Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 241 – Investing in a Restaurant

Chapter 241 – Investing in Restaurants
In order to spend money, Ai Wen was almost turning gray with worry.After returning home, Chen Yanzi looked at Ai Wen's long sighs and was very puzzled: "My dear, I heard that you are depressed?"

"It's okay without me." Ivan slumped on the sofa weakly and looked at a salted fish with no soul.

Chen Yanzi got into Ai Wen's arms and asked, "Hey, this doesn't look like my family's Wenwen!"

Ai Wen asked: "Daughter-in-law, if you were a student, what kind of life would you most like to live?"

"It must be sleeping until you wake up naturally, and eating delicious food every day!" Chen Yanzi expressed her simple wish-she is a dancer, her diet needs to be controlled, and she has to get up early and leave early every morning.

Why does she always like to sleep in after graduation?This is retaliatory sleep recovery, and Ai Wen feels that there are certain psychological problems in it-when you are alone, you always like to stay up late, because in this way you will not wake up before the sun rises.A person wakes up before the sun rises and falls into a strong sense of loneliness.

Aiwen definitely can't satisfy the desire to sleep late, and now the student's arrival time has been adjusted backward by one hour.Compared with their seniors, the current students are already very happy.However, the seventh class is still insisting on running, so they haven't slept late yet.

But why do you need to sleep for a long time when you are born?After death there must be a long sleep -- there is no harm in young people starting early.

But what to eat, Ivan thinks it is a very good direction.He put his arms around Chen Yanzi's slender waist and asked: "If you say that there is a restaurant that provides high-end ingredients such as abalone and hairy crab in the box lunch, do you think the students will like it?"

Chen Yanzi nestled in Ai Wen's arms and rubbed against it -- Ai Wen is warm in winter and cool in summer, and it feels comfortable to lean against him.

"If I were a student, I would definitely fall in love with it! But the price of this box lunch must be quite expensive, right? After all, the price of the ingredients is here!" Chen Yanzi thought about it: "But my family is rich, so I can eat it all!"

So after listening to Chen Yanzi's words, Ai Wen felt that this matter was feasible - to open a luxurious restaurant opposite No. [-] Middle School - specializing in high-end box lunches!

There is a difference between the high-end boxed lunch here and the fitness meal. The high-end boxed lunch here in Aiwen requires high-end ingredients, high-end chefs, high-end dining environment, and high-end service. In short, you must spend money!

There are [-] million yuan in the tool money account!Throw money?Alvin is not hypocritical at all!The location of the restaurant is on the commercial street opposite the No. [-] Middle School - spend a lot of money and directly contact the owner of the shop to buy the house.

The price of the commercial street opposite the No. [-] Middle School is around [-] square meters. If the location is better, it can appreciate to [-], and if the location is a bit off, it can be [-]. Aiwen’s restaurant is calculated on the basis of [-] square meters. Comfortable!
This is 2000 million in!The decoration of the restaurant should be done according to the pastoral style, preferably according to the specifications of the natural oxygen bar!The cook digs the best for me!The cooks in Sichuan, Shandong, Huaiyang, and Guangdong are lined up for me!How to poach people?Let Fatty Lin worry about this!What are professional managers for?

From preparation to opening, from site selection to decoration to recruiting people, the investment of a restaurant is at least 4000 to [-] million.Ai Wen trembled when he thought of so much investment—not because he was afraid, but because he was excited!I'm so smart!

Thinking of a money-losing plan, Ai Wen was naturally overjoyed.He hugged Chen Yanzi happily and kissed him fiercely: "Trojan horse! Trojan horse! Trojan horse!"

"Oh! Have you taken a bath? I hate you!" Chen Yanzi pushed Ai Wen's face away in disgust: "Go take a bath!"

Ai Wen asked meanly: "How about...together?"

Chen Yanzi really thought about it seriously, and then she put her arms around Ai Wen's neck: "You hug me and I'll be with you!"

Five thousand words are omitted below. (Small theaters are definitely not allowed to write. In fact, I am very good at describing certain scenes in life.)

After going to work the next day, Ai Wen explained the following ideas about the restaurant to Lin Wan in the office.Lin Wan was very surprised by Aiwen's whimsy: "Boss, it's too difficult to pay back the investment of tens of millions! After all, we only make box lunches! Without brand added value, diners will not recognize this consumption mode for a while. Yes. If you take the route of Internet celebrity restaurants, the investment in publicity will be huge."

"Boundary! Do you think I'm such a superficial person? I just want my children to eat delicious, healthy, and high-end lunch! And I use this restaurant as a canteen for my students to replenish my body. It's the best way to make money , It doesn’t matter if you can’t make money—anyway, the real estate won’t depreciate, and it doesn’t cost a lot of money to raise a few cooks.” Ai Wen said calmly.

Many people have been bluffed by the rumors of senior chefs and annual salary of one million.In fact, a chef who works as a head chef in a five-star hotel has a monthly salary of 60 to [-], which is relatively high.There are a lot of better masters with a monthly salary of seven or eight thousand one, and those who can earn an annual salary of one million are either fired or blown out.The chef of the state banquet, right?It would be nice to have an annual salary of [-] to [-] yuan!

Listening to Ai Wen's words, Lin Wan's brain was buzzing -- tens of millions of restaurants are used as canteens for students to replenish their health?Is this what people say?Pour yellow soup into the mouth, this thing wakes up the dog most!
However, Lin Wan, as Aiwen's number one pawn, his responsibility is to make money for Aiwen.In addition to his basic salary, he also has a profit dividend. He can get [-]% of the profit of Aiwen Industry as a dividend income.This is clearly written into the contract. Ai Wen may not care about profit, but Lin Wan must consider profit.

Aiwen's various standards can indeed be perfectly achieved by spending money, but if the investment and return are not proportional, Lin Wan will not get a dividend!Lin Wan's eyeballs will turn green if the tens of millions of investment projects can't earn a penny!
"Boss, as long as the restaurant meets the standards you mentioned?" Lin Wan asked.

Ai Wen nodded: "No problem, how much money do you want?"

"5000 million!" Lin Wan gave a similar price after some calculations.

"5000 million, right? I'll put the money directly into the company's account!" Ai Wen said relaxedly, as if 5000 million was only 5000 yuan.

With this amount of money, the system passed the application without any lag. People depend on food, so what learning is there when the sky is gone?The establishment of a high-end restaurant has a standard specification for the diet of Class Seven, and breakfast, lunch and dinner can be settled, which frees up a lot of time for parents.

Moreover, the restaurant can prepare meals scientifically and nutritiously, and because there are many diners, the patterns can be more abundant.Eat well to be in good health. According to Aiwen's requirements, all the ingredients in the restaurant come from green farms, and various tests must be strictly required before they can enter the kitchen.

It doesn't matter if the price is high, but the health standard must be enough!Because of this strict standard, the system easily passed Aiwen's investment application.

"Good luck, I wish you good luck." After Aiwen withdrew 5000 million from the tool account, the mountain above his head collapsed. The [-] million became [-] million. As long as he works harder, he can spend all the money up!
So happy!

(End of this chapter)

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