Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 240 - Alvin's Rich and Poor

Chapter 240 - Alvin's Rich and Poor
After careful consideration, Ai Wen finally asked the teachers of the cultural subject of Class [-] to have lunch on the second floor of the cafeteria.When the teachers got together, Aiwen talked about the homework of Class Seven.

"Teachers, in the past two days, some children have reported to me the problem of the amount of homework. I asked them to summarize the daily homework of each subject for a week and hand it over to me. I found that our homework has seriously exceeded the national standard. Province The document given by the office is that the total amount of homework for junior high school students should not exceed 1.5 hours. So our group of people has already violated the rules. I asked the child who is the slowest and most serious about homework in the class, and she wants to finish the day's homework. The homework should take at least three and a half to four hours."

Seeing Aiwen's serious expression, the teachers in the department felt quite uncomfortable - after all, they strictly demanded that the final biggest beneficiary of Class [-] is still Aiwen, and the topic Aiwen raised today is obviously a betrayal of class.In other words: there was a traitor among them.The most puzzling thing is that this traitor turned out to be the head teacher - the head teacher has the final interpretation power of a class, if the head teacher chooses to fight against the teacher of a certain subject, it will always be the teacher who suffers.

"Xiao Ai, if there are too few homework assignments, they won't read or review at home!" Among the teachers in the department, the most respected teacher is the math teacher, Teacher Wang, who is old enough to be Ai Wen's mother.

The other teachers nodded in agreement. The results of Class [-] are the support of their performance bonuses, and the results of Class [-] cannot be regressed no matter what.At the end of the last semester, the performance bonus of the teachers of Class Seven was far higher than that of other parallel classes - because Class Seven had been admitted to the top of the city in many subjects.

Ai Wen nodded: "I also know this. There are no more than [-] children in Class [-] who can take the initiative to learn, and the rest are lazy guys who can't move. But we can use another way to supervise and supervise-for example Assign content for students to review by themselves, and then replace homework with tests. We strive to achieve a small test every day, a medium test every Monday, and a big test every month so that our teachers can also be freed from batch assignments."

The political teacher expressed his opinion: "But it is very hard for us to grade papers every day!"

"Don't worry, I have hired the graduates of Northern Normal University to form the seven teaching assistants. The daily tests of the seven students can be handed over to the professional team for review. If you don't want to come up with test questions, you can also hand it over to the teaching assistants." Evan said seriously.

"I go."

"That's okay too?"

"My God."

The teachers of the department were shocked, please be a human being!Hire a team of teaching assistants?How many people do you have enough monthly salary?

Song Hongxia asked weakly: "Senior, how much did you pay for the teaching assistant?"

"The average monthly salary is [-] yuan! The language assistant will have more subsidies, because she also needs to help me with some writing work for the head teacher and teaching." Ai Wen said lightly.

Teachers: .
A teaching assistant!Do you have a monthly salary of [-]?Our senior teachers with decades of teaching experience are only seven thousand five thousand a month!Crazy crazy crazy crazy!
"So teachers, we can use the method of writing instead of testing to let students review actively-for students with excellent knowledge, it is a waste of time to leave more homework; students with poor knowledge can also find themselves through tests. Weaknesses and gaps in knowledge should be studied and reviewed in a targeted manner. And we can roll out questions so that students can learn and review from time to time." Ai Wen finally made a concluding statement.

After careful consideration, the teachers found that the proposal proposed by Aiwen was very high-quality.It can not only solve the teachers' requirements for students' grades, but also effectively reduce the arrangement of invalid homework.In this way, it can not only free up the teacher's time, but also allow the teacher to teach in a more targeted manner; secondly, it can free up the time of the students, allowing the strong to have more time to do what they like, and allowing the weak to lay a solid foundation and keep up with Teammates don't fall behind.

Ivan is more concerned about the second point.During this time, Wang Huixiu and Wang Yizhen still insisted on their "part-time job".So they have to stay up late every day to do their homework. After the workload is reduced, their burden will become smaller-as long as they listen carefully and think carefully, they can save a lot of time.

Students don't have time to toss about how Ivan spends money?Don't forget, he still has hundreds of millions of tool money that he hasn't spent yet!
It's less than half of March, and if the money in Aiwen's hands can't be spent, it's time to deduct the value of the money!Fortunately, the animation project was progressing smoothly and the money was spent happily, otherwise he wouldn't even have a place to cry.

Aiwen checked the tool money account, after more than two months of failure.He still has more than [-] million funds left to consume in order to meet the standard of ability value without deduction.This huge sum of money is like a mountain pressing on Ivan's head and cannot be dissipated.too difficult!It's so hard to spend money!
After all, Ai Wen was not trained according to the template of the rich and the young. He grew up in a relatively well-off living environment, and after graduation, he survived petty bourgeoisie. However, if you suddenly give him [-] million yuan to invest, he will become very at a loss.

The most successful project during this period was the establishment of the self-study room and the teaching assistant team. Aiwen spent more than 1000 million yuan, but the system gave Aiwen a full 800 million yuan in ability value after weighted settlement.Obviously, this is an investment with great benefits for students. When the study room is built, students will have a good place to go after school.

After discussing the details with the teachers, the teachers of the department decided to carry out pilot reforms in Class [-] first.Check to see if their grades in the monthly exam have regressed -- if there is a regress that affects the performance allowance of the subject teacher, Aiwen proposes to make up for it by himself. After all, the reform plan was proposed by Aiwen, and the teachers cannot be blamed.

This money can be paid from the tool money account - this is called the reform failure healing fee, which is the compensation to the teacher for the student's failure in the exam, so this money does not need to be paid from Aiwen's poor real money account.

Without the rent, Aiwen's current income is only the salary, allowances and subsidies issued by the school.In addition to these, there is also the dividends given to him by the fitness restaurant. Many students in No. [-] Middle School will order meals there, so Aiwen will still pay dividends on a monthly basis.

All kinds of Aiwen's real income is more than 1 per month, so his usual consumption level is not too high.The funds in his tool money account can only be spent on education-related aspects, so at most he can only take advantage of the convenience of students-such as using the teaching assistant team to help him approve test papers and make forms.

As for those who want to treat Chen Yanzi to a good meal or buy her some surprise gifts, they can only swipe the card from the real money account!For the first time, Ai Wen felt that it was beneficial for him to learn so many strange skills-when someone bought a bag for his wife as a surprise, he could knead a Chen Yanzi figure out of light clay.

Sculpture is also a part of art skills, so Ai Wen's hands are very skillful. The degree of refinement of Chen Yanzi's hand-made is higher than that of industrialized large-scale products, and this is made by Ai Wen himself, which contains a lot of love and poverty.

Don’t ask where the light clay comes from, it’s from the students—this semester’s art class teacher teaches clay figurines, and students need to prepare light clay as materials.Ai Wen scraped together a little bit eastward and westward to save a figure-sized material.

For a girl like Chen Yanzi who is not short of money, giving such a small gift full of heart is more attractive to her than giving a bag or lipstick.So Aiwen's gifts are basically priceless treasures in various senses. You taste it carefully!

(End of this chapter)

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