Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 248 - Come on!Pretentious!

Chapter 248 - Come on!Pretentious!

There are boys' programs, and girls' programs must be finalized as soon as possible and enter the rehearsal stage.Ai Wen, who puts the whole work as his top priority, feels that the programs of Class [-] must meet the standards of strangeness and danger, and the mediocre programs will only be forgotten in the end.

Avalokitesvara?You can give it a try!
Figure skipping?It can also be considered!

But these activities are not strange enough. There are also many arts that can be used for reference in traditional culture-puppet shows, shadow plays, etc.?Shadow puppets?Aiwen recalled that there seemed to be a magical dance in his memory - "Pretty Sunset".

Ai Wen has almost forgotten the content of the dance, but the charm of a group of old ladies imitating shadow puppets still remains in his mind.Especially the bright red and green clothes of the old ladies, as if the quilt cover of the Northeast quilt was removed and changed into clothes.

Ai Wen slapped his head: "That's it! You criticize Glass!"

Ordinary dancing is of course not interesting, but dancing imitating shadow puppets is really interesting.As for the person in charge of the show, Chen Xiaolin!It just so happened that she could find Chen Yanzi as foreign aid.Qiao Xiyang is a group of old ladies dancing, but the dance moves of a group of beautiful and flowery girls in class [-] must not be like the old ladies.

Those who learn from me live, those who resemble me perish.It’s good to learn from the charm of the show, if you copy the movements completely, you will be embarrassed that you can’t draw a tiger and become a dog.Anyway, Chen Yanzi is a professional, and she is very familiar with choreographing a dance.

So she summoned Chen Xiaolin to arrange the program for her.The person in charge of the show in class seven has very high authority, and Aiwen can solve it for you if you need actors, props, and rehearsal time.

After Chen Xiaolin became the person in charge of the program, she brazenly asked: "Uncle, can I let Li Yang participate?"

"No! Don't talk about it! Get out!" Aiwen directly gave her a three-combo attack to refuse.joke!I am the head teacher!Are you tired of talking about puppy love with the teacher in charge?

Chen Xiaolin ran away in despair, and as soon as she returned to class, she chatted with the girls about the show.

"Our girl's show is a dance-shadow puppet show. I think eleven people should be enough. Is there any relatives who take the initiative to participate?" Chen Xiaolin asked: "The old class said, the show rewards are generous!"

"I attended!"

"Count me in!"

"It doesn't matter what the reward is, I just want to participate in the event!"

"Why don't you reward me?"

"That won't work! This is my reasonable income!"

In the end, Chen Xiaolin successfully recruited the members she needed for her show.Why eleven people?Because there will be a C position in the singular!Chen Xiaolin felt that standing in the C position would attract Li Yang's attention more!
Compared with the gathering of followers on Chen Xiaolin's side, Li Guoyao's side was very lonely.The boys lost interest as soon as they heard that they were going to do somersaults for Li Guoyao's grandson.However, in view of Li Guoyao's face of sharing the rewards equally, there are still a few brothers who choose to support him-really, the rewards are not important at all!

The two class selection programs of Class [-] have been finalized, but in addition to the class selection programs, students who have ideas can also form their own teams to participate in the audition for the art festival.As long as you pass the audition, you can also perform on stage and participate in the awards on the day of the art festival.

Aiwen also encourages and supports students to participate in more activities. As long as you want to perform, you can apply to Aiwen for anything you need.Costumes, props, and Ai Wen can all be reimbursed 100% for you.

The students' side is full of turmoil, and the teacher's side is full of complaints.Although the teachers can be said to be versatile, but since they became teachers, everyone has kept a low profile.After all, there are only a few guys who show their sharpness like Ai Wen, and the moderation in Chinese traditional culture does affect a large number of people.

Director Xiao Tang approached Ai Wen with a look of bitter gourd: "Ai! What show do you want to perform?"

