Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 236 – Building a Professional Team

Chapter 236 – Building a Professional Team
What is the most exciting thing about starting a new semester?take an exam!No exams at the beginning of school, no new knowledge!Regardless of the teaching progress of other classes, Ai Wen still went his own way and organized the first test for the first start of the school.

Because it is an exam organized by individuals, all test papers can only be graded by Ai Wen.At this time, Aiwen missed the two interns very much-if there were interns, these test papers would not have to be corrected by himself.

Thinking of the two little interns Aiwen, I remembered the spring breeze that night once, twice, and three times. Aiwen even forgot how many degrees the spring breeze blew!Anyway, neither Ouyang Bai nor Yu Shuangshuang have contacted him since then, except for the red envelopes sent by the two after the official announcement of Ai Wen's marriage in the circle of friends, there is no daily communication.

"A crime!" Ai Wen covered his face. It's time to form a professional team to deal with the sundries!
Ever since he had money, Ai Wen also trembled.In fact, if you do the math carefully: Is it really expensive to raise a team of teachers?Not expensive at all!Anyway, the cost of raising a team of general subject teachers is not as high as the company's dream team of lawyers!
A teacher’s monthly salary is 8 yuan. Even if Aiwen provides teaching assistants for 10 subjects (mathematics, Chinese, English, biology, geography, thinking, history, physics, chemistry, etc.), the monthly expenses will be less than [-] yuan money.

These days, a handful of normal graduates can't find a job, and even if they find a job, the salary is not ideal.Even private schools rarely earn five-figure salaries.Ai Wen is an insider in the education industry and has a detailed understanding of the salary standards of various teachers.

You must consider the local housing prices and prices before comparing teachers’ salaries horizontally. The happiness of earning 10,000 a month in a small county is higher than that of earning [-] a month in an imperial capital!The house price in a small county is several thousand one square meter, and the house price in the imperial capital is [-]+ one square meter
In Q City, it is definitely a high-paying job to hire an excellent teaching assistant with a starting monthly salary of [-].Even many teachers who are on the job will be tempted, but high salary means high risk, and working as a teaching assistant for Aiwen may be fired at any time.

Of course, if Aiwen wants to use tool money to hire a team of professional teaching assistants, he also needs to make a clever name.The application for funding system in the name of helping Aiwen will definitely not agree, so he must come up with a reason to persuade the system to send money.

In the end, Aiwen gave the reason that some students have weak subjective initiative in independent learning after school and holidays, and need external factors to guide and manage them.At this time, a quiet place and a professional teacher are needed for self-study guidance.He needs a sum of money to invest in students to build extra-curricular study rooms
That's right!Aiwen's professional team is the staff of the study room!Teachers need to take one day a week to look at the study room in rotation; the rest of the time they are Aiwen's professional teaching assistant team!No matter from which angle you look at it, it is only natural for Aiwen to call on his employees - approving papers for the boss must be within the reasonable scope of work!

After setting up the project, the system agreed to the investment.Aiwen found that when it comes to spending money, the withdrawal rate and withdrawal amount in the name of investment are much higher than pure consumption.Because consumption is a dry compensation, but as long as it is an investment, there is a possibility of profit-the system will evaluate the investment, and projects that deliberately burn money without profit points will be deducted from the value of the money.

For malicious deficits and normal losses, the system has its own set of judgment modes.Malicious shortfalls will deduct money ability points, but normal losses will not!Aiwen is also progressing in the process of groping-after all, he has not been in possession of the system for a long time, and many functions are not clear, and many rules have not been studied and understood.

When Aiwen received the system's review and obtained the investment authorization, he immediately put down the red pen in his hand and left the No. 2.0 Middle School.Now that the teaching order of class [-] is on the right track, he sits behind the classroom in the town house only out of habit rather than mistrust - after all, the comfort level of the classroom leisure area is far more than that of the office.He can carry private goods in the Classroom [-] Project of Class Seven, but Aiwen, the teachers' shared office, doesn't dare to mess around.

