Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 272 - Class 7 of the Immortals, the grades are skyrocketing

Chapter 272 - Class [-] of the Immortals

A mid-term exam passed without any surprises, but the process of waiting for the results to come out was quite a tormented period of time.Ai Wen's mentality is very relaxed, and the students are even more nervous after the exam than before the exam.

"Squad leader, how much do you rate yourself?" A classmate who was above average asked Xie Mingjie.

Xie Mingjie touched the back of his head: "740. This exam is quite difficult."

"Are you sure you are number one in the city?" Another student asked.

"Damn! Do you really think I'm a time traveler? Do you think you can take the exam if you want to be number one in the city? I guess the top five is about the same, and there is hope for the top three--the number one may almost mean nothing. The number one in the first middle school I know the guy, she is my elementary school alumni, I failed the primary school entrance examination and failed to enter the first middle school, she is as stable as an old dog and directly ascended to the key point of the first middle school." Xie Mingjie analyzed calmly.

The top students in Q City have also heard about each other. Xie Mingjie is a sudden and powerful enemy - he can be ranked from the seventh middle school to the top five in the city. It can be seen that his progress has been obvious in the past year.

"Where is the sports committee? Do you still have a score for the top five in your class?" Xie Mingjie asked - he knew that Li Yang had started basketball training since the last conversation, and the compressed study time would definitely have some fluctuations.

Li Yang gave a thumbs up and said: "It should be no problem! I also finished the three sets of papers before the exam in other time, and the results are not bad. Even if there is a slight slip this time, it shouldn't be too big. Those behind me want to surpass me. It's not that easy!"

Chen Xiaolin stared at Li Yang's confident smiling face, her girlfriends were very depressed by that hopeless look.

"Xiaolin! If you like it, go after it! We are no longer primary school students!" A best friend urged - Chen Xiaolin's love couldn't be more obvious, as obvious as the lice on the bald man's head!

Chen Xiaolin was suddenly discouraged: "This is very good, otherwise Lao Ai will kill me, and my parents, aunts and uncles will jointly attack, and I can't stand it!"

Everyone: .
The test papers that Ai Wen is responsible for reviewing are assigned by teaching assistants, which also leads to the monthly salary of language teaching assistants being much higher than that of other teaching assistants.After all, the language teaching assistant has endured the pain that her subject should not have to bear!Usually when shifts are required, the schedule of language teaching assistants will be reduced as much as possible.

three days later--
The teachers sat in the office as if they were waiting for the lottery, as if there were kitten paws tickling their hearts.

The internal report card of the Education Bureau has been released, and teachers of each school can go to the Q City Compulsory Education Network to download it.You need to enter a user name and password to download--outsiders cannot see the download page.

The part that Aiwen has permission to download is only the grades of No. [-] Middle School, but he is not alone—his friends are all over the entire Q City of various schools. hands.

First open the list released to the city's educators. The first table is the ranking of the total average scores of each class in the middle schools directly under the Municipal Education Bureau.The ranking of running water, the number one in the iron fight - the No. 1 rocket class of the No. [-] Middle School has always been at the top of the list, and everyone is too lazy to see who No. [-] is.

But the big guys are looking at the second half of the top ten, and they want to see if an ordinary middle school can achieve another glory.A counterattack can be said to be luck, but repeating the myth twice or three times is a manifestation of strength.

No. 10?no!

No. 9?No!
No.8. This is already the private plot of the eight rocket classes!However, the seventh class of the seventh year of the seventh middle school is still not here.Finally, everyone found Class 7, Grade [-], No. [-] Middle School at No.[-].This time, they went up against the wind and kicked down another key class!

This time, not only Class D of No. [-] Middle School fell, but the poor kids in Class C were also kicked out of their place by guys from Class [-], Year [-] of No. [-] Middle School.This is so embarrassing.What's happening here?If you fail to take revenge, you will be beaten!
Ai Wen looked at this ranking, and his heart suddenly became clear.A very important factor for Class Seven to rise against the wind is that Liu Jianwen, Yang Er, and Yan Jin were sent by Ai Wen to the Imperial Capital to learn art from teachers. Of course, if they did not take the exam, they would not be included in the average score.The three of them have already suspended their studies. According to the regulations of their superiors, the grades of students suspended from school will not be recorded as zero.

At the end of last year, Squad [-] carried three big mountains to fight against the enemies of Rocket Squad. This time, the three big mountains were moved away, and Squad [-], who was as light as a swallow, took this opportunity to kill another powerful enemy in an instant.If it weren't for Li Jinqiong and Li Yang's study time being compressed by Ai Wen, the grades of Class Seven might have been even better.

If a master fights, even a little mistake will be magnified.There is no huge gap in the average scores of the top ten classes in the city. This time, class seven only improved by one rank is already the result of the enemy's hard work.

If the eighth rocket class is still in the state at the end of last semester, Aiwen thinks that this time the seventh class can enter the top five - it can be seen that it is not only his own students who have improved, but other people's children are also working hard in invisible places .

Next, let’s look at individual results. There are 4 of the top [-] classes in the city. This percentage is quite a lot. There are so many excellent students in the city. What more bike do you want?
It is understandable for Li Yang not to be in the top [-] Ai Wen, and it is also understandable for Li Jinqiong not to be in the top [-].If they hadn't wasted their spare time, maybe there would be room for improvement in their grades.

Fortunately, the other students were strong enough, and the average grade of Class Seven was still terrifying.Ai Wen doesn't even bother to look at the school rankings of No. [-] Middle School now. The opponent of Class No. [-] is the No. [-] Rocket Class in Q City.In the seventh grade group of the seventh middle school, the seventh class is already beyond the standard!Comparing one's own class with the seventh class is a kind of self-inflicted mentality -- don't look at how much Aiwen invested in training the seventh class?That is real gold and silver!
The Chinese score of Class [-] was as he expected, it was indeed the best average score in the city.Even if the Chinese score of No. [-] Rocket Class A is in front of Class No. [-], he is still a younger brother!What's wrong with Yizhong Niubi?Can the students in your class publish dozens of articles in various magazines on average every semester?

These articles were not published by Ai Wen through his relationship with others, but were pushed by the editors of the magazines.Don't other editors need to review it?What can be published must be excellent articles!
It can be said that Class [-] of junior high school has almost reached the level of per capita writers, and when these little guys graduate from junior high school, it is estimated that they will soon have the level of per capita city writers association!It's not that Aiwen is bragging, many of the students in Class [-] have published articles in provincial pure literature journals-this is the minimum threshold for entering the Municipal Writers Association!
As for referees?Isn't this hard to find?The really hard part is actually publishing articles in magazines!

So in terms of composition, the little guys in Class 45 are definitely the only ones.The total score of the composition is [-] points, and the average score of the composition in the examination room for Class [-] is [-] points. Just ask if you are afraid!
What do you think Aiwen tortured the students to revise their compositions again and again?Only in this way can a stubborn stone be polished into a good talent and beautiful jade!

(End of this chapter)

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