Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 220 - I'm just a Chinese teacher

Chapter 220 - I'm Just a Chinese Teacher
Aiwen and the fat man surnamed Lin finally made an appointment to meet at the resort——Aiwen has designated this place as a professional meeting place for business talks—the atmosphere is good, private enough, and it is still his own place where he can show off his muscles.

Although Aiwen is just a polished commander now, when he is rich enough, he will smooth out most of the difficulties.The former president surnamed Lin's first impression after seeing Ai Wen was that he was handsome -- he always felt that the boss surnamed Ai had asked him to be his agent.

"Hello Mr. Ai, my lord Lin Wan." Fatty Lin warmly extended his fat hand to shake hands with Ai Wen.

Ai Wen also shook hands with Lin Wan very politely - as the saying goes, people cannot be judged by their appearance, and sea water cannot be measured.Don't look at Lin Wan as a fat guy, but his business ability is quite impressive.Originally, he could usher in a second wave of salary increases, but he resigned due to personal reasons.

This personal reason is very bloody-his wife cheated.And the story that it was his subordinate who cheated is very funny.Originally, as the CEO, he had the right to wear small shoes for his subordinates, but that subordinate's background was not ordinary, and he was surrounded by big bosses in the head office, so the fat man couldn't handle it at all.In the end, this guy could only resign sadly and return to his hometown to heal his injuries.

Beishangguang doesn't believe that the tearful fat man is a winner in life, and it is quite sad to be planted out of a green grassland abruptly.Of course, these gossips are not included in the headhunting materials.But these days, money can make Mo Tui ghosts, and Ai Wen finds a small detective agency to find out everything.

Thinking about it in another way, Ai Wen felt that Fatty's choice was also correct-the adult world doesn't have so many life-and-death situations, only forbearance and concession.It is true that the more you think about it for a while, the more you get angry, but it is rare to explode after you get angry-basically those who dare to explode are on the legal channel.

Some of the friends who play basketball with Aiwen are policemen at the grassroots level, and the things they deal with every day can make up a novel with several million words.
One of the weirdest things was that a man went home early from a business trip and brought two friends to drink with him.After returning home, the man didn't see his wife anywhere and didn't think much about it. He chatted with his friends and the living room for an afternoon, and then a friend wanted to go to the bathroom. That's it, but the toilet couldn't go in!Seeing that something was wrong, the host kicked the toilet door open.

I saw a light and shadow (a figure with no light) running wildly out of the toilet.
This is not the weirdest thing--the weirdest thing is that the male host and two male friends didn't catch the light and shadow, and finally the male host chose to call the police.The reason for calling the police is also very magical: burglary!What was stolen?cough cough don't ask
That buddy almost lost control of his expression management when he was taking notes for this family, but he was professionally trained, so he stayed there until he went back to the duty room alone and laughed for half an hour after finishing the notes.

The police took the hostess as the starting point and quickly solved the case. The subsequent development is in the civil category, which is the responsibility of the court. However, this legend is still circulating in the circle, which is very interesting.

Fatty's disheartened return to his hometown was also because of his reputation—he would definitely not be able to survive in that city, and colleagues and friends around him all looked at him with pity and sympathy after hearing the gossip.

It can only be said that the fat man is really unlucky. Aiwen also had a bottom line when he wandered around the rivers and lakes-women with husbands were determined not to provoke them.Let's not do things that destroy the family!This is also one of the reasons why he was able to retreat unscathed after so many years
"I heard that you have experience as the president of a large company, right?" Ivan asked.

Fatty Lin nodded, and the double chin became more and more obvious-in fact, this guy is pretty good-looking, but his appearance is covered by fat.This guy can be considered a handsome guy with an average face if he loses weight.Of course, if Fatty Lin was placed in the Tang Dynasty, he would be top-notch handsome!

"That's right, I plan to hire you to be my agent. You will take care of all my properties. Is that okay?" Aiwen asked.

Fatty Lin nodded: "This is my job, but I may take the liberty to ask, do you have any industries under your banner now?"

Ai Wen spread his hands: "There is nothing! That's why I need a talent to help me start a business from scratch"

Fatty Lin:
Cooperating with you to fool people without anything?You are a natural boss!Just opening your mouth is cheating!He doubts whether Aiwen can afford the annual salary of 270 million!
"Don't use this kind of look. Although I don't have a property, I have money! Let's skip the difficult period of primitive capital accumulation and directly acquire high-quality properties, shall we?" Ai Wen comforted me with a smile.

Fatty Lin asked: "I don't know how much money Mr. Ai has?"

If Aiwen said that there were only a few million, Fatty Lin would definitely turn around and leave without hesitation. A small company with a few million is still playing a fart!
"Four billion" Aiwen smiled and stretched out four fingers, showing a harmless smile to humans and animals.

Lin Wan swallowed her saliva - what kind of fairy start is this?[-] million at the beginning, and the rest depends on buying?However, I have to say that if [-] million yuan is poured into any industry, it can cause a wave of waves, and it is still a huge wave!

"Mr. Ai, what investment tendencies do you have?" Lin Wan's attitude was much more upright this time—a guy who can run around with [-] million in his pocket is not an ordinary person.And if the money is in cash, it means that the consortium behind Aiwen is a giant with a scale of billions or even tens of billions.

Lin Wan thinks that Ai Wen should be the kind of rich young master sent out from a super family to start a business.Except for the super family, who can easily throw out [-] million yuan for children to practice their hands?Seeing that Mr. Ai is only in his early twenties (he looks a little younger after strengthening his physical strength), it's too scary!

Ai Wen lightly tapped the table with his finger: "So you agreed to work for me?"

Lin Wan nodded: "My 190 catties will be yours from today on."

"That's it! You take the time to find a lawyer to draw up the contract. You can look at the various terms. Your annual salary is up to you, and you can write anything within 300 million—as long as you think you are worth the price. As for your first task Well, I want to see a complete animation studio before the Chinese New Year. After the Chinese New Year, the company will launch its first project. Is there any problem?" Ai Wen arranged the task concisely:
"Just tell me how much money you need. We don't need to deduct the salary of Soso Company, and follow the highest standard in the industry, and the benefits are fully paid. The company's headquarters is located in Q City, and it's better to be closer to No. [-] Middle School."

Lin Wan thought the first few requests were quite normal, but the last request was a bit confusing. Why should the company be closer to No. [-] Middle School?But even though he was puzzled, Lin Wan still insisted on carrying it out.He is the executor rather than the top decision maker.As long as Aiwen's request is not so unreliable, he will try his best to meet it.

Finally, Ai Wen said lightly: "Don't call me Mr. Ai from now on, my official identity is the Chinese teacher and homeroom teacher of Class [-], Grade [-], No. [-] Middle School."

Fatty Lin:
God damn language teacher!A Chinese teacher with a net worth of [-] million?Who are you kidding!Throwing old schemer!
(End of this chapter)

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