Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 222 - Aiwen the Tool Man

Chapter 222 – Tool Man Aiwen

"Wenwen. Why are you busier than going to work this holiday?" Chen Yanzi lay lazily on the sofa, looking at the dusty people, Aiwen asked in puzzlement: "Are you going to the construction site to move bricks or go to the sand field to push sand?" Gone? Get covered in ashes?"

Ivan took off his coat and threw it into the laundry basket, then sat on the sofa and poured himself a glass of water: "I have a project with my friend - he is going to open an animation company in Q City. I will help to see the venue , Take a look at the decoration."

He said a typical "my friend is me" type of lie, but Chen Yanzi didn't doubt it - because Ai Wen had too many mysterious friends, and this guy's circle of friends was quite high.As far as the three sworn buddies in his university are all bigwigs, there is also the unscrupulous Neptune, who is also a well-known young entrepreneur in Q City.

After all, people are curious, so Chen Yanzi actually looked up Neptune's information on the Internet--when the brilliant resume was placed in front of her, Chen Yanzi could only lament the multi-faceted nature of people!I don't know if Neptune's employees know that their boss calls himself the Shuang Shao of Zu'an in the canyon.As soon as I meet a young lady, my mouth is full of gossip.

Chen Yanzi knew that Ai Wen was a warm-hearted person, and he could really do stupid things like spending his time helping his friends keep an eye on the project.But it is this kind of self-sacrificing stupidity or stubbornness that made Aiwen gain many sincere friendships.

She also supports Aiwen's behavior - people are social animals, and they must have friends to help them survive in society.Help a friend within his ability, maybe there will be feedback from friends in the future.Even if there is no feedback, Ai Wen's actions are worthy of the word friendship.

However, Chen Yanzi showed incomparable curiosity about animation companies: "By the way, aren't these cultural industry companies all set up in first-tier cities! A small place like Q City doesn't have much cultural background and cultural environment to attract these studios to settle down!"

"Don't forget, we also have an Academy of Fine Arts in Q City! Although there are only three books, there is always gold that can be washed out of the sand. Moreover, the expenditures in second- and fifth-tier cities are relatively small, and the animation industry is behind Relying on the Internet's cultural participation, even if you settle in Q City, you can still contract business online." Ai Wen explained.

Chen Yanzi nodded as if she had realized something: "Just like my grandma can record videos in any corner, eating instant noodles in the basement of the imperial capital or the magical capital is purely for me to seek abuse for nothing."

"This is the reason. Although the imperial capital and the magic capital have infrastructure and economic levels that other cities do not have. But some industries do not need this advantage. On the contrary, the high prices and high housing prices will cause huge pressure on these industries. But relatively speaking, an enterprise that can gain a foothold in a super first-tier city is a success in itself.” Ai Wen’s evaluation is very objective.

After graduation, if the Addisons and his wife hadn't ordered him to return to Q City to be a teacher, Ai Wen would have followed Lao Hu and Lao Gao to Didu Lang long ago.Brothers are of one heart, their profit cuts through gold——if Ai Wen gets involved in the entertainment industry and becomes Hu Yutian's cash cow, who is the national husband today!
"But I heard it's easy to lose money doing animation now." Chen Yanzi asked worriedly: "Your friend won't lose money, right?"

"It's hard to say, which industry doesn't have losses and gains? Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the industry-but my friend has a solid foundation, and one or two projects can't kill him!" Ai Wen said with a smile.

Chen Yanzi gave up this topic, and she glanced at Ai Wen with disgust: "You are so dirty! Go take a shower!"

Ai Wen looked down at his ashen appearance, slipped into the bathroom and rinsed seriously.When he reappeared, he was a fragrant and handsome guy again.

"Did you know? Our dance video is on the homepage—and has over [-] million hits!" Chen Yanzi clicked on the website on her tablet and handed it to Ai Wen.

Ai Wen took a closer look, and the dance video of him and Chen Yanzi was placed in a very eye-catching place.The video drainage effect of two "big magnesium aluminum" as the cover is absolutely powerful--the cover is well chosen, and gentlemen are indispensable. I don't know how many gentlemen came for the cover, and then silently sent a key after watching the dance Three in a row.

But think about it seriously - among a bunch of beauty monsters, skin smoothing monsters and filter monsters, Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi can beat many dancers in terms of appearance even if they only turn on the fill light.Especially Aiwen, that troublesome face that makes the heart beat faster at first glance is simply a foul.

Moreover, the two "big beauties" can be popular with their faces, but the effect of dancing is not inferior to that of professional dancers, which is very irritating.Don't you know how many videos in the dance area rely on millions of editors to stitch together countless materials to produce barely watchable effects. However, in front of Chen Yanzhi, who is a dance professional, all ghosts and snakes are paper tigers.

Although Dong Xiaowan also made some edits and splicing of the official video, Dong Xiaowan thoughtfully put two side-camera one-shot videos to the end.In this way, it directly blocked the mouths of some black fans who popped out and their black dance skills are not good--what do you want to do after all one shot?
Looking at the video link on the homepage, Ai Wen felt a bit of an inexplicable toothache.He can guarantee that among the tens of millions of views, there must be a lot of contributions from the children of the seventh class-but these bad guys obviously didn't leave a message under the video. Xiao Ai Ai is a big girl.

It seems that bad tastes are not limited to Chen Yanzi, and the bastards in Class [-] are not good cakes.But for the warriors who like to welcome men, it doesn't matter whether Xiao Ai is a man or a woman--it just needs to look good!

"Then how much profit is this video estimated to make?" Ivan asked curiously.

"If there are more than 1 million clicks, 30 clicks will cost 1 yuan. The income from the click alone will exceed 2 yuan, but we can't make other money except clicks, and the maximum charge is [-] coins. So we can share [-] More than [-] but less than [-]." Chen Yanzi simply calculated.

Ai Wen was silent - he was also the lady owner of the women's clothing section at the time, but that account belonged to his ex-girlfriend, so he didn't know how much money he could make by making videos.In the past, his videos were only supported by hundreds of thousands of clicks, and the income from one video was not enough for his ex-girlfriend to sell him clothes.

Moreover, after so many years of expansion, Pozhan has become a community of young people with more than tens of millions of daily active users. It is not as small and beautiful as when Aiwen played.When Aiwen broke the website, a large number of people were blocked just by registering the account. At that time, the entry-level question bank of the broken website was quite a dog, which made countless sand sculptures quit.

Sure enough, times are developing and society is progressing—he, Ai Wen, is also the man of Grandma who has hundreds of thousands of fans and has posted videos with tens of millions of hits.

The account belongs to Chen Yanzi, poor Ai Wen is still just a tool man!

However, in this day and age, being able to be a tool man in peace and stability is also considered useful.The most pitiful thing is those guys who don't even have the value of being a tool person. It's an old saying, being able to be used by others is also a value!

(End of this chapter)

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