Ai Wen said seriously: "Pay attention to your wording! It's us two, not me"

"Okay. What show are we going to do? I really don't know much about talent!" Director Xiao Tang wanted to trick Ai Wen, but he never expected that Ai Wen would hold his cock tightly when he fell into the pit. Thighs, dragging myself into the water.

Aiwen smiled: "You can't, I can! Brother, I can do decathlon! But with such a big lineup at the art festival, I want to do something fancy."

"What do you want to do? You want to work hard again? You have ruined Class [-]!" Director Xiao Tang's face changed: "Are you trying to trick me?"

"Boss, do you have the attitude of begging for help?" Ai Wen curled his lips: "Although you are the director and I am the head teacher, I am also the director of the new media office, okay? Both of us are middle-level leaders. of!"

"I'm knocking! Are you still at the director level?" Director Xiao Tang was shocked. The teachers in the school are divided into three levels according to the administrative level-the first level is ordinary teachers (subject teacher-level head teachers) and administrative officers (office officers). The second level is middle-level leaders (grade directors, directors of various departments)-theoretically speaking, Ai Wen is at the same level as the director of the teaching department and the director of the student department.Of course, from the perspective of real power, the director of Aiwen can be called water injection, because he has no officers under him; the third level is the school leaders (including the principal, vice-principal and senior officials of the regiment).

Ai Wen shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands: "I'm just keeping a low profile. I've been in charge of our school's new media office since the year before last. I'm responsible for the push of the school's official account and official website. I didn't ask you to call me Director Ai before. I'm approachable. !"

"Knock!" Director Xiao Tang said depressedly: "All right. What do you think we want to perform?"

"How about I want to play the suona?" Ai Wen took out the small trumpet from the drawer: "I practiced hard all winter vacation, and I played it very well!"

"Suona? Your way is a bit wild!" Director Xiao Tang's eyelids twitched: "Then here comes the question, you play suona—what am I doing?"

"You carry the coffin! Have you ever heard of the professional team black coffin carrying? Dude, I want to play Astronomia!" Ai Wen said with a sly look: "If you don't want to carry it, you can lie in the coffin!"

"You are too meow! Are you going to perform black coffin-carrying at the art festival?" Director Xiao Tang felt that Ai Wen's suggestion was really unreliable, so you will be so frustrated when you come out with the whole coffin on such a festive day!

Ai Wen hesitantly: "Brother, the Chinese culture is extensive and profound-coffins, see the coffins and get rich! What a beautiful meaning! What a sincere blessing? You are a teacher Sipin, a pure materialist fighter, how can you engage in feudal superstition? What's more, black coffin-carrying is a traditional culture popular in foreign countries—what's the matter? Pianos, violins and other imported products from Europe are elegant, but black coffin-carrying in Feizhou is dross? Please apologize to the brothers in the third world! It is the second largest economy, but it is still the younger brother of the third world!"

"Are all your Chinese teachers fully automatic bar lifters? When did I despise the third world? I'm afraid of you! Black people can carry the coffin!" Director Xiao Tang suddenly felt very tired.

Ai Wen thought about it: "But what you said is somewhat reasonable. The whole coffin for the art festival is indeed a bit too much, so we can replace the coffin with other things-such as a sliding pole. At that time, I will sit on the sliding pole and play the suona. Watching a few students lift the sliding poles below and paired with special black sunglasses and poses for carrying coffins, he is simply the prettiest boy in the audience!"

"As for my outfit--long shirt, mandarin jacket, round hat, gangster cloth shoes, and the most essential thing is the small round sunglasses. Believe me! Our show will definitely be a hit!" Ai Wen said with a smile: "When the time comes, I will How about arranging the video on the broken website and using all the profits as the grade group fee? You know, buddy, I am a popular Internet celebrity on the broken website, and my wife has a huge number of fans. Are you worrying about how to give the grade group To generate income? This is an opportunity!"

Aiwen's words lingered in Director Tang's ears like a devil - funding!Funding!Funding!Seventh Middle School does not have much funding for the grade group every year. If the grade director can bring income to the grade group, his popularity will definitely be high!
So, he was moved!
(End of this chapter)

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