Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 270 – The Midterm is Coming

Chapter 270 – Midterm is approaching
Early morning, May [-]th.
After running in the morning, the students of Class [-] gathered at the Qishi Restaurant for breakfast. After running every day, eating at Qishidai has become the unanimous consensus of Class [-].

Eating and chatting at the same time is a strong source of happiness during breakfast time, and there is no rule of not talking when eating or sleeping in Qishidai.Liveliness is the theme of Qishidai.

The subject of everyone's chat this morning was very consistent, and that was the upcoming midterm exam.After studying in March and April, the second most important large-scale exam in a semester is coming soon.

This time, the reward given by Aiwen is still generous, so generous that anyone will scream and move forward.It is easy to win the country, but it is difficult to defend the country - the performance of the seventh class of the seventh middle school and the seventh class in the final exam last year was too impressive. This time, many educators are waiting to see whether Aiwen can continue to stand firm and even go further .

The eight key classes in Q City can be regarded as a lingering shadow over the heads of all the classes. No matter how hard the teachers of the parallel classes work hard, they are still no match. Whether it is the structure of students, the construction of the style of study, or the strength of teachers, the parallel classes cannot affect the key classes at all. shock.Ai Wen's appearance is simply the light of the parallel class!

So in this midterm exam, Aiwen's Class [-] has attracted much attention. Even if he has regressed this time, he must keep his position in the top ten.Seventh Middle School Aiwen's name is basically strong and resounding.

Rao is that Ai Wen has his own ups and downs in his heart and is as stable as an old dog, but he is also a little nervous in the face of such huge pressure.After all, there are those who hope that he will become more and more courageous in the battle and become immortals in counterattacks, and there are even more people who hope that he will fall from the altar and be devastated!
If you can't bow your head, the crown will fall; if you can't retreat, the slut will laugh—so this time the collective reward for the seventh class of the midterm exam is an Internet cafe belonging to the seventh class of the first grade.As the country's control becomes more and more strict, minors are greatly restricted from going online in Internet cafes.Anyway, in Q City, Aiwen has not found an Internet cafe that dares to let children enter casually.

In the past two years, he was daring, but after being fined again and again, the owner of the Internet cafe was also punished.Why are more and more children giving up end games and choosing mobile games?This has a lot to do with the fact that Internet cafes are not open to them.

If Ai Wen opened a private Internet cafe that is not open to the public, it is not subject to legal control-if you control the sky, can you still manage an Internet cafe that is not open to the public?Because this is a reward for students in class seven, the system does not require that this expense has the possibility of making a profit.

The children in class [-] turned green when they heard Aiwen's reward - who wants to play with their mobile phones all day long if they can go to an Internet cafe to play!How big is a mobile phone!Playing games is still cool on the end!

It's exciting to think about an Internet cafe of your own!Aiwen is famous for keeping his promises and doing what he does, and he has never failed to achieve what he promised.He said that if there are Internet cafes, there must be Internet cafes!

However, this exam is also a huge test for everyone in class seven. Since a certain rocket class failed in the final exam, everyone in the eight rocket classes in Q City is in danger.Let the ordinary class exceed it, you can lose your face to grandma's house!Especially the rocket class of No. [-] Middle School, which was overtaken by Class No. [-]—this semester, they are studying like crazy.

Don't ask Ai Wen how he knows, Q City is so big, if you want to inquire, you can always find out - isn't Lao Zhou the teacher of No. [-] Middle School!Although Aiwen doesn't often go back to the teacher's apartment to live in, but when he has time, he will go to the coffee shop downstairs of the teacher's apartment to rest and catch up with old friends.

Everyone else is working hard, if the seventh class doesn't work hard enough, the final result may not be so good.Aiwen's standard is not so easy to achieve-after all, he hopes that students can maintain No.8 grades.

During the three days of the May [-]st holiday, Ai Wen was extremely busy, and the students in Class Seven were extremely tired.Under the organization of the monitor, the students in Class [-] spontaneously came to the self-study room to study, and if they had any questions, they would ask the teaching assistants.

In three days, each person in class seven took three sets of mock test papers—note that the quantifier here is "set", what is "set"?The complete set of seven test papers is a set!
Crazy brushing questions must bring great self-confidence. Anyway, the knowledge points in the first half of the first half of the year have been reviewed to memorization. Students have nothing to fear.

Every time there is an exam, the students in Class Seven will collectively emit a murderous look.Anyway, in No. [-] Middle School, the students in Class [-], Grade [-] are the most recognizable.Boys have a uniform round inch and flat head, girls have a uniform ponytail or a short student head.One or two are not so eye-catching, but Class [-] has always been traveling in groups, and a group of guys of the same style will be very powerful when they get together.

Class No. [-] is like a mysterious organization in No. [-] Middle School. Not to mention these guys occupy the top floor, even the rooftop is their back garden.Other classes go to the playground for activities after get out of class, but the students in get out of class seven can only go to the rooftop to look down on all living beings after get out of class.Why do successful people like to place their office areas in high places?Standing on a high place can really cultivate the state of mind!

In the tense, busy and orderly preparation, the midterm exam came quietly.Ai Wen sat as a card face teacher in the No. [-] Middle School, and was once again dispatched by the leader to other schools to invigilate the exam.Every time Aiwen looked at the examination room allocation table, he had no sense of expectation—there was nothing to look forward to, it must be a foreign school!
This time Ai Wen proctored the No. 50 Middle School—and it was the No. [-] exam room!This special meow is very spiritual, and the students who can take the exam in the examination room proctored by Aiwen are all top-notch in Q City.This examination room concentrated on the [-] strongest people in No. [-] Middle School!

"Is there something shady!" Aiwen looked at the examination room assignment table and felt a toothache—is he optimistic about him or giving him a blow?Although Class [-] is strong, there are at most three students who can enter the examination room—only Xie Mingjie and Li Jinqiong can stabilize at that level.

Interesting. Interesting.
Aiwen suddenly found that things became interesting. Has anyone from the Education Bureau noticed him?Whether it's good or bad, Ivan has to admit it—after all, this is a task assigned by his superiors.However, knowing yourself and the enemy, you will never end in a hundred battles. It is also a beneficial experience for Aiwen to have the opportunity to observe the strongest students of the strongest middle school in Q City up close.

The wind and rain are approaching, whether the delicate flowers of the seventh class can stand upright against the wind and soar against the wind depends entirely on their own good fortune.Ai Wen is just a guide, but how to walk the road still depends on oneself.

But what deserves Ai Wen's concern is the results of Li Yang and Li Jinqiong. The training plan for these two children has already started.Li Jinqiong's spare time has been compressed a lot, she has to study music theory and dance.Li Yang is also participating in the city's basketball youth training camp. Although it does not delay the usual class, once the energy is taken away, it will also have a part of the impact on the grades.

Ai Wen felt that this kind of sacrifice was necessary and quite worthwhile—in any case, if you spent your school days in boring studies, you would definitely have some regrets when you grow up.

(End of this chapter)

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