Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 300 - Is the mission completed like this?

Chapter 300 - Is the mission completed like this?

The three children moved very quickly. After returning home, they began to conceive how to start a business and where to start a business.With Aiwen as a cash machine, they have many ways to go.

There are no roads in the world. If you spend more money, you can build roads.Throughout the ages, which official road has not been spent countless silver taels?If you want to take off these days, someone really has to work behind the scenes.

The first person to send the business plan was Tan Chenglong, who was raised by his parents who opened a Liangpi shop.Ivan's Liangpier has also tasted it - the taste is really unforgettable, and people are quite repeat customers after eating it.

Tan Chenglong's business plan is to make his cold noodle business bigger and stronger, and to join the chain and open branches with the secret recipe of cold noodle ingredients handed down in his family as the core.The first step is to expand the operation in Q City to dominate the Liangpi industry in Q City with the support of strong capital flow; the second step is to combine direct sales and franchise to expand to other cities; Four levels of franchise, city, district and street.

All in all, the core of development is the way to open more branches and attract franchisees after forming its own brand.There are many successful precedents of this approach—the popular Malatang brands all over the country have developed step by step in this way.

Liangpi, as a popular snack, has the potential to be popular all over the country. Tan Chenglong feels that as long as it is handled properly, it will definitely be popular.

Ai Wen threw the business plan to Lin Wan for review, and Lin Wan felt that the plan was reliable.The core of a chain store must be the product. If Tan Chenglong's cold noodle recipe can attract customers, it is a success.

However, Tan's small shop has been able to persevere for more than ten years, which shows that his family's secret recipe has a mass foundation.The tastes of the public are similar. Except for a few people whose tongues have survivor bias, a delicacy can definitely be accepted by the vast majority of people.

So Ai Wen invested 1000 million in Tan Chenglong to start his own business. Of course, such a big kid didn't even have the confidence to fiddle with such a large sum of money.So while giving the money, Ai Wen asked Lin Wan to arrange a vice president for Tan Chenglong.The vice president is the vice president in name, but in fact he is directly responsible to Lin Wan.Tan Chenglong still needs to learn from the vice president before he matures. After all, he is really not capable enough for a kid who can't even go to a key high school.

The 1000 million investment is enough for Tan Chenglong to realize the first step of the plan. As for the second and third steps, Aiwen’s blood transfusion will not be needed at that time. Projects that have not been developed with an investment of 1000 million can basically declare a loss.

After Lin Wan signed an agreement with Tan Chenglong's father (the child is underage, the contract needs to be signed with a guardian), Ai Wen immediately turned on the system for settlement.He was very curious about whether the project of his No. [-] tool man made money or lost money.

Aiwen's investment in students is like a lottery, and he can't tell whether he will lose or win.However, with a base of 1000 million and a reliable development plan, the profitability is still greater.

"Overtime and Space Settlement Begins—The Liangpi Girl Project invested 1000 million Huaxia Yuan and made a profit of 9.7 million Yuan"

Ai Wen sprayed a sip of tea on the floor fiercely, and he couldn't help but be surprised - a small bowl of Liangpi can earn nearly one billion yuan!This is so unscientific!
Aiwen's 40.00% of the original shares made a huge profit of one billion, which means that this project is worth more than 20 billion.This is very scary. Aiwen can guarantee that he will be able to see the store of "Liangpi Girl" when he walks on the street in a few years.

As a major shareholder, if Tan Chenglong didn't transfer the shares to others midway, he would still be a big business man in a few years.Sure enough, people cannot be judged by their appearance, and sea water cannot be measured. The operation of turning 1000 million yuan into one billion yuan can almost be included in the reward of human confusing investment behavior.

Ai Wen summed it up like this - if the remaining two tools can be as good as Tan Chenglong, the funds for his gymnasium project will be enough!Sure enough, the story of Wang Duo Yu Wang is not a lie. Money can really reproduce—more and more, more and more!
At this time, Aiwen can finally understand Jack Ma's state of mind at this time-he has too much money!If all the money is in his hands, the social wealth will become more and more unbalanced.That's why he trembled and walked on thin ice. Every decision he made affected thousands of people.

The Ai family has a lot of wealth, but there is not much property in the bank account.As a political teacher with a minor in economics, Addison knew that it was an unwise choice to put all his savings in the bank.He prefers to invest in property and even in talents.

Some people always complain about the extravagance of the rich, but if the rich don't spend money like misers, the wealth of society will stop flowing.The poor will get poorer. In macroeconomics, this is a particularly scary phenomenon.If the rich stop spending money, the poor will be the first to lose it!

Sure enough, Wang Linghao and Liu Xiaochen, with the support of Aiwen's money-making ability, have all succeeded in their entrepreneurship without exception.They sent Ivan 12 million and [-] billion tool money respectively.

Sure enough, can pigs take off when they stand on the wind?Ivan used to think that this was a simple chicken soup for the soul.But after the three pigs he had taught took off separately, Aiwen realized that this sentence was really correct.

Of course, this is also related to Lin Wan's help behind.A small and micro enterprise escorted by a huge consortium will never have a hard time moving forward.Even if Ai Wen's heart is big enough to give him 1000 million, Lin Wan dare not let him grow wildly.

All of Aiwen's investment projects can be understood and vertically managed by Lin Wan at the first time.Lin Wan is the general manager of all of Aiwen's industries - it's really worth spending a few million to hire him!
After all the funds were collected into the tool money account, Ai Wen notified Lin Wan to start the stadium project.Lin Wan was very puzzled about where Ai Wen's money came from, so he really asked Ai Wen about it.

Prompted by the system, Aiwen informed him that he had an undisclosed close relationship with an overseas investment consortium.Most of his money now is given to him by overseas investment groups-the system can really make true and correct records of transfer and remittance transactions.

Of course, they are not charities.Aiwen will need to return the money in the next few years.This can also explain the whereabouts of the funds after the profits of the projects invested by Aiwen in the future.If such a large amount of funds were lost inexplicably, it would be absolutely indisputable, and the bank inspection staff would definitely come to drink tea.

How the funds are transferred is really not a problem for Aiwen to worry about. After he transfers the funds to Lin Wan, the task of building the stadium is considered complete.After reminding Aiwen that he had completed the task, the system shut down without rewarding him, leaving Aiwen alone in the wind.

What kind of system is this?Is it okay to return the goods?Aiwen always felt that he was taking the beta version. Could it be that the beta players have no human rights?

(End of this chapter)

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