Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 268 - Marry!Li Cheng!

Chapter 268 - Marry!Licheng!
After driving for two hours, the natal guests were taken directly to the wedding hotel to prepare for the ceremony and banquet.After finding a room, Ai Wen took off his big red envelope style clothes and changed into a heroic feather suit.

The painting style of this set of clothes is the same as Charlotte and the master of ceremonies at the beginning of Charlotte's troubles-yes!Aiwen is now the master of ceremonies!
As a big boss who graduated from the Faculty of Arts, he should be versatile.Moreover, Aiwen has a good image, good temperament, and was once an Internet celebrity, so all the conditions are excellent.It costs a lot of money to invite a master of ceremonies at this level!

"How is it? Is he handsome?" Ai Wen came to the table of his classmates and asked.

A group of people saw Ai Wen and snarled and said: "Heroic and valiant, they are all dressed in chicken feathers!"

"I am the master of ceremonies and I am proud. Believe it or not, I will let you speak as a classmate representative, and I will give you a quick match with the bridesmaid? The wedding is a video recording of the whole process, and when the time comes, I will save it and send it to your future girlfriend. Oh hoo~" Ai Wen Huai smiled and winked and threatened.

"Can your practice value go up?" the classmate complained.

"Trees don't need bark, they are bound to die. People are shameless and invincible in the world—comrade, it's been 1202 years—does such a thing as face still exist?" Ai Wen said nonchalantly: "Okay. Wait for me to perform in a while." !"

Zhang Qi had considered Ai Wen as the master of ceremonies for a long time.This group of boys from the Faculty of Arts can find anyone who is qualified for the post of master of ceremonies.There is still a gap between the difficulty of being a master of ceremonies and being an excellent Chinese teacher.It is easy and enjoyable for a guy who can be a good Chinese teacher to change his career to be an emcee.

Moreover, Aiwen has sufficient experience in hosting evening parties. When Shangdewu Society was first established as a grassroots team, Aiwen himself was the host of the first club celebration.Obviously, his hosting was unique, and he was fully praised by the leaders of the school and the school.

An Evening Party can control the venue with ease, let alone a simple wedding.If this master of ceremonies is not good, Ai Wen can smash his head on a block of tofu and kill him-it's a shame for the Faculty of Arts!
Before the wedding started, the big screen played the prepared VCR in a loop, such as congratulatory messages from classmates, wedding photos, and collections of wedding photos. It takes half an hour for the VCR to play the whole process.It can be seen that Zhang Qi's classmate relationship is still very good.

Ai Wen read the manuscript carefully, and then told his assistant, Ms. Chen Yanzi, when to start the music and when to stop.Whether the host is good or not, half of the effort is in the music. The vast majority of wedding hosts are superb only after they cooperate with various music.

Music is the common language of human beings. Emotions are not enough to match the music, and it is embarrassing to force sensational, but with music, it will become a different situation.How powerful is music?A bad soundtrack can ruin a film and television work abruptly.

For example, you can try listening to "Song of Shaking Onions" and watching the midnight bell. This feeling is very joyful, even when Sadako pops out, you will feel that she is dancing at the mouth of the well.

Therefore, inserting different music at different moods is the basic quality that an excellent host or emcee should have.Ai Wen, as an old fritter who is proficient in various skills, has a file folder for suitable background music.

Do you think you don't need background music to be a teacher?Every time he wins an award, Aiwen has to make a ppt to go to the district and city education symposium to give a speech as a leader of young teachers. Can the speech be done without background music?How dry it is!In order to be full of emotions and to make the report more mellow, Ivan had to collect suitable background music in various ways.

With too many reports, Ivan's background music playlist will almost be enriched.The impassioned, domineering, gentle, touching, and what Ai Wen intercepted are the most essential parts.

For example, a certain part of "Memory of the Forbidden City" is very suitable for the boss to enter the stage, and another example is a certain part of "Seven Swords" is very suitable for the opening of the banquet. It is not an easy task to gather these materials together.

However, although Aiwen is non-professional, his speaking skills are quite high-and he also has advanced speech and eloquence skills. These qualities make him more than enough to become a provincial announcer or a provincial TV host.Holders of advanced skills are the backbone of the industry, and they are by no means comparable to those who play tickets.

Zhang Qi got married once, and Ai Wen and his wife worked as instrumentalists for two full days.But who told him that this was a thief who had been raised next door for four years!Since you want something from your father, you must satisfy him!

Before the wedding, Zhang Qi also changed into a black tuxedo, and the bride changed into a white wedding dress.Although Ai Wen has good looks, against the background of the flamboyant chicken feather outfit, he did not steal the limelight from the bride and groom at all.Today, the two newcomers are the protagonists of the wedding. It would not be beautiful for Ai Wen to overwhelm the guests.

The wedding process is relatively routine, but there is also a very interesting episode in the middle.In Zhang Qi's best man group, there is a buddy that Ai Wen doesn't know. He is Zhang Qi'er's high school classmate.When the bride was throwing the bouquet, he plucked green onions from the dry land and grabbed the bouquet.

When Ivan asked him to speak about his thoughts on Bouncing, the buddy confessed directly to a bridesmaid.As a result, the atmosphere completely exploded, and the scene was full of excitement.Ai Wen was wondering if this guy was a trustee.The werewolf blew himself up?No loss, a little more than a ruthless person!
The most amazing thing happened—the bridesmaid agreed to the buddy's request for dating.The fierce group, Ai Wen almost didn't hug and turned the wedding into a group wedding.Fortunately, Aiwen has rich experience and tenacious psychological quality, so he reversed the style of painting.

When the banquet started, the bride and groom needed to make a toast, and Ai Wen brought Chen Yanzi to the table of college classmates to start eating.In the morning, he just put on two loaves of bread, and now it's noon—he's almost starving.

A boy said mischievously, "Ai, you said I'm going to toast at the bridesmaid's table now, can you tease a young lady back?"

"What's the matter? Envy, jealousy and hatred? Fate is really irresistible when it comes," Ai Wen squinted→_→ said.

There are very few guys who learn Chinese who are bright and showy, and they are basically low-key.As the saying goes, it's easy to hide from the flamboyant, but hard to guard against the lowly. The guys from the Faculty of Arts are well versed in the way.

Ai Wen chatted enthusiastically with the male students, while Chen Yanzi got along very well with the female students.A group of female classmates gathered around Chen Yanzi like fans, asking for advice on weight loss, makeup, etc. Although the girls from the liberal arts school had a scholarly attitude, Chen Yanzi still dominates when it comes to fashion.

And at the table of college classmates, the men and women with the most handsome looks are Ai Wen and his wife.The female students were all envious of Chen Yanzi's perfect figure, so with their idols in front of them, the girls immediately turned into fans and asked for advice.Chen Yanzi didn't care about it, and taught many practical tips for losing weight.

However, although the skills are useful, you have to persevere-do it a few times on a whim and then discard it as if it is useless.The boys began to talk loudly as soon as they drank. In the past, the boys at this table were all talents of the Imperial College, and it was quite normal to talk about state affairs.

Pointing to the country, encouraging the writing, dung and dirt in those days - ten thousand households - the Taizu also did the same!
(End of this chapter)

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