Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 299 – Please enter the urn

Chapter 299 – Please enter the urn
After sending the children away, Ivan drove back to the teacher's apartment.He directly knocked on the door of his colleague who worked in the technical school and walked in with a wine bottle.

"Hey, hey? What wind brought Ai Da's internet celebrity here? A rare visitor!" A young man with thinning hair asked with a smile after seeing Ai Wen.

Aiwen walked into the living room on his own: "Isn't this begging for help!"

"What's the matter? Tell me!" The Mediterranean man asked while sitting on a chair.

Ai Wen asked: "Can you give me a list of first-year students in the technical school?"

"Huh? Why do you want that thing? What's the matter? The students from our school went out to cause trouble and turned your hands?" The Mediterranean man asked curiously.

Ai Wen shook his head: "Find a few people. I want to see how many of the students I teach have gone to technical school."

The Mediterranean man said easily: "Hi! It's such a small matter! Just wait, I'll send you an email!"

Ai Wen put the wine bottle on his table and said, "Success! Then thank you!"

"Fake courtesy!" The Mediterranean man pointed at Ivan and laughed dumbly: "Hurry up and get out!"

Aiwen got up quickly and left. He was still going to see how many generals there were in the technical school for him to choose from.

After receiving the email, Aiwen opened excel and began to look around.After scanning it, Ivan found five familiar names from the list.These five dear friends were the famous Five Tiger Generals back then.

The focus of the five tiger generals is not on the general but on the "tiger". These guys were the existence that caused headaches for all the teachers in the department.Aiwen also had a subconscious headache when he saw the names of these five people, but seeing that they are currently the best tool candidates, Aiwen decided to give them a different life.

The contact information of the five student bosses is in the form, and Aiwen called them one by one—after exchanging a few pleasantries, Aiwen informed them to meet at Qishi Restaurant at noon tomorrow, and Aiwen had something important to discuss with them .

As a subject teacher, Ai Wen's presence in the Five Tigers is actually not very high - in their impression, Ai Wen is a very interesting little teacher in class.As for the respect for Aiwen... Well, there is really not much, so they are also hesitating, should they go or not?

The biggest advantage of Aiwen is that he doesn't force it. He puts the opportunity in front of these five people. When they come, they have the hope of prosperity.Not coming. It doesn’t matter, we are different~ Different people have different situations (did they sing it out), it can only be said that he missed Aiwen’s ride.

At noon the next day, Ai Wen waited for three people at the Qishi restaurant—it was Tan Chenglong, Wang Linghao and Liu Xiaochen who were in the same class as Li Xiaoxue.The two students who didn't come were from another class.

It was a surprise to have three students here, better than nothing, right?
Ai Wen smiled and asked the waiter to bring up the dishes that had just been ordered. The three of them who ate Qi Shi Dai's meals for the first time felt that they had come to heaven. They did not expect that the newly opened restaurant in front of their alma mater was so delicious!Looks like I'll be visiting more often in the future!

"How does it feel to study in technical school recently?" Ai Wen asked with a gentle smile.

The three of them sighed, and Tan Chenglong smiled wryly: "I'm all in technical school, so of course I don't feel very good. I'm surrounded by a group of guys who don't study, and even if there is a spark of motivation that occasionally appears, it will be extinguished."

Wang Linghao nodded: "Yes, but overall it's very easy."

Ai Wen picked food for the three children: "Have you considered starting your own business? Anyway, the things taught in the technical school are not very useful. Why don't you go to the society and make a breakthrough."

"Entrepreneurship? Teacher! Entrepreneurship requires capital! The three of us have average family conditions. We don't have to worry about food and drink, and we don't have a lot of money. If we want to start a business, we don't even have enough funds." Liu Xiaochen smiled wryly.

Ai Wen showed his neat eight white teeth: "What if I provide you with funds? Do you think you can create a better future?"

"You? Teacher, will you give us money?" Wang Linghao asked with wide-eyed surprise.

Ai Wen nodded: "It's not money for you, but investment for you. I will invest in the venture capital, and I will divide the shares into four."

The three students looked at Ai Wen dumbfounded——is the teacher full?Actually in a hurry to invest in three ignorant students?OK?No fairy tale dares to write like this!

"Don't worry, if you earn it, it's ours, if you lose it, it's mine. How about it? Are you interested in fighting? If you fight hard, the black soil will turn into gold; if you fight, your bicycle will become a motorcycle. The opportunity is in front of you. It's time to seize it." It's up to you to stay or relax." Ai Wen continued to serve the children.

Liu Xiaochen scratched his head and said frantically, "Teacher, why is this?"

"You are my students! You can only be admitted to the technical school, which is obviously part of my responsibility. As an engineer of human souls, I can't bear to see you so depressed, so I want to save you as a teacher." Aiwen said with awe.

The three children were moved by Ai Wen's earth-shattering teacher's declaration of conscience.It turns out that Teacher Aiwen cares about us so much!We must not let Teacher Aiwen down!

Tan Chenglong, Wang Linghao and Liu Xiaochen looked at each other, and then their eyes suddenly became firm: "Teacher! We want to change the future! We want to start a business!"

Ai Wen nodded in relief——finally he succeeded in fooling around!Investing is like panning for gold in the sand. No matter how much sand is dug out, as long as you find a piece of gold, you will make a lot of money!
"You can think about what you want to do when you go home, and call me anytime when you think about it. As long as I think your idea is good, you can sign an agreement with me to get the money!" Ai Wen said with a smile on his face.

Wang Linghao still felt unbelievable about this matter: "Teacher, your salary is not much, right?"

Aiwen pointed to the huge and gorgeous storefront of Qishidai: "Have you seen this restaurant?"

The three nodded in unison, and Aiwen smiled innocently: "Mine! The tables, chairs, benches and storefront are all mine!"

The three children were deceived—is the Qishi Dai belonged to Mr. Aiwen?The store with thousands of square meters is also owned by Mr. Ai Wen?How much money does Mr. Aiwen have?

Looking at the messy expressions of these three people, Aiwen encouraged: "You can earn so much money through hard work! You are the wavers of the next era! Let's rush! Back wave!"

Tan Chenglong: ...

Wang Linghao: ...

Liu Xiaochen: ...

This poisonous chicken soup is really tasteless!But Teacher Aiwen is right!With Mr. Ai Wen's investment, they will be able to surpass the accumulation of primitive capital and enter the stage of rapid development!According to the Matthew Effect, as long as there is enough capital, you can become a pig on the wind!

So the three children fell into endless longing for the future, and Ivan didn't disturb their daydreaming.There is nothing wrong with daydreaming. Daydreaming can inspire people's belief in pursuing beauty and make people strive for a better life.

A salted fish without ideals will not daydream, because he is extremely satisfied with everything currently, so there is no need to daydream at all.

It seems that these three tool people have successfully taken the bait, just wait for them to start creating the future with investment, and Aiwen can happily cut leeks!

(End of this chapter)

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