Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 271 - So Embarrassing

Chapter 271 – So Embarrassing
Sunny on May [-]th.
Although it was the day of the midterm exam, Aiwen still got up early and came to school to run with the students.Whether you run in the morning has nothing to do with whether you take the exam or not. The habit of running in the morning has been deeply rooted in the souls of the students in Class [-].

Now whether it is Ai Wen or the students in Class [-], if they don’t run for one day, they will feel uncomfortable, if they don’t run for two days, they will feel uncomfortable, and if they don’t run for three days, they will feel that their lives have lost their light.Sometimes when it rains in the morning, everyone in the seventh class still insists on running on the roof--Ivan has installed a defensive roof on the roof, so the wind can't blow and the rain can't get wet, and it's more comfortable than the playground!
After the run and breakfast, Ai Wen waved goodbye to the students in Class [-]—he was going to the No. [-] Middle School to invigilate the exam, and he also brought his colleagues who were also in the No. [-] Middle School to invigilate the exam.Having a car and driving are two different things. There is Aiwen, who is a junior, as the driver, and old teachers are more willing to ride with the car.Driving a car is energy-saving, low-carbon and environmentally friendly, and Aiwen's car is spacious and atmospheric, making it more comfortable to sit on.

The examination room is like a battlefield, and teachers and students have their own battles to fight.The students' battle is to get good grades in the exam, and Aiwen's battle is to invigilate the exam carefully.In fact, Aiwen's role is not very big. The teachers of the No. [-] Middle School often said with a smile-it will not cause trouble if you tie a dog to invigilate the first examination room!
He is also happy to be an emotional invigilator machine, and he carries nail clippers with him just to invigilate the exam.His engraving skills have become more and more mature, even without a utility knife or a carving knife, he can carve chalk into various shapes.Now he can carve chalk into the shape he wants with the small file that comes with the nail clippers.

After the test papers were distributed, Aiwen carefully looked at the elites in the No. [-] examination room.He found that there are more women than men in this examination room, which is similar to Ai Wen's guess.The study in the first stage of junior high school will test who has a solid foundation and who has a more careful heart. Girls have more advantages than boys in the early stages of junior high school.

The situation in class [-] was a bit unexpected, but the carefulness of those guys was ravaged by Ai Wen bit by bit.Dare to be careless?Ai Wennen will kill you!

After the students sent out the test papers, they began to answer the papers and review the questions seriously. The first subject was Chinese, and Ai Wen also glanced at the content of the test papers.As a Chinese teacher, Ai Wen has clear criteria for judging the quality of Chinese questions. Obviously, Q City's mid-term Chinese test paper is a pretty good test question.

This test paper not only examines basic knowledge, but also tests comprehensive ability.Especially for the composition, the unconventional entry angle makes this test paper really called a "touchstone".

If Aiwen is allowed to do it by himself, he can easily pass 110, but if he is asked to do it by the first-year students, there will be a lot of variables here.After Ai Wen combined the difficulty of the test paper and the abilities of the students in Class 96, he estimated an average score of [-] for his class.

The test paper to examine the comprehensive ability is good for class [-]. Hello, it is the rules and regulations in the textbook. The [-]th class is really not much better than the peers, but once the higher level of Chinese comprehensive ability is tested, the guys in the [-]th class It's a top one.

This set of test papers has a lot of questions on comprehensive ability, and the subjective discussion occupies a lot of space.Especially the final composition requires students to have strong thinking ability and thinking ability.It is easy to write a qualified composition, but it is quite challenging to write a good one.

If the students in Class Seven performed normally, Ai Wen felt that Class Seven could even consider competing for the top spot in a single subject in the city.When it comes to Chinese education, Ivan refuses to accept anyone!How many teachers in the country dare to finish the textbook before the midterm exam and then lead the students to do various things?
Last semester's Chinese comprehensive activity was a drama performance, this time Ai Wen went a step further and directly made a movie!It is unlikely to be released in theaters, but online screenings are still possible!Don't you see how many big online movies on video sites are quietly making money.

If the movie loses money, Aiwen pays for the cost out of his own pocket; if the movie makes a profit, Aiwen will send all the money earned to the students as commemorative red envelopes.Do you think making a film is that difficult?In fact, it's not that difficult to break apart!Movies with wedding dress studio painting style and PPT-style narratives dare to go to theaters to raise money. Ai Wen feels that he has a conscience only to engage in "Internet University".

Where is the script?Students do it themselves!
Where are the actors?The students play it themselves!
Where is the director?Let's work together!If there is any dispute, please directly ask Lao Ai to decide!

Where is the camera?Those who are interested can learn by themselves!
Film is a very comprehensive art!But if the forty or so students really perform their duties and cooperate with each other, they can really form a crew!You say no?Learn it!Who can I learn from?Doesn't Hu Yutian have a crew?Borrow it to learn!Anyway, Lao Hu is still supporting the film crew now, why not pull it out to teach the children, and cultivate a new generation of strength for the next generation of film and television workers in China.

But these are all things after the midterm exam, as for now—let's take the exam honestly!Ai Wen also felt bored after reading the test paper, so he took out a piece of chalk from the chalk box and started his own carving business.

The advantage of proctoring is that he doesn’t have to worry about not having models for his reference. The NO.50 people in front of him are all very good models.Since he wants to carve, Aiwen must choose a good-looking student who is seductive.The appearance of Xueba is getting higher and higher these days, don't think that Xueba can't dress up - Ai Wen was popular among thousands of girls back then!

After scanning around, Ai Wen found a pretty girl in the second row.Such a happy decision!Just sculpt this girl!Ai Wen carefully observed the outline of the girl's face, and then started to move the knife after knowing it well.

Although the small file is not easy to use, under the control of Aiwen's nimble fingers, the chalk dust on the small chalk is constantly taken away by Aiwen's file.The main component of chalk is gypsum, which is a soft solid.Therefore, when carving, you must not use too much force, or a piece of chalk will be smashed to pieces by you.

As time passed, students had less and less time to answer questions, and the chalk in Aiwen's hand became more and more exquisite.However, more and more students find that the invigilator is always staring at the most beautiful girl in the classroom after answering the test papers.

This is too much!Although teacher, you are very handsome, but you can't eat the cabbage in No. [-] Middle School!Especially the girl who was used as a model by Ai Wen, she also found that Ai Wen was always looking at her.Which girl is not pregnant?Being stared at by such a handsome guy as Ai Wen, the girl's pretty face suddenly turned crimson.

The exam bell rang, and Ai Wen began to collect the papers--Ai Wen was the only invigilator in the first examination room of No. [-] Middle School.So he can only go to curl the curls himself. I really miss the time when the two of them worked together!

During the intermission of the students, Ai Wen also put the test papers into the sealed bag and waited for the examination staff to deliver the test papers of the next subject and take away the test papers of the previous subject.A courageous and extroverted student approached Ai Wen and asked:
"Teacher, are you the teacher of that school?"

Ai Wen replied with a smile: "from the Seventh Middle School"

"Seventh Middle School? Do you know a teacher named Ai? The one who is very popular on the Internet!" The student continued to ask.

Ai Wen rubbed his nose: "If I remember correctly, I am the only teacher named Ai in No. [-] Middle School. The guy you mentioned who is making a fuss on the Internet seems to be me."

The student laughed awkwardly: .
So embarrassing!

(End of this chapter)

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