Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 242 – You're Done

Chapter 242 – You're Done
After spending 5000 million, is it still far away to spend another 5000 million?Aiwen's mentality is still impressive. Although the consumption of 5000 million yuan is in front of him, he feels like a stick in his throat, but he feels that he only needs one opportunity to spend the money all at once.

What industry has invested heavily?Industry!An Internet company can start with a few million, but a large industrial group needs tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of equipment.In addition to investing in industry, the real estate industry is also a big investment pit-buying land, building, selling. No matter which link collapses, hundreds of millions, more than a billion or even billions of funds will be turned into water.

Aiwen has read the news that there is a project in Haidao Province with an investment of 300 billion yuan, but because the procedures are not up to standard, all the buildings are forcibly demolished after completion.The boss's capital chain broke and ran away, and the owner who bought the house lived a primitive life without water and electricity in order to keep the house bought for several million.It can be said that this is a pretty sad story.

So Aiwen thinks that with the 2.5 million yuan in his hand, he can engage in smaller real estate projects - we don't engage in real estate development, we can build cultural parks or sports venues!

As for the project to apply for funds from the system, Aiwen felt that "to enhance the physical fitness of students, build a professional gymnasium for exercise" can fool the system.When Ivan handed over the approval form to the system (think about it in my mind), the system happily passed it to Ivan.

2.5 million to build a private stadium, just think about it and feel exciting!He immediately called Lin Wan: "Fatty, how much do you think it will cost to build a sports complex?"

Lin Wan:.
"Boss, what are you going to do?" Lin Wan felt very desperate. The restaurant project in his hand hadn't been planned yet, and another moth popped up on Aiwen's side.

Aiwen asked: "How much does it cost for a gymnasium with swimming pool, basketball hall, football field, volleyball, tennis, badminton training venues, gymnasium and other facilities?"

Lin Wan came casually: "Twenty to thirty billion. The announced cost of the bird's nest is 34 billion. In the past two years, the price of infrastructure materials has dropped, and the price of human resources has also dropped. These two years are indeed more suitable for infrastructure construction. But are you sure you have that much money?"

Aiwen was taken aback when he heard it--I knock!Is it so expensive to build a gymnasium?However, the price given by Lin Wan is the cost of the stadium and the stadium. If there are only stadiums or gymnasiums, the price is not so terrible.

Moreover, Lin Wan is not a professional in engineering cost, and the estimate he gave was based on the standard bird's nest.The price may be higher or lower if a professional is hired for design and valuation.

"I only have 2.5 million. What can I do?" Aiwen asked depressedly. He never expected that the hole he chose would be so difficult to fill. 2.5 million may not even be able to lay a foundation-after all, you want to To lay the foundation, you need to have a place for you to fight!

Lin Wan thought for a while: "I'll go to the Planning Bureau to see if there is any land for sale in City Q! Our 2.5 million is enough to buy a large piece of land. When will we have the money to start the follow-up project?"

After thinking about it, Ai Wen was happy: "This is good!"

Anyway, with the land in hand, you can build whatever you want in the future, and build it whenever you want!It is impossible to raise all the funds for a billion-dollar project at the beginning, and many real estate developers rely on loans to maintain development carefully.

Aiwen will definitely not take out loans. His system has the cheating function of early settlement. As long as he operates carefully, he will not really be short of money.It's like investing in Xie Mingjie's project, with 500 million invested and 3 million output. Without Xie Mingjie's super big mouth, would Aiwen be forced to spend money by the system?
After asking Fatty Lin to set up another item, Aiwen transferred 2.5 million to the company account.After a huge amount of money flowed out of the tool money account, Aiwen felt relaxed-this feeling is really wonderful!It's cool not to be forced to spend money by the system!

Now there is only less than [-] million left in Aiwen's tool money account, which is within the reasonable range stipulated by the system, so now he finally doesn't have to rush to stare like a big Sabi, but he can't throw money.

Ai Wen looked back at the projects he had crazily smashed out: the three little ones who were sent to the Imperial Capital for training; an animation company - there is an ongoing animation project under its umbrella; a study room with a full set of teaching assistants (the property transfer and decoration have been completed , has entered the business state); a restaurant in the preparatory stage; a gymnasium that has just been paid, but has not yet been written.

Calculate the approximate investment amount:

Three little ones: 1000 million;

Animation company: 3000 million company framework plus employees + 3000 million project funds, a total of [-] million;

Study room: 1000 million real estate + 10 salary per month for teaching assistants (negligible)

Restaurant: 5000 million;

Stadium: 5000 million;
Total investment: 5000 million
The original fund of tool money is about 5.4 million, and after subtracting all the large investments, there is less than 9000 million left in the tool money account.After several months of constant tossing, Aiwen finally let the tool money account lose weight!

Before the account is cleared in this cycle, Ivan is not going to settle any projects.The important thing is to get through the end of March safely and steadily. If any project he invested in blindly explodes, his tool money account will explode again!
I am Ai, stable like an old dog, absolutely not a waste, Wen can endure loneliness!Even if you have no money and starve to death!I will never settle any items in advance!

Letting go of the big stone in his heart, Ai Wen had a lot of warm smiles on his face.The students in class [-] were laughed at by Ai Wen-I asked you if you were afraid when the head teacher sitting behind you was looking at you with a smile on your face when you were in class!
So after the get out of class was over, the students of Class [-] huffed and left the classroom as if fleeing from famine.Because the floor is too high, they can only choose to stroll on the roof.In order to prevent them from falling from the roof, Aiwen re-grounded the roof and erected a fence before school started.

Basically, the rooftop has almost become a private playground for Class [-]. After all, there is only Class [-], the first and most special class on the top floor.Other classes are stationed on other floors. After all, the floors are too high for students to go to the playground for free activities.

Fortunately, the toilets of the No. [-] Middle School are inside the building. The layout of the dragon-shaped teaching building of the No. [-] Middle School is as follows:

The layout of the entire floor is very symmetrical, and only three floors are enough for the three grade groups, so the top floor has been vacant since the seventh middle school was withdrawn.Ai Wen's classroom 2.0 for Class 2.0 was built on the top floor. In order to allow students to have space to move around, he remodeled the roof—this is also part of the classroom [-] project.

"What's wrong with Lao Ai? Became a father?" A student speculated maliciously.

"Impossible! I guess I won the lottery!"

"I think I got the ssr!"

"I think that Lao Ai's smile is full of malice, and someone is going to be in trouble."

"Is there any good news for the three brothers living in the imperial capital?"

"I'm envious of my real name! The professional team is enthusiastic about it!"

"This is life."

(End of this chapter)

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