Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 267 – Picking up the Bride

Chapter 267 – Picking up the Bride

Although Aiwen can take a taxi to make up the number in the wedding team, his Aiwen's Wrangler is not bad in the team-although it does not seem to be as luxurious as an A6, his car is really not cheaper than an A6!If he came here in F0 this time, Zhang Qi would not dare to let Ai Wen drive this to go with the wedding convoy—the picture of an F6 mixed in with a bunch of A0s is so beautiful that he can't bear to look directly at it.

After the big wreath on the top of the hard-core Wrangler, there is a kind of contrast between the tenderness of a tough man, especially the red silk and pink balloons hanging above the rear view mirror. It directly collapses the painting style to the point where you can't bear to look directly at it.

Fortunately, Aiwen has a strong ability to bear it in his heart, so he willingly drove the unrecognizable Wrangler to mix in the welcome convoy, like Erha mixed in with the sheep, looking very happy.

The bride's house is less than [-] kilometers away from Zhang Qi's house, and the convoy arrived at the downstairs of the bride's house in less than two hours.As the best man representative of the college classmate group, Ai Wen decisively changed into a best man dress - a red gown that looks like a red envelope into a spirit.The most expressive is the little red riding hood with round melon rind, not to mention how funny it looks.

The most hateful thing is that guy Zhang Qi - the groomsmen are dressed like red envelopes, only this guy comes to welcome the bride in a red suit!
(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

It is not so easy to marry a daughter-in-law. The family has already set up a dragon gate waiting for the new son-in-law to come to the door. What if Sina has a best man group?The brides also have girlfriend groups!
The outfits of the bride's girlfriends group are also very interesting - all are pink nurse outfits, which are cool and eye-catching. The eyes of the best man brothers who came with Aiwen almost went straight.

The first checkpoint of the welcoming team is the gate of the courtyard. In ancient times, this was the most difficult battle of the city gate in the siege battle.The bride's second uncle and her husband guarded the gate tightly, and the five big and three rough men shouted loudly at the welcoming team: "Who is here?"

This second uncle is also a character, with a chivalrous spirit that is quite ancient.Zhang Qi approached and cupped his hands and laughed, "Second Uncle! It's me!"

Everyone is absolutely amazed-what kind of generation is this!

"Stop talking nonsense! Look at the sincerity!" The second uncle spread his palm as big as a palm fan and said to Zhang Qi.

Zhang Qi was as good as he was, and took out a big red envelope and handed it to his second uncle to ask to open the door.The second uncle saw Zhang Qi doing so well, and opened the door happily.After the second uncle opened the door, he slapped Zhang Qi on the shoulder fiercely: "I am only this niece, you dare to treat her bad legs and give you a discount!"

"Yes." Zhang Qi cupped his hands and said, "I'm sure I'll be good to Xiaoyun for the rest of my life!"

The next difficulty is the door guarded by the girlfriends. The bride's girlfriends are all nurses. God knows what problems these little nurses will cause the groom and the wedding party.

The bride's house is a two-story building, and the bride sits upstairs and looks down the window. She is also curious about what problems the sisters will give her husband.

"Best men! Show your sincerity! Sing a song and listen to it first! Open the door only if it sounds good!" A slightly older best friend shouted through the door—the door of the bride's house is a second-floor security door, and the bridesmaids followed the bridesmaids. The team was separated by an iron fence.So they can see the situation outside the door clearly.

Zhang Qi patted Ai Wen on the shoulder: "Brother! It's up to you!"

"At the critical moment when meow meows, I need my father to take action." He took out the karaoke magic weapon in his pocket - the golden microphone, connected the bluetooth and began to sing: "Today is my good brother-- Zhang Qi's big day. Here, I will give a song "For You" to the couple. At the same time, I wish the beautiful bridesmaids who are still single to find the other half of their dreams as soon as possible."

At the end of the prelude, Ivan immediately entered the mood:
He will be your groom~
From now on, he will be your life partner~
Everything about him will be closely related to you~
Both blessing and misfortune are equal.
One of Ai Wen's songs won a lot of applause, and the bridesmaids who were sung by Ai Wen flickered and opened the door.A group of grooms took advantage of the chaos and rushed in, throwing red envelopes while rushing in. The red envelopes are not big, there are fifty, one hundred, two hundred, and they will be gone if they are bigger.

The last threshold is the bride's bedroom. Ai Wen doesn't care about this door. The mission of the best man team is to break through the outer city and the middle city. As for the inner city, the master still needs to mount the horse himself!

There was another best friend staying in the same room with the bride. As the bride's mouthpiece, she shouted to the door: "Listen, groom! Sister Yun asked—how much do you love her!"

Zhang Qi walked to the door and said affectionately:
"Death and life are bound together. Talk to Zicheng. Hold your hand and grow old with your son."

"I have studied Chinese language and literature for four years, and only at the end did I realize that the most beautiful poem is you!"

"Entering the door of my lovesickness, I know that my lovesickness is bitter, the long-term lovesickness is long, and the short lovesickness is infinite."


At this time, the ability of Zhang Qi, the chairman of the Chinese Language and Literature Student Union, came in handy.Talk about love?We are professionals!Love poems?We are more professional!If it’s not enough buddies, I’ll give you a freestyle on the spot!And the sentences rhyme, so sweet that you get goosebumps.

A man lives with a mouth, a tree lives with a bark.How can a person from the Faculty of Liberal Arts of Normal University mess around with a bad mouth?Who will listen to your lecture if the Chinese teacher's broken mouth can't talk?What students are really interested in is the jokes from the Chinese teacher's mouth rather than knowledge.

Although Zhang Qi is not as good as Ai Wen in the level of Xueba, but he must have two brushes to be the chairman of the student union.Three years after graduation, the professional knowledge must not be lost.It's too easy to say two nasty words of love!

No matter how distorted Aiwen's smile was, the bride in the room was moved. Although she had never heard of some poems, her husband was so talented!

Urged by the bride, the best friend opened the door, and Zhang Qi immediately graciously stuffed a big red envelope to the best friend.The last level is over, and there is no barrier to break through.

Entering the door, Zhang Qi knelt on one knee on the bed where the bride sat cross-legged and said affectionately: "You are mine now! Please allow me to do a good job of after-sales service, and let me take good care of you for the rest of my life!"

The tears of the bride came down with a swish, and the tears of the bride's parents followed.Zhang Qi picked up the bride in a princess's arms, and directly carried her into the first car and sat down.

Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi also found their car and got in, followed by three bridesmaids.As soon as the bridesmaid got in the car, she asked, "Little brother, do you have a girlfriend?"

" house is in the main palace! My family still has the Empress of the West Palace, the Empress of the Nangong, and the Empress of the Beigong waiting for you. Are you interested?" Ai Wen said in a nonchalant manner. Anyway, the daughter-in-law is sitting next to him. As long as Ai Wen can't chat well, it's okay to joke around .

Chen Yanzi is not a jealous woman either, she doesn't want to see her man chatting with women outside.And Ai Wen made it clear directly - this lady is my wife!
It's a pity for the three young ladies - this little brother is really handsome, and he sings well!Going to KTV in the future will definitely be super Maiba, super face!
However, the atmosphere in the car was good, and Ai Wen was also a person who could take jokes, so the car was full of laughter on the way back.Chen Yanzi is not a cold personality either, the four girls became very acquainted through chatting.

Ai Wen also doesn’t understand women’s friendship—maybe any woman who doesn’t compete with Chen Yanzi for a man can become friends with her
(End of this chapter)

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