Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 223 – False Voice Master

Chapter 223 – False Voice Master
Just when Ai Wen looked awkward, Chen Yanzi crawled forward and got into Ai Wen's arms, full of tenderness and sweetness: "My dear~ my dear!"

"Please stop!" Ai Wen's face changed greatly - when Chen Yanzi popped out these three words, there must be nothing good waiting for him!If it's not washing dishes, it's cooking!

"Huh? Man? Are you smart?" Chen Yanzi put her arms around Ai Wen's neck: "Honey! It's been almost half a month, shouldn't it be time to record another version of the video? Netizens are all waiting for food! They all Calling for Xiao Ai Ai's reappearance!"

Ai Wen shook his head: "I think so. As a granny with a style, the frequency of videos should not be too high. If you look at the videos of those granny who are prolific and look like sows, it is easy to fall into the vicious circle of homogeneous output , if fans get tired of aesthetics, your clicks will drop sharply. We have to look at the long-term interests, and we can't be blinded by the clouds in front of us! Dear~"

"Let's just drop. Anyway, I didn't expect to make money from making videos!" Chen Yanzi said nonchalantly: "At the end of the year, the finances calculated the accounts. This year, your big baby's income is 170 million~"

Alvin: .
I am really on the side of a rich woman!It seems that Chen Yanzi's art school is really making money!The 170 million is pure profit - and it also excludes the share given to her best friend Xixi.

The average annual net income of one million can definitely rank among the top 5.00% in China. There are many rich people in China, but it seems that there are very few in the base of a population of more than one billion.You can't say "why not eat minced meat" just because you know rich people.

China is a big country. According to statistics, there are hundreds of millions of people in the country whose monthly income is less than [-] yuan. Isn’t it amazing?But it really is reality!

"It's amazing, my baby Yanzi." Ai Wen still admires it very much. She has achieved such a big career with the 50 yuan given by her family, which is already quite powerful.If someone wanted to buy her cultural school, they wouldn't dare to open their mouths without tens of millions—after all, this is a private cultural enterprise with an annual profit of more than 200 million.

Chen Yanzi had already bought the building of the cultural school, which was why Chen Yanzi didn't have much spare money in her pocket.Most of the income is spent on buying properties, no matter when buying a property is a huge expense.

"So. Dear~ Let's shoot another dance video!" Chen Yanzi suddenly changed her trick, clamping Ai Wen's neck tightly with a creaking nest.

"Not interested." Ai Wen said weakly: "Why don't I sing in women's clothing? It's really tiring to practice dancing."

"Singing in women's clothing? It's good or bad!" Chen Yanzi's core goal is not dancing, but women's clothing—God knows why Chen Yanzi also has the same bad taste as the previous second-time ancient wind control ex-girlfriend.
Chen Yanzi was suddenly curious: "What song do you want to sing? If you use your original voice, wouldn't it be revealing?"

"I can falsetto." Ivan said calmly: "This is also one of my strange skills."

"Drunk! Do you also learn this?" Chen Yanzi broke down: "You are really... amazing!"

Aiwen said innocently: "This has nothing to do with women's clothing. I practice false voice mainly for playing games. Many games are very unfriendly to novices, so pretending to be a young lady is a very correct choice. You know, I learn things very well. Hurry up, practice once and you will be perfect. And my vocal cords are very malleable. How about recording a song "opera 2" for you tomorrow, how about a dolphin sound? When the voice reaches that height, it is basically indistinguishable between male and female. gone."

Chen Yanzi doubtfully said: "Can you do it? Don't reveal your secrets. If the whole network knows that you are a master of women's clothing, it will be lively."

Ai Wen walked into the bathroom with his mobile phone and locked the door, then called Chen Yanzi.

Chen Yanzi looked at Ai Wen in the caller ID and felt very speechless, but she still answered the phone.

"Ai, what the hell are you doing?" Chen Yanzi was very puzzled by Ai Wen's sudden departure.

I only heard Nuo Nuo's voice coming from the phone: "Is it sister Yan Zi?"

Chen Yanzi only felt a chill on her this Ai Wen's false voice?The lady is terrible!Even if she slept in the same bed with Aiwen all day long, she couldn't tell that it was Aiwen's voice when she was with him day and night.

And his falsetto is natural, unaffected, and the sugar content is very high!Even the best voice changer on the market can't make this kind of voice. Aiwen's voice is really bad, right?
If Chen Yanzi hadn't seen Ai Wen walking into the bathroom with her hands, she wouldn't have believed that it was Ai Wen's voice.

What a hell!

Aiwen hung up the phone and walked out of the bathroom: "Did you believe this time?"

Chen Yanzi carefully touched Ai Wen from top to bottom, and she was relieved only after she touched the Armstrong cyclotron jet Armstrong cannon.As long as the husband is still the husband, that's fine.
"Can you really sing "opera 2"?" Chen Yanzi still expressed doubts, and Ai Wen cleared her throat: "Ah~~ah~~~~"

He didn't prepend at all, and yelled out the clear dolphin sound directly.This action directly suppressed Chen Yanzi. She and Ai Wen had been to KTV once, and she only knew that Ai Wen sang very well, even if it was an opera accent.But she never thought that Aiwen's talent could be so good that he could release an album and become a singer with a little professional training.

There is no separation between music and dance, and Chen Yanzi knows many friends from the Central Music Department.Few of those voice monsters can sing the dolphin sound as easily as Ivan smokes a cigarette!

If Yodel singing is a skill that Ivan can learn through hard practice, then dolphin sound is purely Ivan's super talent.What a waste of a man with such talent as a language teacher!
Chen Yanzi's singing is only at the level of not being out of tune, but if she really wants to say how good it sounds, it must be a lie.This kind of level will not show timidity in KTV, but this level is not even as good as bar singers, so they can only entertain themselves.At this time, she was full of envy, jealousy and hatred-if I had this voice, wouldn't I be able to learn vocal music?
How easy it is to be a music teacher!It's not like learning to dance, but you also need to manage your body, and you need to be diligent in exercising. Those who learn vocal music just need to protect their voices!If Chen Yanzi had the talent to learn to sing back then, why would she not choose to dance!
So annoyed, Chen Yanzi started chasing and killing Ai Wen fiercely with the sofa cushions, and the bewildered Ai Wen couldn't fight back, so he could only scurry around wondering: What's wrong with this woman?

The 120-square-meter house was not big, and Aiwen, who had nowhere to escape, could only lie on the bed and was ravaged by Chen Yanzi. Tired of beating, Chen Yanzi put down the back of the sofa and stuck his head on the bed, humming: "God is so unfair." Yes! Why are you so nice to me?"

"What's unfair? A good person like me still cooks and washes the dishes for you every day," Ivan retorted.

Chen Yanzi thought about it for a second - indeed!Such a handsome, talented man who has mastered all kinds of strange skills is my husband!God is really unfair!
God Mama is really kind to me!
Wa hahaha!Pinch the waist and laugh.jpg
(End of this chapter)

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