Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 239 – Homework Questions

Chapter 239 – Homework Questions
"Oh my god, the teachers collectively are not good people this semester! There are too many homework!"

When the get out of class was over, there was no teacher watching the class in the seventh class, so the children sat on the chairs and chatted.

"Who said it wasn't? The amount of homework last semester wasn't so amazing!"

"You are too young. Our grades are linked to the teacher's performance salary--we took the exam too hard at the end of last semester, and the teachers in our class have had a fat year. The so-called transition from thrift to extravagance is easy, from extravagance to Frugality is difficult. The teachers can only suppress us with mountains of books and seas of questions to prevent our grades from regressing, and there must be more and more homework. Looking at the teachers of the seven subjects, they are just old Ai like a person." Wang Erchuan slumped himself on the chair like Like a salted fish, but his analysis angle is peculiar, and the arguments are substantial.

A guy with a strange brain circuit suggested: "Why don't we fail the exam once?"

Xie Mingjie smiled: "Damn the exam? Isn't Lao Ai's reward not good? Don't forget that the exam reward of our local tyrant head teacher is really attractive. Do you have the heart to give it up?"

"Me? Do it! Lao Ai is a devil!" Brother Qingqi's brain circuit was slumped: "It's not that my will is not firm, but that Lao Ai's reward is too fragrant!"

Xie Mingjie continued: "And once our grades regress, the teachers will think that it is because we did not leave enough homework. So what is waiting for us is more homework-obviously, it is wrong to threaten the teacher to leave less homework by regressing. An act of self-defeating."

"Squad leader! Save the people! Look at the common people!" Everyone wailed.

Xie Mingjie is good at studying and has a quick mind. He only needs 5 minute to solve the problems that others take 1 minutes to solve.Therefore, in Xie Mingjie's view, the excessive homework for everyone is tiring.

"Yes! Squad leader! Dog Fugui barks at each other!"

"Save the dog!"

"Squad leader~ It's all up to you!"

Xie Mingjie: 囧 TZ
"Are you thinking too highly of me?" Xie Mingjie didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "In terms of class, I'm also an oppressed class. I'm just a governing machine chosen by the ruler among all living beings. You're also a student!" Xie Mingjie couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Playwright Wang Yizhen put his feet on the ground, and a hungry tiger hugged Xie Mingjie's thigh: "Squad leader! This is public opinion! If you don't agree, we will isolate the vice-master of the class!"

"Pfft..." Xie Mingjie was stunned: "What kind of logic are you talking about? Why do you make things difficult for Jin Qiong if I don't agree?"

"Hey hey hey" one person sneered.
"Hehehe" everyone sneered.
Seeing the smiles of these unscrupulous guys, Xie Mingjie knelt down: "You are all bosses! Other squad leaders are domineering over the masses, and my squad leader is pleading for the people and striking lightning for you! I'm so stupid that I shouldn't have been the class president in the first place."

"Who said that! You are the backbone of our seventh class!"

"That's right! The squad leader is our opinion leader!"

"I will submit to you without even supporting the wall!"

Xie Mingjie: →_→

However, Xie Mingjie also feels that the amount of homework this semester is a bit outrageous, and some repetitive copying assignments are of little significance. The improvement of mechanical transcription is not great.

So he was really going to talk to Ai Wen about homework.It stands to reason that the head teacher should not interfere with the homework assigned by the subject teacher, but the head teacher does have the right to pay attention to this matter.

So in the third self-study class in the afternoon, Xie Mingjie came to Aiwen's office area amidst all the attention.Ai Wen saw that his capable person and scorer had something to do with him, and Ai Wen left the classroom with him to find a quiet corner to talk.

The classroom of Class [-] is on the top floor of the teaching building. Ai Wen sat down on the stairs at the end of the corridor, then pointed to the seat beside him and said, "Sit down, you're welcome!"

Xie Mingjie sat side by side with Ai Wen: "Teacher, there is something I want to talk to you about."

