Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 235 - School is starting!

Chapter 235 - School Starts!

In the second round of home visits, Ai Wen walked for three days. These three days were the three days when the class [-] was flying dogs, the three days were heart-wrenching for countless heroes, and the three days of darkness in the winter vacation of Class [-].

Five days before the start of school, Ai Wen gathered all the students who had not finished their homework in a self-study room outside the school for centralized management.The self-study room provides teacher rental service - the rented teacher will supervise the students' homework according to Aiwen's requirements.

The teacher will respond to Aiwen about the learning situation of all students. If some students are not serious and do not obey the management, Aiwen will have a "kind" conversation with him.

These five days are known as the "Dark Five Days" of great significance in the history of Class Seven. More than half of the students were locked up by Ai Wen in the off-campus study room for closed management.No cell phone, no computer, no TV - what a pain!

The management fee for these five days is not cheap. The self-study fee for each student is 1 yuan per day, and the price for renting a supervising teacher is [-] yuan per day.Aiwen spent a total of [-] in these five days, and the boss of the study room gave Aiwen a fraction of a total of [-].

According to the new algorithm, the system settled Aiwen's forced expenses, and the system settled [-] banknotes for the [-] expenses-this means that the system judged that the money was overpriced!
"Tsk tsk tsk, it would be great if there were more people who didn't do their homework." Aiwen looked at the balance of the tool money account and the balance of the currency ability value account and sighed.

It's a pity that this closed management is punitive consumption, so Aiwen can't give them any incentive consumption-such as buying a popsicle or a bottle of water.Although Ai Wen felt that this could better reflect the teacher's humanistic care, the system believed that rewards and punishments must be clearly defined.

The sky is big and the earth is big, the system is the largest!Aiwen's authority is not as great as that of the system. If Aiwen touches the consumption items prohibited by the system, the final result is that the money is spent and the banknote ability value is also deducted.

Why bother!
The five-day closed management made the parents very happy-they usually don't manage their children hard enough, but Teacher Aiwen's iron fist of justice is enough!The parents of these twenty children are thinking about whether to contact Mr. Ai Wen to help find a place to look after their children during the holidays.

What are you afraid of paying some money?As long as the children don't waste time, they can talk about anything!
Looking forward to the day when school starts!

Before returning to school to report for duty, Ai Wen informed Class Seven about changing classrooms in the student group—their classroom had been moved to a higher floor.If you go to report, go directly to the new house.

When the children saw the brand-new Class Seven 2.0, their expressions looked like this:


Is such that:


There is also this:

Anyway, no student saw the new classroom without trembling. This condition can be called luxurious, and this environment can be called heaven!Every table, chair, every flower and tree of the new teacher exudes the fragrance of money
"Is this the legendary sihoo? The cheapest chair costs more than [-] yuan! And the texture, the softness, is definitely a product worth more than [-] yuan!"

"Luke! Our brand new screen! This awesome monitor must be [-] inches!"

"Am I dreaming? Why is there your face in heaven?"

"It's a dream! We're all having the same dream—and there's Old Ai in the dream?"

Ai Wen paced into the classroom: "It seems that everyone still likes the new environment! This is your new classroom - Class 2.0 2.0 classroom! It is also the end-of-term gift I rewarded to you. , and class [-] [-] is the reward for killing the rocket class of No. [-] Middle School"

"Long live!"


"Niu Pi--Broken sound!"

"Ah Wei is dead!"

Ai Wen cleared his throat: "From today onwards, this is your new classroom with a new mental outlook in a new environment. I have checked all your homework for the holidays. Whether it is written or completed, it will be before the start of school." Mission accomplished."

"Look at the blackboard behind you?" Aiwen pointed to the hand-painted board on the wall behind the classroom and reported: "This blackboard was drawn for the teacher himself. I am not very satisfied with your blackboard last semester. From now on, this will be Your standards. Wang Huixiu, from now on you will be the leader of the newspaper team of class seven—you can choose five people from our class to cooperate with you."

Wang Huixiu was shocked after being called, and quickly answered: "Yes!"

As soon as the students entered the door, they saw the Totoro picture scroll at the back of the classroom. They thought it was the background pattern left by the designer, but they never expected that it turned out to be Lao Ai's calligraphy?
By the way, Lao Ai's paintings are too beautiful, right?
The eyes of the students were full of shock, and looking at the expressions of the children, Aiwen was full of secret pleasure-this is the refreshing feeling of being a saint in front of others!Didn't these dead kids see such a beautiful poster when they came in?Really meow is blind!

