Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 294 - Ai's Big Disciple in the Welfare Institute

Chapter 294 – Ai’s Big Disciple in the Orphanage

It is also very fun for a group of teachers to gather together to eat and drink. Some teachers are really full of jokes, and their mouths are articles.The people living in the teacher's apartment are good-looking and nice-speaking, all of them are talents——Ai Wenchao loves living here.

Especially when it comes to the routine of complaining about students after a meal, that is an interesting one.All the teachers here are teachers, and there must be at least a hundred students and more than 200 parents under them.There are hundreds of people and all kinds of people—do you think how many strange things teachers encounter every day?
In many cases, Aiwen's happiness index is obtained by the complaints of his peers. Compared with his friends who live in dire straits, Aiwen lives in the Garden of Eden properly.Aiwen has been upgraded from the ordinary teacher's pursuit of grades to a higher level of spiritual pursuit of being a saint.

Aiwen's goal is to randomly pick out any student who can become the capital of others' pre-emphasis.Teachers without children got together and chatted the most with the children in their own class. Which child was so good that he could always win awards and judges, which child was naughty but would be possessed by the God of War as soon as he came to the sports meeting, and which child was mature and stable. From the class card - these are the capital of the teachers to show off.

What is the saying in education circles?Today you are proud of me, tomorrow I will be proud of you.Now Aiwen is the capital that the students in Class [-] are bragging about with their peers. After these guys become famous, Aiwen will smile and talk to others when drinking with others Pass.How much face did Ivan have at that time?

Where is Confucius' criticism?It lies in his educational achievements - 72 disciples, [-] sages, and the famous "Analects of Confucius" was compiled and compiled by his disciples and re-disciples.

After eating this meal for three full hours, in order to drink for these guys, Aiwen fried another two catties of peanuts, patted six cucumbers and cut two pig ears.Fortunately, tomorrow is Saturday, otherwise all the people's teachers would be late.

Ai Wen looked at his watch: "It's eleven o'clock, are you still going to bed?"

"It's only eleven o'clock! What are you up to! Play music and dance!" Lao Zhou squinted his eyes and savored the aftertaste of bourbon whiskey—this guy Ivan's wine is really good!
All the domestic wines in Aiwen’s house are bought from Midi—it is easy to buy fake ones in China, but you can hardly buy A-grade wine from Midi, and you can buy domestically produced wines at the same price in foreign countries. The goods must be better than those bought in China.

So when buying wine, Ai Wen would rather wait for the slow FedEx and ask friends abroad to help deliver the goods.This has nothing to do with whether the moon in foreign countries is round or not. The main reason is that these domestic businessmen have played too much with double standards.

Aiwen can't change the businessman, so he can only work hard on himself.There are many friends in Midi Aiwen. He doesn’t need to find a purchasing agent to buy things. It is also easy for purchasing agents to fool people with fake products. You still have to find reliable people to buy things!
Anyone who loves to drink in the teacher's apartment knows that Aiwen can't drink fake alcohol, so his dormitory is almost becoming a paradise for alcoholics.Don't think that the teachers don't like to drink. Drinking in China is a kind of culture--do the poems written by the poet Li Bai without drinking still have a fairy flavor?

Why worry?Only Dukang!The teacher can be regarded as a half-educated person anyway, how can he be worthy of the status of a literati if he doesn't drink alcohol?Especially the Chinese teacher!It's a joke to tell others that you can't drink!

The female teachers should go back to wash and sleep. Staying up late is the natural enemy of women's beauty.If there is no special important thing, it is better for girls not to stay up late, endocrine disorders will cause acne - ugly!

Those who stayed at Aiwen's place were a bunch of high drunkards. Aiwen finally came back. How could he be worthy of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity if he didn't let his wine cabinet be replaced with a new batch of wine?

What's more, everyone is also happy for Aiwen, his wife is married, and his career is flying into outer space like a rocket-this is simply a winner in life. Is there any template?
So a group of drunkards kept shouting, drinking and chatting until midnight before wandering back to the dormitory like ghosts.As the host, Ai Wen was also poured, who made this game by himself!
Although he hasn't been back to the teacher's apartment for a few months, once he comes back here, Aiwen feels a sense of comfort and intimacy.It is also a kind of luck to meet so many friends playing together in the city. Compared with the social animals who work from nine to five every day, the teachers in the teacher's apartment are much happier.

Tomorrow is Saturday, and according to the practice of the teacher's apartment, it is still a weekly leisure activity.The small blackboard downstairs has already written this week's activities - going to the children's welfare home to do volunteer work.

Do you really think that a teacher's daily life is going to and from get off work, eating, drinking, and having fun?As the pioneers of the times, teachers also shoulder the sense of responsibility endowed by the times. Q City Nursing Home and Children's Welfare Home are designated service units of the teacher's apartment. The teachers who live in the teacher's apartment must be volunteers at least once a month.

Many children in the orphanage are quite familiar with the teachers after they go to school-these uncles and aunts have appeared when they were young.These children without parents are really pitiful, and some children were adopted by teachers' families without children.

Aiwen also went to the orphanage as a volunteer, and he even accepted an apprentice there!However, because of his busy business, Ivan has been there several times in recent months-the little guy always pestered his aunt to ask where his godfather was.

Early the next morning, Ai Wen followed the Q City Volunteer Organization-Teacher's Apartment Team and drove to the Q City Children's Welfare Institute for condolences.Every time the volunteer team comes to condolences, they will bring snacks, drinks, candies, and stationery.
The children were very happy to see the arrival of the volunteer team, jumping up and down like happy birds.What kid doesn't welcome someone who buys them a treat?What kid doesn't like someone to play with?

Aiwen is also a star player in the volunteer team - there is no way, Aiwen will please the children!This guy has all kinds of weird skills, even if he is asked to set up a stall on the Tianqiao, he won't starve to death!

When he came to volunteer for the first time, he brought a rainbow spring coil with him—the kind of children’s toy that costs [-] yuan a piece from roadside stalls.The same children's toys are very boring props in the hands of others, but in Aiwen's place, he has played with them.

The small rainbow spring coil seemed to be given life by Ivan, spinning, tumbling, and being pulled out of various colors in the air.Where have the children in the orphanage seen such a cool game?Each one's small eyes were as bright as light bulbs--Ivan's little apprentice was recognized at that time, and the boy knelt down in front of Ivan begging for an apprentice.

Ai Wen, who just graduated, has never seen such a battle!As a result, he has an additional legendary apprentice--the founder of the Ai family sect.But that kid is also a talent, after Ai Wen bestowed the magic weapon of his family-a three-dollar miniature rainbow spring coil, he really developed a flashy ability.

So that kid became the prettiest boy in the Children's Welfare Institute, and little girls rushed to sit next to him when eating——the happiness of a child is as simple as that.At least his little apprentice became a winner in life when he first started, and the fate of master and apprentice is not in vain!
(End of this chapter)

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