Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 297--Visit from the previous students

Chapter 297 – A visit from a previous student

"Hello? Hello! I'm Aiwen!" Early on Sunday morning, Aiwen answered a call from an unfamiliar number while running in the morning.

As a teacher, he has long been used to being disturbed by various strange numbers-God knows where there are so many aunts and aunts among the students, and these relatives really care about the children!
A Chinese teacher who doesn't want to be an operator is not a good class teacher, and there is an internal logic here.A qualified class teacher can be quite competent even if he resigns and becomes a mobile operator.

"Teacher Ai! I'm Li Xiaoxue!" A nice girl's voice came over the phone, and Ai Wen smiled knowingly - this is really not his ex-girlfriend, this child is his first student.

When he first became a teacher, Ai Wen was quite easy-going. After all, he is a subject teacher and there is no need to put on airs.So the relationship between him and the first batch of students is still very good.But these kids didn't say which teacher they had visited after graduation, so Ai Wen gradually forgot about them.

Now that the students from the previous class suddenly called to greet him, Ai Wen felt very happy. Did anyone of these little white-eyed wolves remember to greet their junior high school Chinese teacher?
"Xiaoxue, what's the matter?" Ai Wen asked calmly. Although his steps did not slow down, he still didn't blush or breathe.

Li Xiaoxue smiled and said: "Teacher! We want to visit you today, are you free?"

"If you are free, you must be free, but why do you think of visiting my old Chinese teacher?" Although he said this, the stretched corners of Ai Wen's mouth still revealed the fact that he was very happy.

Li Xiaoxue said aggrievedly: "We have wanted to visit you for a long time, but you don't know, there is too much homework in No. [-] Middle School!"

"I really know that as a teacher, I took the university entrance examination for graduation from No. [-] Middle School. I know all the new teachers in your school within five years, and I know half of the ones who have been here for more than five years. Maybe one of your teachers has taught me before!" Ai Wen said lightly: "A lot of homework is not the reason why you don't come to visit the lonely elderly. I didn't do my homework at all when I was in high school!"

Li Xiaoxue:
Who can compare with you?Li Xiaoxue really heard about Ai Wen's legend in No. [-] Middle School one year after entering school--some of Ai Wen's classmates really worked in No. [-] Middle School back then.This guy was a martial arts student in high school, and then before the college entrance examination, he didn't know why his brain was out of order, and suddenly he didn't take the physical education exam and turned into a cultural student.

The most embarrassing thing is that Aiwen, who only took cultural courses and had no bonus points for physical education, was still admitted to a prestigious normal school—Northern Normal University’s ace major: Chinese Language and Literature Education. The teachers who taught Aiwen at that time were shocked shocked.

Whether it is the first model, the second model, or the third model, Aiwen's scores are all stable at around [-]--this score is already quite impressive for sports students. If the bonus of sports points is added, Aiwen can sign up for the whole China Any prestigious university.

However, Aiwen's college entrance examination score is a luxurious number starting with "6", directly crushing a group of top students.As for the art students, just kneel down to Boss Aiwen!
"Teacher, where is your home?" Li Xiaoxue decided to change the subject - chatting with Ai Wen about studying is simply boring, Ai Wen is the kind of super disgusting person who doesn't study hard and has excellent test scores.

Ai Wen gave Li Xiaoxue the address of Chen Yanzi's home - the students in the teacher's apartment couldn't get in, so he let these children go to Chen Yanzi's home!Fortunately, Aiwen's living habits are not bad, and he didn't make the house too messy, otherwise he really wasn't ready to open the door to welcome guests.

Chen Yanzi's house is a full one hundred square meters, which is definitely enough to entertain ten or so students.Today, Li Xiaoxue formed a group with the top students admitted to No. [-] middle school. After entering high school, everyone's friendship is still there. When Li Xiaoxue organized people to visit Ai Wen, she immediately said that I would be one of them.

The agreed time for the children to come to the door was around [-]:[-] noon, which was just enough time for Ivan to cook.I don't know if these guys are here to visit the teacher or just to have a meal, Ai Wen always feels that he is a bit at a loss.

After the morning run, Ai Wen drove the Wrangler back to Chen Yanzi's house and started cleaning.There will always be some dust at home if I don't come back for a few days, and there are still dirty clothes left by Ivan in the bathroom.

After Aiwen packed up, the students were almost here.Ai Wen turned on the air conditioner to cool down the room - usually he doesn't turn on the air conditioner very much, he usually likes to blow natural wind.Head pain, nasal congestion, and throat discomfort after the air conditioner has been blowing for a long time-these are typical air conditioner diseases.

Half an hour later, a dozen young and lively boys and girls knocked on Ivan's door carrying fruits, drinks, and dairy products.Ai Wen expressed his relief seeing the students who didn't come to the door empty-handed-the three years of teaching were not in vain.Aiwen didn't send this little thing from the children, but he saw the children's growth and maturity in dealing with the world-this is the credit of his education!

The children broke into Aiwen's house chattering, and as soon as they entered the door, they saw Teacher Aiwen in an apron looking funny.Everyone was laughing happily—they usually see Aiwen with that meticulous image, just like an insurance seller or a township entrepreneur.Even during online classes, Ivan wore a suit, shirt and tie on his upper body, and flowery shorts on his lower body——he still looked old-fashioned and solemn in front of the camera.

Where have they ever seen Mr. Aiwen raise his family like this?At first glance, he is a tried and tested housewife!Such a strong contrast made the students feel that Mr. Aiwen was more approachable.

The children's eyes were quickly attracted by Chen Yanzi's huge artistic photo in the living room. Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi hadn't taken their wedding photos yet, and Chen Yanzi's huge single photo hung in the living room.Ai Wen asked Chen Yanzi about this photo, the photographer of it was Dong Xiaowan, and it was the moment when Chen Yanzi jumped into the air.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

"As expected of a teacher!"

"Tch~ It looks like you have never seen the world! This is the super grand lady in the Pozhan dance area!"


The children who came to Aiwen's house were like grandma Liu who had entered the Grand View Garden. Perhaps it is more appropriate to describe it as "the brave man who broke into the residents' homes".These children are so curious that they wish they could visit every room
Aiwen also let them toss, as long as these unlucky kids don't rummage through the boxes.Of course, most of the children still sit on the sofa and chat with Aiwen, talk about their mental journey after high school, or listen to Aiwen talk about the embarrassing stories of their juniors.

Hearing about the happy life of their juniors, Li Xiaoxue and the others turned into lemon essence.How can you do this?They are both students of No. [-] Middle School, why is there such a big gap?Why didn't we have luxurious classrooms when we were in school!No elevator to go upstairs!No ergonomic chairs!There is no chance for anyone to manifest in front of others!
Ahhh!I'm so envious!

So a group of children looked at Ai Wen with wrong eyes, and Ai Wen fidgeted and asked, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Teacher, is there still room for us to relegate to your class?" Li Xiaoxue asked quietly.

Alvin: ┓(`)┏

Come to Class Seven?I think you are thinking of peaches!
(End of this chapter)

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