Ai Wen nodded: "Success, tell me!"

"Teacher, since the beginning of this semester, the amount of homework assigned by the teachers of various subjects has increased a lot compared to last semester. Many students have to stay up for a long time every day to write homework. Teacher, can you talk to other teachers about the amount of homework? Can it come down?" Xie Mingjie asked.

Ai Wen raised his eyebrows and thought for a while: "Give me the homework left by the teacher today."

"Mathematics synchronous class workbook, practice questions at the back of the book, Teacher Wang printed another paper for us."

"Chinese, you let us recite the text and accumulate good words, sentences and paragraphs."

"The English teacher left two sets of test papers, copying the words after class and the text of Sekeshen A-3a."



After listening to Xie Mingjie's ramblings, Ai Wen's head became dizzy-this is the amount of homework that a junior high school student should have?It's no wonder that Xie Mingjie found him to respond to the problem, the workload was indeed a bit beyond the standard.However, the teachers must leave their homework out of a sense of publicity, and they are all for the sake of making great progress in the grades of Class Seven.

And every subject teacher will think so: I don't have much homework left!It only takes 10 [-] minutes to get it done!

Five and 10 minutes for one subject, 350 minutes for seven subjects and nearly six hours!When students get home, even if they don't stop writing for a moment, they have to wait until the second watch to finish.

Making students so angry in a short period of time can stimulate their potential, but in the long run, it will be harmful to all aspects of students.Students who do not get enough sleep will lead to insufficient development of the body and brain, which can be said to be harmful for a lifetime.

Therefore, it is definitely not advisable and unscientific to assign homework in this way. Aiwen must speak out for the students, and at the same time find a better and more scientific way to assign homework.The learning attitude is divided into active and passive—that is, the distinction between what I want to learn and what I want to learn.

Active learners will be full of thirst for knowledge, and the knowledge they have learned will be remembered more firmly;
Passive learners will be full of resistance, and any gains in a state of resistance will be greatly reduced.

Fortunately, this symptom has just begun. As long as the guidance and improvement are done well, students can continue to face future learning with a positive attitude.But if this matter is done recklessly, it may hurt the hearts of the teachers in the seventh class-after all, all their actions are out of good intentions.

So Aiwen needs to find a suitable time and come up with a better suggestion so that the teachers can assign homework reasonably.Moreover, Ai Wen felt that the method of assigning homework like sheep herding was quite unscientific.To be honest, the homework of Class [-] was a waste of Xie Mingjie's time.He has a solid grasp of what he should know and what he should learn. Now if you let him take the middle school entrance examination, he will be admitted to No. [-] middle school if he can't prepare!
The former teacher Confucius once put forward a four-character educational policy: teach students in accordance with their aptitude!But now that education is collectivized, this policy is gradually blurred because teachers have to take care of the learning situation of most students, so the best and the worst will be sacrificed.

This system has destroyed many talents with top potential in a certain field, but at the same time it has also cultivated more qualified workers.In the stage of popularizing education in the early years, this system is very suitable for China's national conditions.However, with the improvement of the overall national strength, when the development of the motherland needs more and more top talents and masters, this kind of gang-like teaching becomes a kind of shackles.

So a new type of education -- elite middle schools and noble schools came into being.The middle class is tightening their belts, and high-income people are flocking to send their children there.

Isn't there more advocating personalized education there!Allowing more talents to be discovered to their potential.Of course, this refers to the real schools that truly implement the concept of elite education, not the so-called aristocratic schools that some education groups hang out to cheat money.

Aiwen's class 2 now has the meaning of elite education-because in addition to the teachers of various subjects equipped by the No. 1 middle school, Aiwen has prepared his own "professional team".The teacher-student ratio in Class [-] has reached an exaggerated [-]:[-] ratio, which is already a serious waste of educational resources.But no one can tell if Ivan paid out of his own pocket.

Again!Lots of money!burn hands!
(End of this chapter)

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