Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 243 - 3 little ones in the imperial capital

Chapter 243 – The Three Little Ones Are in the Imperial Capital
At this time, the three little ones who were being envied by their real names were scattered in the imperial capital and started their own journey of ascension.If you want to become popular in the entertainment circle, you need accumulation and opportunities, and becoming popular without any background will only leave a residue in the end.Aiwen didn't want his students to become gold-making machines.

After Hu Yutian received Ai Wen's money, he made his own arrangements for the development of the three students.Fatty Liu Jianwen was sent to the student class of Deyun Group, the largest boy group in Asia, to learn the basics of cross talk.The current Deyun group is not so easy to enter. Hu Yutian only arranged for the little fat man to enter through Uncle Qian's back door.

At this time, the importance of connections was revealed. If Ai Wen was to handle this matter, he didn't even know where the door of Uncle Qian's Thunderbolt Pet Paradise would open.Not to mention sending the little fat man into the student class of the Deyun regiment through the back door.

The little fat man is very suitable for taking the comedy route. The small round face and small round belly look very happy, and it is the kind of image that is cute but not cheap, and makes people want to laugh at the sight of it.

As for Yan Jin, who has a traitorous face that is rare in a thousand years, Hu Yutian sent her to an acting training class for cramming.And he also plans to send Yan Jin to the drama stage to practice, after all, this kind of super special actor is a talent that is scarce in all performing arts industries.Now there is no shortage of tall and handsome people in the entertainment industry, but it is Yan Jin who likes all kinds of looks.

A movie always has a villain, right?The villain must always resonate with the audience!How impetuous modern people are!They don't have so much time to savor the villain's mental journey, so the actor can only use his face to tell all the audience - I am a villain!

With just this face, Yan Jin can't starve to death in the showbiz!And the older this face is, the more popular it is, it is the kind of super resource that can be eaten for a lifetime.So Hu Yutian trained Yan Jin in the way of an old drama player and an artist.Communication University must take the exam, if possible, take an acting postgraduate or even a Ph.D.

With an academic background and this once-in-a-thousand-year villain face, Yan Jin is not far from success and fame.

The most moderate among the three is Yang Er, so Hu Yutian can only arrange the safest way to train him.Whether it's Liu Jianwen or Yan Jin, they are the kind of people who are rewarded by God, even if they don't need much packaging, they can make a living in the entertainment industry.But Yang Er must be the background board when he goes to act. All he can rely on is his own voice.

After hearing Yang Er's singing, Hu Yutian decided to send him to the Central Music Affiliated Middle School.The attached middle school of Yangyin is regarded as the preparatory class of Yangyin. Excellent students can reduce their grades or even be recommended to study in Yangyin.There are quite a few direct promotion places in the Central Music High School every year. If Yang Er strives hard and doesn't waste his talent, he will be admitted to the Central Music Academy.

In addition to developing Yang Er's voice, Hu Yutian also needs to find a teacher to teach him musical instruments and music theory, these are the foundations of becoming a singer.A singer who can't play an instrument is like a cross talk singer who can't play an allegro-it's really a bit unprofessional.

In Yang Er's study list, piano and guitar are compulsory, and he can choose other instruments according to his interests. Anyway, the tuition fee is paid by Ai Wen, so Hu Yu doesn't feel bad about it!
Hu Yutian is the temporary guardian of the three guys in the imperial capital. When they are on vacation, they will occasionally get together to eat and drink together.The three brothers who are suffering from the same disease are all poor children who were sent to the imperial capital by Ai Wen.When their parents packed their bags for them, they were dumbfounded—they don't want us anymore?Is this the rhythm of trumpet practice?
When they learned about Aiwen's training plan, the first thought that came to their minds was at a loss: huh?We want to mix entertainment?Then followed by ecstasy: Fuck!The juice is going to be developed!Finally, there is reluctance: Brothers and sisters of sand sculptures in Class [-], goodbye in the world!
When they arrived in the imperial capital, the only feeling was that they were tired.Whether it is the student class of the Deyun Troupe, the acting training class or the art class of the Central Music Affiliated Middle School, they all need to learn much more than before.This age is the age with the most plasticity, so the pressure to bear is greater.

However, this is also a journey of Nirvana against the sky and changing fate. Although they don't like to study, they really feel that the path that Mr. Ai Wen chose for them is suitable for them.

The little fat man can memorize it all the time, and he can report the name of the dish, eight screens, and geographical maps as soon as he opens his mouth. Weaker than others.Now the teacher in the student class likes this cute little fat guy very much. After he graduates from the student class, he hopes to join the performance team of Deyun Troupe, and even worship the actors of Yunzike as teachers.

After Yan Jin systematically studied acting theories, his every move is like everyone else's. Although his face is still wretched, he opened his mouth like the driver and Nayev, and all kinds of theories are very high-end.

After Yang Er began to study music professionally, some artistic bacteria appeared on his body inexplicably.If it weren't for the school not letting him want to wear a ponytail to show his personality.Moreover, his voice is more warm and moist after being packaged, which makes people feel good when they hear it.

"Hey, let me tell you, are the guys from Class [-] being hammered right now?" Liu Jianwen picked up a French fries and stuffed them into his mouth, sighing.

Yang Er smiled freely: "It's really uncomfortable without the reward from Teacher Ai Wen!"

"Extremely extreme!" Yan Jin echoed: "But our path is different from that of other students. What we are playing now is art!"

"Forget it, you! Your face is artistic enough! 80 years ago, you would have been shot on the side of the road!" Liu Jianwen said to Yan Jin with a smirk.

Yan Jin winked and winked: "This is what we call a collection of the essence of heaven and earth! In the future, we will definitely not be able to play tricks, at least we will be a special contract with the group! My buddies don't want to be rich and expensive, just make a living and don't care about the money at home. !"

Yang Er was helpless: "Learning music is really expensive! A piano costs tens of thousands, 10,000+, hundreds of thousands, and millions. Why is it so expensive?"

Liu Jianwen said with a smile: "If you really become a world-class pianist, old Ai Tuo can reward you with a Steinway!"

"When you become a character, I guess you will be at the level of a fan. I'd better keep singing with my voice!" Yang Er laughed.

The three of them raised their glasses together and took a big gulp of the fat house happy water in front of them.In the unfamiliar imperial capital, these three people are comrades-in-arms who accompany each other.When they were in school, the three of them always huddled together to keep warm, but now they are even more unaccompanied when they come to the imperial capital.

None of them wanted to live up to Aiwen's expectations. Hu Yutian told them on the first day that Aiwen invested 1000 million to test the water in order to make these three people popular, and he would invest more in the future!Women look for those who please themselves, and scholars die for those who know their friends. Ai Wen dared to invest so much money in himself. How could they have the heart to let Ai Wen's boss lose?
People's hearts are fleshy, even poor students have their own gratitude.Not for success and fame, not for good clothes and good food, even if it is for Aiwen, they must persevere to the end!
(End of this chapter)

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