Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 295 - I'm the one who commits suicide

Chapter 295 – I'm a Peach Blossom
The basic steps to go to the orphanage for condolences are divided into the following three steps:
[-]. Sending things to children;
[-]. Performing shows for children;

[-]. Take the children to clean up together.

All in all, going to the orphanage to give condolences is to bring joy and companionship to the children, and let them know that there is still truth, kindness, beauty and caring in this world.

It is best for teachers to do this kind of thing, because educators are more professional from a professional point of view.Moreover, educators are born with the attitude of being a good teacher.The so-called high school is a teacher, and the body is a role model. Children will become more like a teacher if they have more contact with the teacher.

Children have a strong ability to imitate, and they will subconsciously move closer to whoever they admire.Take Aiwen's big apprentice as an example, that guy's every move is subconsciously imitating Aiwen-this is the power of role models.

Visiting a nursing home is a memory of history, and visiting a children's welfare home is caring for the flowers of the motherland.The number of times he went to the orphanage to do volunteer work is also listed among the hidden conditions for the selection of outstanding young teachers-don't ask how Aiwen knows, this is all hidden behind the scenes.

However, I have to say that the success rate of the children in the Q City Welfare Institute is very high. Compared with the children who grew up in the Welfare Institute in other small places, the children in the Q City Welfare Institute are less likely to go astray.What's even more amazing is that the career these children most want to choose when they grow up is a teacher!

Now there are several teachers who live in the teacher's apartment are orphans from the orphanage.And what's amazing is that they still have a deep impression of Ai Wen's father, Comrade Ai.It has been many years since teachers went to the orphanage to give condolences. It is said that there has been such a glorious tradition since Addison's teacher.

Therefore, there is a historical basis for the education level of Q City to be one of the best in the province. The three generations of teachers in Q City are very socially responsible. Teachers in Q City are really a career rather than a profession.Moreover, respect for teachers in Q City has become a social ethos. No matter how noisy and impetuous other industries are, the education industry can be regarded as a pure land.

As the face-to-face contestant of the volunteer team, Ai Wen played and sang a classic nursery rhyme "Grandma's Penghu Bay" to the children on the broken piano of the orphanage.The broken piano in the orphanage is an upright piano that was eliminated from the Q City Vocational Art Institute. You said how good it is. It really has nothing to praise, but you say that this thing is broken is also unconscionable. It was made in the 60s Pearl River Piano is indeed a product of conscience.

To be honest, Aiwen's piano level is very average--it is only at the level of a beginner, but you can't help him sing so well!With the blessing of master-level singing skills, Ai Wen's singing has an intoxicating effect.That is to say, there is no extraordinary power in this world, otherwise Aiwen would definitely be caught as a Naga siren and thrown back into the sea!
The fellow teachers were outraged -- the limelight was once again robbed by Ivan!If Ai Wen hadn't written every newsletter, this product would have been mobbed and attacked long ago.All 13 have been installed by you alone, how can other people mess around?Thanks to Aiwen, every time he sends out a newsletter, he will make everyone appear on camera and reduce his own brilliance, otherwise he would have caused public outrage.

Thanks to Ai Wen's brilliant writing skills, excellent photography skills, and super photo-graphic skills, otherwise he would have been run over by his colleagues who ate lemons to get high.Although the opportunity to appear in front of others cannot be given up, Aiwen still gets wet with the rain and dew when sending out the newsletter.

After singing the song, Aiwen picked up his little apprentice and walked out of the crowd: "Apprentice, I have to check my homework as a teacher. How are you mastering the skills that my teacher taught you recently?"

"Master! It's too difficult! The b-box is too difficult! My mouth is dry and my voice is hoarse and it's like farting." The nine-year-old boy said with a frustrated expression.

Ai Wen touched his chin: "Apprentice, if you want to be handsome in front of others, you have to practice hard after others. You also suffered a lot as a teacher. Think about it, if you practice b-box well, Xiaoling and Xiaojuan will have dinner with you again in the future!"

The little boy was bewildered by Aiwen's beautiful vision, and he nodded firmly: "Master, I will definitely continue to work hard!"

"When you learn b-box, I will teach you how to dance mechanically. No girl will reject a boy who can dance mechanically." Aiwen rubbed the boy's head vigorously: "I will give you another three months as a teacher. If you don’t practice well, you and I will end up with the master-student fate.”

"Don't tell me, master! I want to learn from you for the rest of my life!" The little boy hugged Ivan's thigh and didn't let go.

Ai Wen broke out in a cold sweat: "Who did you learn from? This thick skin is almost as thick as the city wall!"

"Master, I heard that you are married, or else you should adopt me! I'll serve you tea and water, wash your clothes and fold your quilt - the teacher has his work, and the disciple will do his work." The little boy said in a treacherous manner.

Ai Wen said hesitantly: "Good boy, you are waiting for me here! But I am only 26 years old as a teacher, and I am obviously not qualified according to the adoption law. If I want to adopt you, I have to nod my parents but not my apprentices." , the teacher’s family property is really too much, I really don’t worry about having more younger brothers! According to the law, adopted children also have the right to inherit, you know.”

little boy:
"Master, is your family rich?" the little boy asked dully.

Ai Wen sneered: "Millions of wealth? As a teacher, the family has hundreds of millions! Otherwise, why is the teacher so close to hundreds of millions?"

"Ah~ I thought you could adopt me!" The little boy said depressedly: "Staying in the orphanage is not interesting at all, it is more interesting to stay with Master."

"Hey, as a teacher, I have retired from the world and lived a life of wives and children. Being a teacher can't give you the world you want, but I can make good arrangements for your junior high school and high school. Your elementary school must go to a designated school. I can't control this. But I can really arrange for you to enter No. [-] Middle School in your junior high school and high school—have you heard of No. [-] Middle School?" Ai Wen Niu Pi said cozily.

The little boy was about to fall down—how could he know where No. [-] was?He just thought the master's gesture of pointing Jiang Shan and berating Fang Qiu was so handsome!

"You and I are masters and apprentices. Being a teacher can give you a bright future. Now you go to school hard and practice what the teacher entrusts to you. You look like a peach blossom." Ai Wen smashed Let's smash it and say.

The little boy asked in confusion: "Master, what is peach blossom life?"

"You'll know it when you grow up!" Ai Wen said mysteriously.

joke!This kid has been a handsome guy since he was a child, and after being trained by Ai Wen, which girl doesn't like a handsome guy who is proficient in all kinds of girl-picking skills?Look at how this guy is treated now!Every time he eats, the most beautiful girl in the orphanage sits next to him!
mmp!I am envious of being a good teacher!I didn't have this kind of treatment when my teacher was young!Sure enough, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and each wave is bigger than the other. Waves~
(End of this chapter)

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