pose is very skilled and professional!It seems that I have really practiced it!
"Cough, students! It's a good thing to have your own interests and hobbies, and the teacher is not the kind of old pedant. It's a good time for you to broaden your horizons and learn more skills at your age. The teacher personally supports your learning. Painter." Ai Wen coughed lightly and brought the conversation back on track.

Wang Huixiu was shocked (⊙▽⊙)?

Didn't Lao Ai come to talk about studies?
And what does it mean to support me in painting?
She didn't answer, but looked at Ivan and asked him to continue.Aiwen could only continue to ask: "What kind of painting do you like? Manga or animation?"

Seeing that Ai Wen really didn't make any criticisms about her learning to draw, Wang Huixiu finally put her heart back in her stomach: "Teacher, I like drawing manga and my biggest dream is to make the manga I draw into animation!"

The villain in Ai Wen's heart looked up to the sky and smiled--the fish is finally about to take the bait!Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

"Well said! Young people should have dreams! Student Huixiu, if the teacher supports you in realizing your dreams, do you have the confidence to realize your dreams?" Ai Wen suddenly ignited like a hero in a migrant worker cartoon. The description of Two-dimensional is - this guy suddenly turned into jo.
Wang Huixiu's expression is like this--(⊙ω⊙)
"That teacher, I don't quite understand what you're talking about." Wang Huixiu was stunned by the angry Ivan in jio, and she asked timidly like a frightened little white rabbit.

Aiwen sat back on the chair awkwardly: "I mean to fund the establishment of an animation studio for the teacher, and you will be in charge of the projects of the studio. The first project of the studio is your comics! I have read your Chinese Shu, your painting skills are very strong, so I feel at ease as a teacher."

As soon as the Chinese book was mentioned, Wang Huixiu blushed—during the Chinese class, were the other students listening carefully, but she was addicted to the handsome face of Teacher Ai Wen, and then drew a picture on the Chinese book All kinds of Ivan teachers
Which young girl does not cherish spring?Moreover, my head teacher is such a handsome young man. This is not a dirty idea, but the most ignorant and beautiful memory of a girl's youth.

"Why me, teacher?" Wang Huixiu bit her lip and asked mutteringly.

Ai Wen said as it should be: "You are my student! And you can draw - at the same time, you still have dreams in your heart. I like investing in dreams the most."

"But teacher, I don't know how to start a company or start a studio at all. I can only paint." Wang Huixiu is very unconfident. After all, she is still a child, and of course she can't do anything without training and exercise.

Aiwen smiled kindly: "You're right, you have to know the way, and you have to specialize in your studies - it must be difficult for you to manage the company, and you are still a child, so in terms of company management, I will find a headhunter salary to hire a professional manager. And the establishment of the studio will also hire people in the industry—or directly acquire a studio and start the project directly. But when the animation company and studio are established, you need to be the project manager in charge of the company’s first project—personnel Of course, you don’t need management, you only need to be responsible for the setting of the characters and world view of the anime. All in all, this company is used to make your dreams come true. Your comics will be produced and released to be seen by countless people!”

After hearing Teacher Ai Wen's words, Wang Huixiu was confused-what a beautiful imagination!Are you dreaming?Teacher Aiwen in the dream is indeed the big brother angel!
"Hey! Girl? What are you thinking?" Ai Wen knocked on the forehead of the dazed Wang Huixiu.

"Teacher Er! I'm so excited! I will definitely do well! Please believe me!" Wang Huixiu promised quickly.

Ai Wen chuckled: "I must choose you because you are the most suitable! The company is expected to be established before the start of school, so you need to set up the characters, background, and script of our first project during the holidays The teacher is looking forward to your work!"

"Thank you, teacher! I will work hard!" Wang Huixiu stood up straight and assured her earnestly.

At this time, the meal that Aiwen ordered was ready, and he went to the front desk to retrieve a tray of things: "I don't know what you like, so I just ordered a bunch. Is it enough? I'll order some more."

"Enough is enough!" Wang Huixiu was about to break out in a cold sweat. Is Teacher Ai Wen going to feed the pigs?

So Wang Huixiu entered the realm of thinking about the future while eating delicious food. Her eyes were blurred, and her face was filled with an inexplicable smile-it seems that this child is a good cartoonist, and her brain power is strong enough!
Taking advantage of Wang Huixiu's time to eat, Ai Wen contacted the headhunting company.How can it be reliable to directly spend money to find a headhunting company for online recruitment?You get what you pay for in everything, and if you want to find the most reliable talents, you still need to contact the most professional headhunters.

What Ai Wen contacted was a headhunting company in Q City that he knew through the parents of the students, and their talent pool was really dazzling.After conducting various screenings according to Aiwen's requirements, they recommended five more suitable talents for him.

The talent that Aiwen needs should be a person with super comprehensive management ability, at least the ability of the CEO of a listed group to meet his requirements.It stands to reason that all kinds of companies are scrambling for this kind of talent, but the industry rule is that the highest price gets it-the big dog Aiwen is not short of money, so headhunting companies are willing to introduce talents to Aiwen.After all, the commission they draw is calculated based on the percentage of the wages signed with the agreement.

Ai Wen carefully checked the information sent by the headhunting company, and he finally chose a fat and naive young man.This guy is the CEO of an international consortium in Greater China, but he resigned angrily because of some personal problems. Q City is his hometown, and he chose to go back to his hometown to heal after being injured.He didn't intend to leave when he came back this time, but he didn't expect that a headhunting company would contact him and ask him to work for Aiwen before he rested for a few days.

Originally, he wanted to refuse, but the conditions offered by Aiwen were too sweet-an annual salary of 270 million guaranteed!Bonuses are calculated separately!

MMP!Done!How valuable is the 190 jins of meat in the juice?

(End of this chapter)

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