Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 298 - Being a teacher is very happy

Chapter 298 - Being a teacher is very happy

I haven't seen you for nearly a year, and the naughty monkey-like children back then have become a little calmer. Time is indeed the best teacher, and it can make people gradually become no longer what they used to be.

What the children are most interested in is Teacher Ai Wen's mental journey as an Internet celebrity. When Teacher Ai became popular at the beginning of the year, he almost got out of the circle.As the students that Ai Wen once taught, these children certainly know how handsome their Chinese teacher is.

But they really haven't seen Teacher Ai's women's clothing - after all, Ai Wen has never bet with them.Li Xiaoxue and the others were also full of curiosity about the legendary grandma and master teacher. They were very curious about what kind of strange woman could tie down such an unruly man as Teacher Ai.

The lunch was made by Ai Wen. When the children saw the delicious food served by Ai Wen, their eyes were red-this was made by Ai Wen himself!I have long heard that Mr. Ai Wen is the God of Cookery in No. [-] Middle School, and today I finally had the honor to taste Mr. Ai Wen's cooking skills!

This matter can be bragged in the classmate group for a week!
A dozen or so children were sitting around the dining table, and Ai Wen didn't give them alcohol—although there is no express law in the country restricting underage drinking, they are still children after all, and they will not start contacting tobacco bars until they go to college!

Anyway, in Aiwen's view, drinking a little wine is not a big problem-the real problem is alcoholism.It is disgusting to be drunk every day and do all kinds of death. Wine is a romantic drink not a vulgar drink. The drunkard and the alcoholic are two kinds of creatures.

Any good thing should be paid attention to in moderation, and anything that breaks through its proper limit is poison.So today Aiwen only provides drinks to the former students.want to drink?Where is the coolness and where to stay!
The drink provided by Aiwen is freshly squeezed watermelon juice, and it took a big watermelon to purify this jug of watermelon juice.Moreover, the freshly squeezed juice is not sandy, moderately sweet, and very healthy.

When Aiwen announced the opening of the meal, the students picked up their chopsticks and grabbed it like eight lifetimes of evil spirits.Everyone is a classmate, who doesn't know who?In front of Mr. Ai Wen, there is no need to hide and hide - even the most ladylike Li Xiaoxue turned into a glutton and crazily picked up vegetables.

"Are you guys fleeing?" Ai Wen smiled wryly, "Don't snatch it. Eat slowly! Don't choke!"

How can the children hear about Aiwen!They continue to grab food in their own way.Aiwen, a group of dead boys, said angrily and funnyly: "It's not the last meal, I'll make it for you whenever you come."

"Really?" A dozen pairs of eyes stared straight at Ai Wen, and Ai Wen vaguely saw a green light.

Ai Wen nodded: "Really! Are you really a reincarnation of starving ghosts? I taught you how to groom like this when you were in school? Uh, I haven't called you before. I should talk to your head teacher."

A group of children laughed awkwardly and said nothing - it's not that we are not graceful, but that the food from Ai's family is so delicious!
When the students were grabbing food, Ai Wen suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he asked the system: "Are the students I have taught before also within the scope of the investment permit?"

The system was down for a while and replied: "Forget it!"

Ai Wen was amused when he heard it-this is a natural tool man!He still worries about where to invest and who is in charge of the project!If the former students are also within the scope of the investment permit, Aiwen has even more room for maneuvering!
After they were full with drinks and food, a dozen or so people collapsed on the sofa of Ai Wen's house to lay their dead bodies. Li Xiaoxue snorted and said, "Mr.

"Waiting for you? Waiting for your oil stains to solidify! You young masters and princesses should lie down and rest safely. I deserve my older male teacher to suffer." Ai Wen laughed.

A group of people were ashamed to be run over by Ivan-it's really shameful!

After packing up the dishes, Ai Wen returned to the living room and asked, "Are there any dropouts in your two classes?"

The most reliable Li Xiaoxue recalled: "Tan Chenglong, Wang Linghao, and Liu Xiaochen seem to have failed in the exam, and finally went to a technical school."

Technical school? The full name of Q City Technical School is Q City Vocational and Technical Junior College, and the students of the right age are concentrated between 19 and [-] years old.The function of the technical school is to recruit students with poor grades in the compulsory education stage, so as to prevent them from being starved to death because they are not old enough to enter the society but have no skills.

The three trump card majors of the technical school are: chef, auto repair and hairdressing, and Q City Technical School has a direct promotion agreement with Bluffly University. Students who have passed the preliminary training of Q City Technical School can directly enter Bluffly University without examination. Continue to deep processing.

Three years plus three years is six years, and six years of academic career is enough for students to develop skills that can make a living.In addition to needing scholars, the world has a great thirst for workers.The monthly income of a senior technician with a certain skill is not necessarily less than that of a white-collar social animal sitting in an office.

Aiwen is very proud of the education system of Q City. The high, middle and low levels have their own way out. This is the educational layout that a city with strong education should have.

Although the management of the technical school is relatively loose, it is still a good place for students who fail the exam.Now the management of the labor department is becoming more and more strict, and the act of employing child labor is a death sentence. There is almost no way to find a job after graduating from junior high school.

For those children who were drifted to the technical school, Aiwen decided to save their lives.Although in the eyes of many parents, the technical school is already equivalent to a garbage dump, but in Ai Wen's view - those children are not bad in nature, but they are not strong in learning ability.

People are different. Some people are good at reading, while others are good at handicrafts. The theory that 360 lines are the best, all things are inferior, but reading is high has long been outdated.

So Ai Wen decided to take the time to chat with colleagues in the technical school--the teachers in the technical school are also career-staffed, and those who are newcomers have to live in the teacher's apartment temporarily.So Ai Wen knew several colleagues who taught cultural courses in the technical school-don't think that the technical school only handed in various professional courses every day.In fact, technical schools also have a lot of cultural courses!
Although the presence of cultural teachers in technical schools is very low, you can never deny their existence value.They are an indispensable part of vocational education. Vocational and technical education without cultural courses is soulless.

Aiwen's first batch of students are already close to 17 years old, and as long as they are well disciplined, they can take on great responsibilities.You can spend money to find someone to learn the things taught in the school. Educational qualifications are just a piece of paper, and only ability is eternal.

The students sat at Ivan's house all afternoon, and left his house one by one with their bellies out.Aiwen watched them leave with a smile on his lips. Isn't the teacher most fulfilled when he watches the grown-up students come back to see him?

The teacher, the one who preaches, accepts karma and solves doubts!

Being a teacher is actually quite a blessing!

(End of this chapter)

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