After the students finished discussing, Ai Wen said to Xie Mingjie: "Squad leader, take the strong men of our class to the library to get the textbooks and workbooks. Get the list from my office!"

Xie Mingjie took the order and led the boys from Class [-] to leave the classroom, while Ai Wen sat leisurely on the chair on the podium.The chairs for the students are already extremely comfortable, and the space Ivan left for the teacher is even more impressive.You get what you pay for, and the price of the chair under Ivan's butt is five times that of the student standard.

It stands to reason that this money should not go to the tool money account, but the reason given by Aiwen is: protecting the teacher's buttocks, keeping the teacher healthy physically and mentally can improve the effectiveness of the classroom, and the teacher sitting comfortably is good for the students of.

The system accepted Ivan's reason, so Ivan picked a very expensive chair in front of him.After sitting for a while, he came to the massage chair in the leisure area of ​​the classroom and began to massage.

"Comfortable. You don't have to sit on the seats and wait, you can look around. There are many surprises waiting for you to discover." Ivan hummed authentically.

The girls immediately left their seats and scattered to visit the classroom. The surprises in the classroom really made them feel full of novelty.Especially the huge vending machine, the dazzling array of goods inside is simply dazzling.

After the students finished distributing the books, Ivan distributed the keys to the storage cabinets on the side of the classroom to the students.The desks of Class [-] have no desk drawers, and all students’ personal belongings need to be stored in private storage cabinets.

Ivan has backups of these keys.That's right!Really have a backup!Don't talk about privacy or anything like that!Schools are public places, and there is no such thing as privacy!What if someone has controlled knives in the cabinet?Only Aiwen has the ability to randomly open boxes to ensure calm.

A lot of people talk about the issue of privacy, but it's an indulgence for kids to grow up with an overemphasized issue of privacy.The act of peeking at the diary is indeed an infringement, but you have to look at this issue dialectically.

To give a real example - a student has a gloomy personality and does not communicate with others, and the teacher never responds to questions.But he has the habit of keeping a diary. The teacher can only open the diary and read it in order to educate him.By looking at the diary, the teacher discovered the serious psychological problems of the child.And it was found that the child had serious violent tendencies and anti-family personality.If this child does not use psychological intervention, he is likely to cause harm to the people around him-he described in detail the process and means of killing his deskmate in his diary.

If the teacher doesn't open the diary, he will never see the child's inner world, and if it is more serious, other students may be hurt.Therefore, although the teacher violated the privacy of the owner of the diary, he protected the life and health rights of other children.

In our country, the rule of man and the rule of law coexist.Jurisprudence is nothing more than human feelings, and Ivan randomly opened the box to check it out of protection and supervision.If a student is healthy, cheerful, and safe, he will not invade the privacy of others at will.

But as a teacher, he has to be responsible for the 42 people in the class, so any unstable factors must be stopped in the bud.If the teacher in the example has been turning a blind eye in order to maintain the privacy of the gloomy student, he will become the first person responsible after a serious accident really happened.

Therefore, as a special type of work, teachers should have some rights to interfere with students' behavior—even to invade privacy.How can the teacher know the content of the love letter of the student's puppy love unless it is opened?It is illegal to open letters privately, but puppy love also violates school rules and disciplines!
So Aiwen never argues with others about any privacy issues - either accept his supervision, or take your children and get out!As for outsiders' opinions?What is the relationship between him and the students, the problems between him and the parents of the students?Eat salty radish and worry about it!
If there are any parents who are not good enough to argue with Aiwen because of privacy issues, what awaits him will be the greetings of the newly established legal team.Ivan is not afraid of a lawsuit!What is the most serious finding of violation of privacy?Apology plus mental damage fee-the amount of mental damage fee may not exceed 1000 yuan in the end!But for the 1000 yuan, the parents of the students will lose more and more.

Do I need to miss work to appear in court?Doesn't it cost money to hire a lawyer?Don't say that the lawyer's fees are borne by the loser!Privacy disputes are not within the scope of compensation for attorney fees!
You get 1000 yuan in compensation and may spend [-], [-], or even [-]!If you really want to procrastinate, Aiwen can fight with you forever!lost?appeal!Lose again?And then on!Final judgment?Re-suit from another angle!What do lawyers do?Play word games!If you don't discuss a case with you for more than three years, I will be sorry for Ai Wen's legal fees!

(End of this chapter)

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