Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 249 - Ai Wen's Inspection

Chapter 249 - Ai Wen's Inspection

As Aiwen's good friend and deadly enemy, Director Xiao Tang has a deep understanding of Aiwen's explosion at the beginning of the year.During that time, this guy was really popular, thanks to the fact that this guy has no follow-up plan, otherwise he can become a top Internet celebrity.

Among other things, as long as Ai Wen goes live and brings goods, he can make a lot of money.But Ivan won't do it-it's not that he looks down on this industry, but that he simply doesn't want to cause trouble.Bringing goods consumes credibility. If there is a quality problem with the things you sell, you will be the one to blame in the end.

What's more, Aiwen himself is not short of money. Although it is really fast and easy to bring money from online celebrities, as a teacher, he feels that he should be a little reserved.

But if Chen Yanzi were to post the video, there would definitely be a video with a hit rate of 2000.Coupled with the joyful performance and sand sculpture performance, there should be hope for the video to have more than one million hits.According to the incentive plan, a video with millions of views can earn [-] yuan in income, which is enough for the teachers to have a good meal!

So Director Xiao Tang shamefully surrendered to the big granny, and the starting point of posting the video by himself is different from that of the big granny.For the same video, if Director Xiao Tang posted it himself, the final number of hits might not even reach [-].

Understand the Matthew Effect?Whether in the world of live broadcasting, online novels or even in the circle of grandmas, the strong get stronger and the weak get weaker.The drought dies, and the flood dies, just as it is said in the Gospel of Matthew: "Whoever has, more will be given to make him superfluous; and whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away."

"Okay! Just do as you said! Let's choose the strong man who carries the sliding pole from each class." Director Xiao Tang gritted his teeth.

Ai Wen smiled and said: "You don't need to lift the slider-you can just lead the team at the front!"

"Thank you!" Director Xiao Tang said angrily, "Meow. I was tricked by you! Let's go, take my Teacher Liu to eat something good to make up for my wounded soul at night!"

"Virtue! By the way, I'm already married, so the grade group doesn't say anything?" Ai Wen asked.

Director Xiao Tang wondered: "What do you want to express? You didn't have a wedding - you just want to blackmail red envelopes after you get a marriage certificate? You have to set up a few tables in Kunlun to be brave enough to ask for red envelopes, right?"

"Others don't say-how much do you follow?" Ivan asked.

Director Xiao Tang boldly stretched out five fingers: "Five hundred!"

"Your couple are five hundred each?" Ai Wen asked.

Director Xiao Tang: "Five hundred lines in total?"

"Two two hundred and five?" Ivan asked angrily.

Director Xiao Tang looked dejected: "You are enough! If you are impatient, I will give you 200 yuan! What do you like!"

"Don't mind me! Add a little more and you and Mr. Liu will have a total of [-]! Isn't it too much? I also took [-] when you got married!" Ai Wen discussed with a smile.

Director Xiao Tang asked with a puzzled expression: "Are you short of money? If nothing else, you paid for that fancy class yourself! How dare you exploit us proletarians with your wealth?"

"The class decoration money is the research project funding, understand? The special fund is not spent on me! I am still relatively short of money, especially the money for a certain grade director named Tang!" Ai Wen said with a smile.

Director Xiao Tang's head was buzzing: "I'm afraid of you! It's agreed! It's only [-]! I won't give you even a dime!"

"Thank you, boss!" Ai Wendui said with a smile: "Director, please go slowly! I wish you and Mr. Liu a happy dream!"

"Go away! It's annoying to see you!" Director Xiao Tang waved his hands like a fly. He really couldn't handle Aiwen's hob meat. Obviously Aiwen entered school several years later than him, but he got mixed up. Like a duck to water.

Director Xiao Tang left, and Ai Wen also packed up his things and prepared to leave work.He ordered Chen Yanzi a special set meal from Qishidai first, and then strolled to Qi Animation Film and Television Media Company to have a look.Qi Animation is not far from No.10 Middle School, and Ai Wen can get there in [-] minutes on his legs.

As soon as he entered the door, Aiwen saw the busy scene in the animation studio on the first floor.Some study plots, discuss composition and coloring, and contact outsourced art materials. All in all, this team is full of positive energy.Ai Wen easily saw Wang Huixiu, who was like an apprentice, studying around. She was like a small fish in the ocean of knowledge, very free and happy.

"Huixiu, how are you doing?" Ai Wen asked.

After hearing Ai Wen's words, Wang Huixiu was stunned for a moment, and then she said happily: "Hello, teacher! I learned a lot from the masters in the studio. Now I can not only draw on paper, but also use computer to draw! "

Aiwen patted her little head: "If there is progress, I will go upstairs and have a look!"

The first floor of the company is the animation studio, and the second floor is the administrative office.The company's financial, management, and legal departments are all on the second floor.As for the third floor - that is the staff lounge, the lounge can be provided to the staff for temporary breaks.If you have no place to live temporarily, you can also apply to live in the lounge.

Many employees of Qi Animation are locals, so they all have a place to live in Q City. Because the working hours are very late in the morning, they don't have to rush to work in the morning rush hour.Qi Anime’s wonderful working hours provide young employees with a lot of convenience—for example, they don’t have to get up early, they don’t need to be crowded in the morning rush hour, and they can stay up late at will
Lin Wan conducted a satisfaction survey on the company's work and rest time, and he found that most of the company's employees liked the feeling of going to work during off-peak hours.It’s really comfortable not to catch the morning and evening rush hour—although the off-duty time is a bit late at night, but it doesn’t matter—this is the time when the nightlife has just started!
Seeing Lin Wan, Ai Wen briefly asked about the company's development and project progress.Lin Wan is worthy of being a professional. He reported to Aiwen the development of various industries of the group in a concise and simple way.

The self-study room is still in the self-entertainment mode of losing money and making money;
Seven Food's restaurant business has gradually expanded and has entered a profitable state-it only takes three years to pay back.After all, the cost of buying a house is too high. Although catering makes money, it still cannot keep up with real estate!
As for Qi Animation, the animation "My Teacher Can Travel" led by Wang Huixiu and Wang Yizhen is working hard to advance.The plot direction has been discussed and handed over to professional editors for script writing, and the art department is rushing to finish the draft.And in order to spend Aiwen's huge investment, the studio chose to cooperate with other IPs.

Because it is a time-travel theme, the animation will intersect and link with other stories.Because there will be other classic animation images, the legal department of Qi Animation has reached a cooperation agreement with other animation studios.Of course, it costs money. If you use someone else's anime character image, you must pay for it!

Of course, this money can be spent or not in China - just like a domestic magical animation "High Iron Man", both in style and image are similar to an animation in an island country - Iron Brave Train Man. The things here cannot be detailed Said, but as long as the eyes are not blind, they will know that there is a story here.

Therefore, in order to avoid disputes, the business department and legal department of Seven Animation signed contracts everywhere to buy the right to use animation images.In this way, the super budget given by Aiwen can be spent with peace of mind.

Ai Wen said that he didn't care about buying the right to use animation images from Qi Animation.He will never lead an outsider to an insider, Aiwen is just a credit card machine with no emotion!

(End of this chapter)

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