Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 247 – Notice of Art Chapter

Chapter 247 - Notice of Art Festival
Aside from the annoying spending of money, Aiwen's usual life is quite comfortable.Fighting wits and courage with students at work, exercising after work, practicing boxing, and picking up his wife home.The weather in March was still a bit chilly, and Chen Yanzi was too lazy to ride her heavy motorcycle.

Ai Wen put Chen Yanzi's motorcycle in the underground parking lot of the teacher's apartment, and parked it in the same parking space as his little F0.No way, the volume of f0 is so small.

But a peaceful life is not so easy, how do you say a word?The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop. In order to add good memories to the students, the school always holds some activities from time to time.

Last year the school held a sports meeting, so according to the management, the biggest campus event this semester is the Art Festival.Art festivals must have programs to participate in performances, and not only students need to perform, but even teachers need to participate.

There are three grade groups in total, and the teachers of each grade group need to produce two programs.It doesn't matter whether you are singing, dancing or magic acrobatics, as long as you dare to perform, people will dare to support you.The art festival is a stage to enjoy with the people, and teachers can't put on airs and be an audience in the audience.

So this semester's new grade director, Aiwen's old enemy: Director Tang immediately thought of the most jumping guy in the whole year group: Comrade Aiwen.So at the grade group teachers' meeting on Monday afternoon, this guy blatantly ordered Aiwen's general.

"The art festival also needs to show the demeanor of teachers, so our year group needs to introduce literary backbones! Music teachers can sing a song, but wouldn't it be boring if all music teachers are on stage? I suggest that the head teacher team send a representative to perform on stage. "Master Xiao Tang looked at Ai Wen pointingly and said.

Aiwen was startled: "You don't want me to go on stage, do you?"

"That's exactly what I mean!" Tang Rongfu said quietly, "Teacher Ai Wen, you are the hope of the whole village! You are the head teacher of the first-year group, and it is you who made the debut!"

"I'm lost!" Ai Wen rolled his eyes and glared at him: "I'm performing Tai Su on stage alone, so I need a partner!"

Director Tang felt a chill coming over his face: "Teacher Ai Wen, those who are capable will do more work."

"It's too lonely to go on stage alone! Director, let's go together! Look, the grade director is performing on stage. Isn't the first grade group the most beautiful scenery at the art festival?" Ai Wen smiled after taking a sip of tea.

"Teacher Ai Wen is right!"

"Director Tang, we are optimistic about you!"


In the face of the power in the group, Director Tang still chose to retreat.He glared at Ai Wen depressedly and continued the meeting: "Each class also needs to select and send programs to participate in the selection, and only the programs that have passed the selection can be performed at the art festival. The teacher's program does not need to participate in the selection, after all, there are only a few in the school Teacher, wouldn't it be embarrassing to brush them all off?"

The time of the art festival is tentatively set after May [-]st, leaving a month for each class to organize rehearsals.This time is not long or short, as long as you rehearse carefully, there will always be a high-quality program.And among the students, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Class [-] caught a lot of them who could dance, and a few who sang well.

If it really doesn't work, it's also a show for Aiwen to catch a few boys and show the nunchucks again.However, Aiwen's creed is to renew every day, renew every day, and renew every day.It's boring to always fry cold rice.

However, there are a lot of programs that Class 90.00 can produce, and the basic skills of several dance specialties are quite solid.Wanting to rehearse a piece of jazz modern dance is simply too simple.As for the singing program?That's more![-]% of the students in the seventh class have mastered the method of three-chamber resonance, and a class of people can sing bel canto opera together to support the line.

But Ai Wen always felt that this kind of performance should show off his personality and demeanor-in other words, it was a whole job!Class Seven is known as the most active group in the school. Wouldn't it be shameful if the program of the art festival only included singing and dancing?
After the meeting, Aiwen thought about the program while turning his pen.The programs of most classes in the whole school must be singing, dancing, and musical instruments.So Aiwen is going to do the opposite, pass all the singing, dancing, and instrumental music programs in the seventh class, and make all kinds of fancy things.

So he started brainstorming, all kinds of fancy things abound in the 5000 years of Huaxia, and the scene of the last time he ate hot pot suddenly popped up in his mind-the noodle-pulling master in Hot Pot City was performing face-changing tours at various tables.

This show is good!The facebook is changing, you need art and art, and you need to live and live!Moreover, there is a student in Class [-] who is most suitable for performing face-changing - Li Guoyao!This guy is a master of martial arts. After learning for half a year, among other things, somersaults must be easy and enjoyable.

So after Ai Wen briefly operated on the mobile phone, a message appeared on the LED display board in the classroom of Class [-]: "Student Li Guoyao, come to the office to pick up the order."

The students in Class [-] are no strangers to this kind of scene. The classrooms in Class [-] are quite intelligent, and all electrical appliances can be controlled remotely.As long as there is no one in the classroom, the system will automatically power off and lock.If Aiwen wants, he can even start distance education at home.

In the eyes of "sending off his comrades and embarking on a journey", Li Guoyao said solemnly and solemnly: "Brothers! Although there are tens of thousands of people, I will go!"

"Hurry up and get out! What are you playing sensational? Remember to come back alive!"

"Old Ai is calling, you are guaranteed to die!"

"I wish you peace~ah, I wish you peace!"

"Why are you still singing?"

Li Guoyao scratched his head dejectedly, he hasn't caused any trouble recently, why does Mao Laoai want to announce himself?

He walked lightly to Ivan's desk and asked, "Boss, what instructions do you have?"

"The organization wants to entrust you with an important task!" Ai Wen handed Li Guoyao a bottle of Wahaha AD calcium milk: "This task belongs to you!"

"Teacher! Tell me!" Li Guoyao took the calcium milk and inserted the straw into it, and asked while sucking.Lao Ai's praise at the beginning means that this conversation is not a criticism, so he can rest assured that he can ride the wind and waves.

Aiwen said worriedly: "The art festival is coming, and the organization needs you to perform a face-changing show."

"Changing face? Teacher, I don't know how to do it either!" Li Guoyao expressed his pain: "We haven't learned it before!"

Aiwen patted Li Guoyao on the shoulder calmly: "I have already ordered a full set of costumes and props for you online, and there is also a full set of face-changing tutorials at the store. I see that you are talented and intelligent, and you must be a man of destiny. So this task is not yours. No way!"

Li Guoyao looked at the tutorial on Ai Wen's mobile phone and felt a little more at ease: "But teacher, it would be a bit embarrassing for me to be alone on such a big stage. There is also a backup dancer for the singing, and I have to have several faces when I perform. Waving the flag, right?"

Ai Wen nodded: "You can have this one! I'll give you eight spots, you can pick any boy in our class!"

Li Guoyao was overjoyed - he was soaring in place!You know how difficult it is to become a program director in class seven!Although the seventh class has a flat management, if you become the person in charge of a job, no one will disobey the management.

Become an official!Although it is only a small head of a program, it is also the first step to success!

"Your program team will discuss the stage actions. You can buy what you need for costumes and props first, and then ask me to reimburse you directly with the order! There are program awards in art festivals, and you know me well. Your show won the prize -- the golden ticket is huge!" Ai Wen patted Li Guoyao's prop on the shoulder to encourage him.

Thinking of Aiwen's rewards, Li Guoyao's eyes instantly turned green: "Teacher! I will definitely work hard!"

After Ai Wen sent Li Guoyao away, Yang Tian pinched his waist and smiled: "Program No. [-]! Done!"

(End of this chapter)

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