Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 246 - New Mission and New Settlement

Chapter 246 - New Mission and New Settlement

On the day when the Seven Food Restaurant officially opens, the investment in this project can be entered into the cash settlement.The ability value of tens of millions of banknotes gave Aiwen the illusion of becoming a landlord by stealing money.

After weighted calculation, the Qishidai project brought Aiwen 3000 million yuan in ability value. If converted into attribute points, it would be a full [-] points!Attribute points are simply amazing. Ten points of stamina turned Aiwen from a muscular handsome guy into a creamy handsome guy.And it's the kind of cream thug who hides very well. Although he looks like a weak scholar now, he can hit ten with his hands!
But he doesn't have any idea of ​​adding points now, and Ivan is quite satisfied with his current state.He always has to keep some money and ability points in the account for insurance-just like some people like to save money, Ai Wen feels that if there is no money ability in the account, he feels uneasy.

After the settlement in March, the system assigned a new task - earning all the funds for the stadium project within half a year.

The reward for this half-year mission is also quite generous: two advanced motor skills.What concept?As long as Aiwen completes this task, he can choose two sports skills to upgrade to advanced.Taking basketball as an example, you can already play cba at an advanced level.
Although the task has not been completed, Ivan already has a choice of sports in his mind-car racing and e-sports.In fact, it is not impossible to insist on including these two skills in sports. These two skills are very fond of Aiwen.

Who hasn't seen the initial D in the post-[-]s generation?Even if you have read comics, you should have watched Jay Chou's movie!Even if you haven't seen the movie, you should have heard "All the Way North" and "Drift", right?Even if you haven't seen the above, you must have played Go Kart!That man doesn't dream about drifting while driving?

Advanced racing skills can definitely drift!This is confirmed by Aiwen to the system!A racing skill that cannot drift is not a good skill!
Lin Wan has already made a budget for the stadium project - a total of 25 billion is needed!This is still based on the decline in the price of engineering materials and the decline in workers' wages this year.If it is placed in previous years, this stadium is not worth three billion yuan!

This made Ai Wen very toothache!Excluding the 2.5 million used to buy the land before, Aiwen still needs to raise 22 billion in half a year. Even if Aiwen is made of pure gold, it is not worth so much money to melt him down!

I have to fill in my own pit while kneeling. Is the system so easy to fool?After Aiwen spent [-] million in the initial investment in March, he originally thought of putting the project on hold indefinitely.However, this ghost intends to be directly crushed by the system - because if he does not save enough funds within half a year, the system will pay for it by itself.Then how much money the system advances, it will deduct how much Aiwen's ability value is.

If the ability value of a few hundred million yuan is deducted, Aiwen will have to peel off his skin even if he is not dead!So he had to get 22 billion Huaxia Yuan within half a year.If you only rely on existing projects to make profits, Ai Wen will not be able to make so much money even if he is exhausted!So it's time to ask for the system's early settlement function!

I still remember that Ai Wen invested 500 million in Xie Mingjie. After the early settlement, he earned more than 3 million, so he had to fool the students to start his own business, and then he made the early settlement after investing behind the scenes.

But before that, Aiwen can first settle the income of the three little ones in the imperial capital.He is now the agent and investor of the three little ones in the imperial capital. Yang Er, Yan Jin and Liu Jianwen are all Ai Wen's investment projects.It stands to reason that the three of them can also settle in advance.

After Aiwen called out the settlement interface of the system, he entered the early settlement link of the three little ones.

The investment in student Liu Jianwen is being settled in advance. Looking forward to the future beyond time and space, please wait later. Congratulations to the user for making a profit of 1.2 million!
The investment in the student Yang Er is being settled in advance, looking forward to the future beyond time and space, please wait. Congratulations to the user for making a profit of 8000 million!
The investment in the student Yan Jin is being settled in advance, looking forward to the future beyond time and space, please wait. Sorry, this project has not generated profit.

Ai Wen was stunned, whether it was Liu Jianwen or Yang Er, he had withdrawn a lot of rewards, but what happened to Yan Jin?Why did you still pay?
"Did Yan Jin breach the contract?" Ai Wen asked the system.

The system gave a negative answer: "The user's classmates set Yan Jin's route as an artist, so his profitability is quite low. Users who are serious about their appearance should know it well. Although there are many film appointments, the salary is not high."

Ai Wen
Poor Yan Jin!Sure enough, old actors and artists are selling at a loss these days!Even the pay for filming is pitifully low. But Yan Jin can realize the value of life, and it is a good result from a poor student to an old artist.

The investment in the three small ones is not considered a failure. The return of 1000 million investment and [-] million yuan-although the cycle is relatively long, it is also very cost-effective.At least now property speculation is no longer so lucrative. After all, anyone with an open eye can see that property prices have been holding up, and they may collapse at any time.

The history of human beings is a repeating machine, and the road that China is taking now is very similar to Xiaobenzi-almost bought Mi Di when Xiaobenzi was approved.In the end, after the economic downturn, it almost fell into a slump—the current real estate market in China is also very dangerous. In fact, there are not so many people who just need housing.

However, the cultural industry can be regarded as a sunrise industry. In fact, Ai Wen didn't plan to make much money. As long as these three uneasy guys can make a fortune, it will be great.

If he is in a hurry to spend money, he can even settle the proceeds from the holiday resort, travel company and cultural group in advance.However, Aiwen will never do this unless he has a dead end - because the shares of the holiday resort and the travel company are all investments in his real money account, and these gains can be freely disposed of.

The operation of turning real money into tool money is really suffocating, and Ivan cannot make such a brain-bubbling decision.

However, the mission deadline is still half a year away, and Aiwen feels that if he is stable enough, he can fool a few more students and estimate that he can make up more than 20 billion yuan.Everyone is a huge treasure, and the best trio in Class [-] brought Ai Wen [-] million in revenue!It can be seen that the potential of the guys in Class [-] is endless.

As for how to develop their potential, Ivan also expressed a headache.He felt that he should be an angel investment incubation base.After all, it is really difficult for you to let a teenager start a company.Even Xie Mingjie's success was due to his father's coming out of the mountains, fighting tiger brothers, and fighting father and son soldiers.

But if the children in class seven are allowed to go alone in the sea of ​​business, it is estimated that there will only be sinking and no floating.Therefore, it is very necessary to have an incubator to escort the children. The children only need to make a plan and point out the direction - just like playing an investment game: you only need to make a choice, and the incubator will help you with the rest. You solve.

(End of this chapter)

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