Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 301 - Take the Neptune for a ride

Chapter 301 – Take the Neptune for a ride

With an anxious mind, Aiwen finally waited until the system restarted.During these 24 hours, Aiwen didn't think about tea and food, lest there would be another thing after the system upgrade.

Ai Wen is just a little man, not a reincarnated strong man or a soul-wearing boss. He is a little weak chicken when encountering this kind of supernatural power.Fortunately, after the system restarted stably, there was no trouble, but a brief introduction to the functions of the new version of the ship after the upgrade:

This update optimizes the training mechanism for users; optimizes the reward mechanism and punishment mechanism; and expands the scope of use of banknote ability values, adding a lottery function
All in all, the system, which is poor and white and has a low sense of presence, will be more powerful after the upgrade, and the effect will be more powerful, which will allow Aiwen to better appear in front of others.

However, as a price, Aiwen's hard-earned banknotes and ability points before the system upgrade were turned into running water, and none of them were left to him.The official explanation given by the system is: the banknote ability value saved by the user becomes the fuel for the system upgrade.

For this explanation, Ai Wen said hehe-the dog system finally started to cheat people!Poor me, all the belongings I have worked so hard to save have been fed to the dogs. Just thinking about it makes my head hurt!
Fortunately, the two rewards for completing the task were not swallowed by the dog system, which is also a blessing in misfortune.Two advanced sports skills are also a great improvement for Aiwen, and he has long set the goal of improvement: racing and e-sports!

"Do you want to upgrade the two sports skills of racing and e-sports to an advanced level?" the dog system asked humanely.

It's already this time, why ask a question?

"Promote!" Ivan closed his eyes to feel the knowledge instilled in him by the system, and then he fell asleep.

Sleeping when a lot of data is coming into your head is the best way to relieve stress.When Ivan wakes up, he will find that he has a lot of knowledge about playing games and driving in his mind.

Taking racing cars as an example, Ai Wen could at most be regarded as a qualified driver before.As for driving the whole job. Aiwen is not that capable.At best, he can reverse the car into the garage and park on the side. He can't drift or turn the drain.However, after the skill level was improved, Aiwen felt that he should reach the realm of human-vehicle integration.And there are a lot of technical movements in his mind to drive the whole work.

But his Wrangler is not suitable for tossing - the chassis is too high, the body is too heavy, and it is easy to get out by flicking the tail.If you want to make a living, you still have to look at the domestically produced rear-drive car Wuling Hongguang. There are countless legends about Wuling in the arena.

As for the improvement of e-sports performance, it has brought Aiwen the overall view and computing power of the game.In the past, Aiwen played games by relying on his reaction and operation to fight against others. When facing ordinary players, Aiwen could kill the Quartet, but when facing professional e-sports players, Aiwen was powerless.

People can accurately calculate your economy, your outfit time, and the position of your teammates. When ordinary players play against professional players, they will always have an absurd feeling of fighting against gods.In the past, Aiwen's little black team was abused by professional players at the top of the canyon. The feeling of being aggrieved made Aiwen want to drop his phone.

An excellent e-sports player must not only have extraordinary operations, but also have superhuman computing power, and at the same time, must have a strong mental endurance-a guy who is going against the wind and the wind cannot become a professional player, only a strong player with a firm will will come to the end.

Anyway, Aiwen is very satisfied with the improvement of these two sports skills, and they are two good sports, and my mother no longer has to worry that I will not have the opportunity to pretend to be 13 and slap my face!
Aiwen, who possessed advanced racing skills, was very inflated at this time, and he hurriedly called Neptune: "Brother, do you know that there is no racing bureau in Q City?"

"Mr. Wen, are you drifting away? What do you use your broken horseman to compete with others? Don't look at those guys driving Polo or Fit, but the price after modification is in the million level." Haiwang was surprised by Aiwen's expansion, could it be Men who are not at home will swell?

Ai Wen said with a smile: "My Wrangler can't play, isn't there still your trident!"

"I'm knocking! You tortoiseshell egg! You covet my pony!" Sea King said angrily, "My thing is a racing car! Who doesn't know that the pony has never won a racing car, pretended to be 13 and never lost? "

Aiwen said calmly: "Do you want to show you my driving skills?"

Neptune sneered: "It's just the driving skills you practiced with the F0? Don't make fun of it! Just ask your F0, can the speed reach 100 after stepping on the accelerator and turning it into a shriveled eggplant?"

"Hey~ I have a bad temper, if I don't let you open your eyes today, you really can't recognize what a car god is!" Aiwen Niupi coaxed: "See you at the entrance of Dageling Highway in half an hour!"

After Neptune hung up the phone, he looked confused--what is going on with Ivan?But since Ai Wen made an appointment, he would risk his life to accompany a hero.

Half an hour later, a Wrangler and a Trident converged at the intersection.Neptune got out of the car with a cute face, touched Ai Wen's forehead and asked, "Don't you have a fever? What kind of car god are you daydreaming about? Young people, don't be too stupid!"

Ivan patted Neptune on the shoulder, passed him and sat in the driver's seat of the pony and fastened his seat belt.Neptune quickly got into the co-pilot: "Brother, what are you doing?"

"Take you for a ride!" Aiwen put the phone on the phone seat in the cab and connected it to Bluetooth: "Brother, I advise you to put on your seat belt. The drive in a while will be very exciting!"

Haiwang's face changed drastically, he felt that Ivan was not joking, so he fastened his seat belt in a desperate manner and begged: "Boss, you can drive the car as you like-as long as you are okay!"

Ai Wen showed his eight big teeth with a charming smile: "Student Xiao Ai, play "Catch the Shrimp"!"

As soon as the sound of the electric guitar floated out of the car stereo with a really good sound quality, Comrade Haiwang felt like a pill.This is the exclusive bgm for drag racing bosses!
Start the ignition, step on the accelerator, let go of the handbrake, and Sea King's beloved pony catapults away like a carrier-based aircraft on an aircraft carrier, and the speed soars to a hundred miles with a whoosh.Although this pony is a prop for Neptune's tail, you can't hide its essence as a sports car anyway.

The strong push back made Neptune feel that he had gone out of his body, and he felt that he was passing through the atmosphere physically.Watching the surrounding scenery fly back and forth, Neptune almost screamed out.

Ai Wen's face was calm and his hands and feet were nimble, and Fan Er, the car god, came out immediately when he compared with Neptune.Because there are very few cars passing on this road, Ivan can work here casually.He swung the steering wheel round and frantically, and the shift paddles fit in place, from forward to reverse.

"I got it..." Sea King slammed the national curse before he was suppressed by Ai Wen.After driving backwards for one kilometer, Aiwen made another operation and then the car body returned to the upright direction and continued to soar forward.

What tail flicks, small arc drifts, U-shaped corners... Ivan showed off in front of Aquaman.Why show in front of Aquaman?Wouldn't it be lonely to appear in front of people without an audience?

When Ivan drove the car back to the starting point, Haiwang got out of the car like a sloth baby and hugged the street tree without letting go.Ai Wen asked with a smile: "Is it exciting?"

Neptune gave Ai Wen a deep look, and then slowly spit out a word:

(End of this chapter)

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