The location of the self-study room must be close to the No. [-] Middle School-this is very important!It is impossible for his teaching assistant team to be on call at all times on the campus of No. [-] Middle School, so it is very important to have a stronghold near the school.And some students need to close the small dark room in the study room after lunch break and after school, so this place must be close to No.[-] Middle School.

The venue should be spacious, as the study room will definitely affect the mood just like the pigeon cage.But if it is too big, it will appear too empty, which requires design. As I said before, there is a commercial street opposite the No. [-] Middle School, and the commercial clothes of the commercial street are a good choice.

However, the rental premium of commercial clothes here is serious, and the money of students is really easy to earn, and all kinds of shops guarding the school's location can make money lying down.Therefore, the rent here can be said to be very expensive, and it is rare to see merchants renting out.

After Ai Wen walked around, he didn't see the business clothes he liked—it was too small!The largest transferred shop is only as big as a milk tea shop.It would be big enough if Aiwen could rent several stores of that size together. The problem is that those store owners won't do it!
In the end, Aiwen left the commercial street and continued walking—he came to the neighborhood opposite No. [-] Middle School.The self-study room is also possible in the community, as long as the room type is not too weird, it can be transformed into a self-study room.Moreover, the residence is more conducive to the construction of the "small black house", and Aiwen will have a place to be confined in the future.

This community is newly built, and it was completed and sold last year.However, as No. [-] Middle School was downgraded from a key district to an ordinary middle school, the houses here did not explode.The developer is almost crying to death--the house in the key school district of the good district has become the school district of an ordinary middle school!Developers can not feel bad it!
At the sales office, the sales lady introduced the house types and available houses to Aiwen.Ai Wen touched his chin and pointed to the model: "How many square meters is this floor?"

"In this community, there are two households in one elevator. Each building has three units and six rooms on the first floor. Each room is 180 square meters, and the first floor is 1080 square meters." The sales lady said quickly.

"How much is your house price?" Ivan asked.

"10800 yuan per square meter." The sales lady's eyes lit up, and she felt that Aiwen could really afford it—otherwise, asking the price couldn't be so natural.

Aiwen thought for a while: "If I want to change my residence to a business, your developer needs to give me a certificate, can this be done?"

The sales lady bowed and said, "Sir, I need to ask the manager for instructions."

Ai Wen stretched out his hand: "Please"

The sales lady clacked her high-heeled shoes and hurried to ask the manager—after all, she didn't know the nature of the property.After a while, the manager appeared: "Hello, sir, what kind of business do you plan to engage in? Although this city has a policy of permitting the conversion of residences to businesses, we need to consider for the owners-many types of business are not allowed to enter the community of."

Ai Wen nodded, there is nothing wrong with the manager's words - if your business produces noise, pollution and other problems, it will indeed affect the residents of the community.It is impossible for others to let you open a KTV in the house.

"I'm planning to open a study room that belongs to a very quiet cultural industry, and the sound produced will not exceed the decibel level of normal people's speech." Ai Wen explained.

The manager pondered for a moment: "If you want to open a study room, I suggest you choose the second floor. The first floor is the elevator room, and the second floor is the lowest floor, which is more convenient."

Ai Wen nodded, the manager's suggestion is feasible - he is also planning to buy the second floor of a building.

"If you can issue a certificate, we can sign the house purchase contract. You can find this person to connect with, and let him sign the contract." Ai Wen gave Lin Wan's business card to the sales manager. Just let Lin Wan deal with it.

Especially running business, taxation, quality supervision, public security, seal making, banking. This kind of thing can be exhausted by yourself!Money is hard to earn, and things are hard to handle—Although Ai Wen has many friends in the system, it is not worth spending favors for such trivial matters.Anyway, there are so many clerks in the company's administration, it's a waste to leave them unused!

(End of this chapter)

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