Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 287 - The Sad Aiwen

Chapter 287 – The Sad Aiwen

Ever since his daughter-in-law went to the imperial capital to attend an acting training class and was not at home, Aiwen now lives a very happy life every day.When he was single, Ai Wen had friends like courtesans everywhere in Q City.However, since he got married, he revolves around his wife every day.

The tradition of the Ai family is to love their daughter-in-law, which Ai Wen has inherited from the family.But the daughter-in-law is not at home. Aiwen can finally make a phone call to shake people up.Thanks to my good health, otherwise I would have already become fat and fat.

Once when eating, Chen Yanzi complained that the whole table was full of meat, and there was no green in sight.So Ai Wen silently ordered a bottle of Sprite and put it in front of his wife. Then he was beaten.
"Playing basketball! Is anyone there?" Ivan shouted in the crowd.

"Hey? Comrade Wife Slave has become a hero?" A buddy said in amazement.

Everyone knows that Aiwen has become a lady of everyone since he got married, and he doesn't leave the door after get off work.His ability to take the initiative to save games today is simply a scene where the sun came out from the west.

"What is a wife slave? I feel offended." Ai Wen replied depressedly: "It's a rare opportunity for my wife to go to the imperial capital for training and not be at home! The king of the game is going to come out again!"

"The surname Ai is gone!"

"You should educate him well!"

"Let's go to the city gymnasium!"

"wait for me!"

"Tender him!"

Aiwen's mass base is still there, and there is really an overwhelming response.Soon, more than a dozen buddies responded to the call and went straight to the city gymnasium to gather.

As the initiator, Aiwen went to the pharmacy downstairs and bought two boxes of drinking glucose water, packed them in the trunk and brought them there.Ivan has always been the logistics manager, and two boxes of glucose water are enough for a game of basketball.

When Aiwen arrived, the few people who came early had already started shooting half-court to warm up, and they would start playing the whole court when people arrived.

Putting on the battle uniform that had been dusty for several months, Ai Wen became the most beautiful boy in the audience.A buddy saw Ai Wen on the stage, and looked around with a smile: "I've gained weight after getting married! The six-pack abs are gone!"

After the last time his physical strength exceeded [-], all the edges and corners of Aiwen's body were melted away.In the past, Ai Wen had a pretty face and a sturdy body, but after his physical strength was strengthened, he was only gentle and delicate from the inside to the outside, from top to bottom.

Ai Wen exercised his muscles and bones: "It's really not practiced, but it's still very easy to beat you!"

"Just blow it! Keep blowing it! If you don't accept it, dunk it!" Another buddy threw the ball to Ivan and said with a smile.

Although Ivan was strong before, his jumping ability was average.At that time, he struggled to catch the basket, let alone dunk.However, today is different from the past. Aiwen's four-dimensional index is all above [-], which means that Aiwen's physical fitness has been strengthened to a very excessive level.Although Ivan has never tried dunking, he feels that he should be able to complete it now.

He took the basketball and patted it twice: "Stay back, I'm going to pretend to be 13."

"Come on! It looks like this!"

"Boss Ai is about to rise up!"

"Look at Aiwen jumping into the wind and soaring up to [-] miles!"

Ivan stood breathlessly in the half court. After taking a deep breath, he tightened his muscles, and then he slapped the ball forward like a cheetah.

"This is."


"Slam dunk from the free throw line?"

"My Nima"

"Is this going to heaven?"

Ivan jumped up, drew an arc in the air as if he had put on wings, and pressed the basketball into the basket.Then he landed with ease, and there was silence save for the thud of the basketball on the floor.
"What did I see?"

"Why didn't I record it?"

"This nm is ruthless."

"Buddha, Buddha!"

A group of buddies silently watched Ai Wen's bright moments, and then silently gave him the middle finger in their hearts. MMP, haven't seen this for a few months?

The brother who gave the basketball to Ivan spit secretly. He shouldn't have given the ball to Ivan, who pretended to be a 13 offender, and gave him another chance to pretend to be a beautiful 13!
Ai Wen pinched his waist and shouted to the sky with a happy smile: "Just ask you! Who else!"

"Slip away."

"I can't afford it, I can't afford it"

So a group of people quickly divided into groups and started to play the whole game, leaving Ai Wen, who pretended to be 13, aside.

"Is this how you treat a good basketball player?" Ivan jumped: "If you have me, you will have victory!"

"Old Li! Catch the ball! Pass him!"

"Old Zhang! Guard against him!"

"Old Yang! You fouled!"

Everyone uniformly ignored Ai Wen, the criminal who pretended to be 13. The best way to deal with criminals who pretended to be 13 was to ignore him!

"Jealous! You are purely jealous!" Ivan was furious. He came to the sidelines and began to give technical guidance to the guys on the field:
"Lao Yang, give the ball to Lao Liu!"

"Lao Liu made a breakthrough and gave the ball to Lao Zheng at the basket!"

"Damn it! The ball was broken!"

"No, you go down. Let me come!"

Ai Wen perfectly turned into a humanoid self-propelled Tucao machine -- didn't you let me play?Men can bore you to death with their mouths!
"Elder Ai! Receive your magical powers!"

"Believe it or not, we beat you up!"

"Hey? Threatening me? I want to hit ten!" Ai Wen said angrily: "You are already surrounded by me!"

"Kill him tenderly!"

"Ouba just killed him!"

"Is it Aiwen, you drifted away, or can I wait until I can't hold the knife?"

"Take him!"

The brothers put down the basketball and rushed towards Ivan in a hurry.

"Old Zhang controls his upper body! Old Li controls his left leg and leaves his right leg to me!"

Seeing this group of guys swarming up, Ivan ran away - he can fight, but it is also dangerous to be surrounded by ten big guys.He's Aiwen, it's okay if it's not Ye Wen who yells ten times, but it doesn't mean who wins if he really fights!

Two fists can't beat four hands, and he beat the master to death with random punches--Ai Wen thought to himself that he was not that hard yet.Unless you have practiced the iron cloth shirt with golden bell cover to the extreme, you can hit ten at a time!
So a chase started in the gymnasium, and in the end Aiwen was caught by the big guy.

Four strong men held Ivan by one of his limbs and hung him in the air, and a bad friend pointed to the uprights of the basketball stand: "Grind it! Grind it to smoke! Let's see if he still pretends to be aggressive!"

"Bosses! I was wrong! Give me a chance! I want to be a good person!" Ivan howled heartbreakingly.

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, but there is no way to hell, you just pretend to be aggressive! Take him!"

The four big men picked up Aiwen and grinded it on the basketball pillars, only to hear Aiwen's heart-piercing voice of egg pain floating over the entire gymnasium:


"Thieves! Wait until I get out of trouble and kill you! Ah~~"

"Don't offend me~~ah~~"

After rubbing for 10 minutes, everyone was refreshed, and only Aiwen was left under the basketball stand squatting in the shape of "brother": "You are real dogs! You can't be like this!"

"For those pretending to be coercive, we have always killed them."

"Let you pretend to be 13? Next time, just hit it with a swing!"

Ai Wen sighed quietly: "It's too difficult! It's too difficult to be an excellent person! You guys are purely envious! Jealous! Ruthless!"

"Say it again? Do you want to do it again?"

Alvin: OTZ
Boss!I was wrong!

(End of this chapter)

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