Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 286 – Grab the role

Chapter 286 – Grab the Role

The students are obedient, and the teacher is at ease.Aiwen goes to and from work every day in a sense of coping - most of the work in the seventh class is on the right track, the master leads the door, and the practice is up to the individual. It doesn't make much difference whether Aiwen is there or not.

However, Ivan is used to clocking in at work every day, and in addition to the seventh class, he has eight classes to take charge of.In Class [-], Ai Wen is only a subject teacher, and the teaching progress of Class [-] is not as exaggerated as that of Class [-].Although Aiwen wanted to reform, but the head teacher didn't dare to let Aiwen toss.

For the Chinese performance of the whole school year, Class [-] is the pinnacle of being blocked.But apart from Class Seven, the results of Class Eight are also quite gratifying.Therefore, Mr. Wang, the head teacher of Class [-], didn't want to take the risk of letting his students engage in those messy activities.She believes that the right way is for students to study hard, and Aiwen's fancy things will distract students.

Everyone has their own educational philosophy.The so-called different ways do not conspire with each other.In Class [-], Aiwen, who has the support of students, parents, and leaders, can completely call the wind and rain, but in Class [-], Aiwen can only be a man with his tail between his legs, quietly being a well-behaved lecturer.

Fortunately, Ai Wen's teaching skills are becoming more and more proficient, and the students in Class [-] still like Ai Wen's Chinese class very much.Firstly, the Chinese teacher is handsome, and secondly, the Chinese teacher's lectures are interesting-how can such a teacher be unpopular with students?Moreover, Teacher Ai spends generously and rewards generously, which makes learning Chinese more passionate and motivated.

If Class Seven is Aiwen's direct disciple, then the students in Class Eight can only be regarded as Aiwen's outer disciples.The students who are really carried out by Aiwen's educational theory can only be the guys in Class [-] - without him, they can toss about their own territory!

Of course, although the eighth class is only Aiwen's outer disciple, he still completes his teaching tasks very seriously.Seeking benevolence and benevolence, the head teacher of Class [-] likes to be stable, so Ai Wen used his most stable level to teach these students.

Occasionally, students in Class [-] would confide to Aiwen their yearning for Class [-]—it wasn’t that they didn’t love their class, but that the treatment in Class [-] really made their peers crazy about lemons.

Look at the seventh class of others!The three meals provided by Qishidai every day, the holidays and the Internet cafes belonging to the class open their doors to them, and the exams every now and then are like giving benefits to the whole class.Every time the guys in Class Seven show off, the audience will cry silently-why didn't I enter Class Seven at the beginning of school?So angry!
In No. [-] Middle School, transferring classes is more difficult than transferring schools.Ai Wen has made it clear that Class [-] will no longer accept any form of transfer, and it is not easy for the principal to write a note.It's not that the educational resources in Aiwen's hands are not enough, but that newcomers can't keep up with the rhythm of Class Seven without a little tempering.

The students in Class [-] have been trained by Aiwen to have a high degree of self-discipline, and Aiwen has thoroughly observed and understood the character of these guys one by one.Education pays attention to teaching students according to their aptitude, and one more new student will bring a huge workload to Aiwen.The education method for everyone in his class is carefully designed by him, which is very different from the free-range education in other classes.

It is only the first year of junior high school, and many of Aiwen's personal development plans have not yet been put on the agenda.Waiting until the second and third grades of junior high school is the time for these guys to shine.Tell me, the plan is all set, why does Aiwen make burdens for himself?To recruit one more apprentice is to be responsible for one more person's future. Aiwen is an elite education. After becoming Aiwen's apprentice, Aiwen must take care of your bright future!

So don't look at Ai Wen who is idle and idle every day, but he has a very heavy responsibility-he shoulders the growth and future of dozens of people.If he was just a well-behaved educator, Ivan might not put too much energy into education.But he loves this line of work now, so he must give the students a better tomorrow.

After Class [-] finished, Aiwen hummed a little tune and returned to Class [-] to sit in town.As the existence of the Seventh Class Dinghai Shenzhen, Ai Wen has almost become a scene in the Seventh Class.The students have been completely accustomed to the presence of their homeroom teacher in the rest area in the second half of the class, and they will not be overly nervous even with Aiwen around.

Habit is a very terrible force, and habit is also a very great force.The students in Class [-] have become accustomed to the high-intensity, high-load, and fast-paced study and life in this class.Not only have they learned the current knowledge, but they have also conducted self-study preview under the leadership of the team of "I feel uncomfortable if I don't study for a day".

Previewing is a particularly good study habit. After you read the knowledge you are about to learn, you will be targeted during the learning process and listen to the teacher's lectures with goals and focus.The most taboo in class is that there is no end. You don't know what you should listen to, and you can only scratch your beard and eyebrows in the end.

The best students in the seventh class are now capable of taking the high school entrance examination, and the top few are already able to hit the top [-] in the city this year.In fact, this is not difficult-the learning content of junior high school is not as much as imagined, and the various knowledge of junior high school is more like laying the foundation for high school content.

The foundation is not solid, the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking--Ai Wen has no plan to let the students of Class [-] take the senior high school entrance examination.What a beautiful youth junior high school is, three years is not long, why not leave good memories and go to high school again!Are those fifteen or six-year-olds who are admitted to university really happy?not necessarily!The students in the university are more than common, and it is easy for you to be excluded as a child.

People will have collective unconscious xenophobia, and they especially like to draw circles:
I am from the south, you are from the north, I will not play with you.
You are studying Chinese, I am studying English, I will not play with you.
I'm nineteen this year, you're only sixteen, I won't play with you
So at any age, you should do what your age is!What's more, one year is enough to accumulate knowledge, and the real time for the seventh class is the next two years.

Why is Aiwen frantically calling on all students to preview new knowledge?Because there may not be much study time left for students in the next two years. He must have something to convince other teachers, right?If students have mastered the next courses by themselves, resistance from teachers may be minimized.

There is a head teacher who wants to work hard all day, and the students in class seven are actually very tired.Once Elder Ai showed his supernatural powers, Class [-] would definitely be in trouble. Fortunately, Boss Ai was extravagant and extremely generous.

"The script has been selected as a teacher - the teacher's favorite is "The Secret Service Couple" from 'The Seven People from Storm Canyon'. I will hand over the script to professional screenwriters for repair and organization, and you will also start your acting learning career— —The male protagonist in this movie is the teacher, and the female protagonist is your teacher’s wife, as for the other roles, you need to compete.”

"I will hang the role list in front of the classroom, and the casting will start two weeks later. By the way, there will be a monthly exam in two weeks. Don't relax too much and throw away the grades," Ai Wen reminded kindly.

How could the students listen to Ivan's last words, and everyone flocked to the front to see what roles were available.The hero and heroine are gone, and there are supporting actors and actresses!In addition to supporting actors and actresses, there are also villains!

"I want Killer Z! Don't snatch it from me!"

"I want to be"

"Director of Destiny, who else but me!"

Ai Wen quickly retreated, otherwise he would not be able to jump out of the encirclement of the students - it seems that these guys have a deep obsession with acting!
(End of this chapter)

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