Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 311 - Interview

Chapter 311 - Interview
The cultural-related industries in City Q are actually not too developed, and there is no film and television city to use here.Thanks to Ai Wen and the others, there were not many main scenes in the action movies, otherwise the crew would not have been able to get things done in Q City.

However, the higher-ups still knew about Ai Wen’s filming. After all, this guy is an employee of the system, and this film has a special feature: it is a teacher leading the students to invest and shoot on their own during the summer vacation.If you insist on categorizing, you can also move closer to the direction of social practice activities during the holidays, opening up the second classroom, and quality education for students.Rounding it up is a moderate achievement.

Therefore, during the filming process, the staff of the Municipal Publicity Office and the Municipal Radio and Television Bureau contacted Ai Wen to request relevant reports.The person who contacted Aiwen happened to be a friend he knew-whether it was in the official business system or the business system, Aiwen really had friends everywhere.So he received the relevant staff very warmly.

When the staff of the City Health Propaganda Department and the reporter of the Radio and Television Bureau learned that the person who was going to interview the publicity was Ai Wen, they were immediately happy.Of course they knew that Aiwen liked to mess around, but they never thought that Aiwen could make a movie with an investment of tens of millions.Tens of millions, my friends!Anyway, many people's lifetime wages can't reach this number!

"Mr. Ai, what prompted you to come up with the idea of ​​making a movie?" Sitting in the private room of the Qishi Restaurant, Zhao Yaya, a gold medal reporter from the Q City Daily (have you almost forgotten this person?) asked.

Ai Wen poured tea for Zhao Yaya and said: "Movies are an eternal monument in the history of human culture and art, a media method that has developed rapidly and had a huge impact since the 20th century, and is a creative agglomeration of politics, economy and culture. When I was in college, I had a class called Visual Culture Studies. Since then, I had the idea of ​​taking future students to make movies. After I became a teacher, I found that movies have a lot to do with Chinese learning through teaching practice. Intersection and commonality--children can quickly improve their core literacy through the training of the vocal table."

Ai Wen continued to throw out the educational theory: "The second stage of the eighth curriculum reform stipulates that we must improve students' core literacy. The so-called core literacy refers to the development of Chinese students' core literacy with the cultivation of "all-round development people" as the core. It is based on the three aspects of cultural foundation, independent development, and social participation. It is comprehensively manifested in six major qualities: humanistic heritage, scientific spirit, learning to learn, healthy life, responsibility, and practical innovation. In the current educational tide, teachers should keep pace with the times Enter, liberate the classroom from the school and the classroom, and lead the students to a higher-end and broader historical stage. There is a public service advertisement I like very much: the stage is as big as the heart. I think I agree, the stage has The world is as big as it is.”

Zhao Yaya was almost confused when she heard Ai Wen's long paragraph of educational theory: "Can you speak something about the world?"

"Sisters, don't you want this interview to be published in the newspapers! As long as you write down what I said, your leaders will definitely praise you-this is the most advanced educational theory. You have to believe in the strength of an associate master's degree in education from Northern Normal University Ai Wen stretched his waist and said - the recent filming is really a bit heavy on the body, and the high-intensity filming made him feel a little tired.

Zhao Yaya asked in surprise: "Have you taken the master's degree? Part-time or full-time?"

"Of course it's a part-time program. I've lost my mind before going back to the school and rebuilding it? But when I'm studying for a Ph.D., I need to be completely out of production." Aiwen held his chin and said.

Zhao Yaya:
Do you listen to what people say?Aiwen's attitude of treating Dr. Kao as eating and drinking water is simply too arrogant, but thinking about what Aiwen did, she suddenly felt that Aiwen was not bragging or criticizing.If he turns his film into a teaching case and a teaching and scientific research project to write a thesis, it is not impossible to win a national award.As long as there are papers and awards, it is really not too difficult to get a doctorate.

"Okay." Zhao Yaya suddenly felt that the tea in front of her was not fragrant.At this time last year, everyone was still a happy single dog. I didn't expect to get married and start a family within a year.When her brother Zhao Linze knew the news of Ai Wen's marriage, he was so depressed - he tried his best to bring Ai Wen and Zhao Yaya together.

Destined but not divided, predestined and not divided ah!
"Then what are your plans next?" Zhao Yaya asked.

Ai Wen raised his eyebrows and asked, "Which area are you referring to? Education and teaching or personal life? Is it a personal matter or something published in the newspaper?"

"It's in the newspaper," Zhao Yaya said.

Ai Wen is sitting in danger: "In the wave of education reform, as a front-line educator, I must also insist on the combination of production, education and research. Front-line teachers are the vanguard of education and scientific research. I will continue to adhere to the quality education line for students, and cultivate students Moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor, a new type of compound talent with a sound personality who has vision and aesthetics. At the same time, we must persist in the education of students' ideological education and social responsibility. After the film is finished, I will take them into children's welfare homes and nursing homes as volunteers , Go to the street to promote garbage sorting, and go to the Woken River to pick up garbage. To practice the sense of social responsibility of a Chinese son and daughter.”

"In the next semester, our class will form an instrumental music club, so that each student can learn their favorite musical instruments. Inherit traditional culture and cultivate students' cultural self-confidence. This process will take about a year to accumulate and improve. If there is a chance, I would like to bring Let them go to various places to exchange and visit performances. I heard that the Golden Hall in Vienna is good, and then the children can go there to perform and see the world."


Zhao Yaya smiled softly with an expression of "I'll just silently watch you bragging and criticizing", and finally she was really powerless to complain: "Wouldn't you use the Golden Hall in Vienna?"

"Why not? It's actually a place where you can go in and perform if you have money. Obviously I'm not short of money. Even if their artistic attainments are not enough, I can make up for it with money. Performing in Vienna is just taking them away. It's just a part of going out, after their second grade, my plan is to take them around sixteen countries in Europe at my own expense." Ai Wen pretended silently.

Zhao Yaya suddenly felt that the Shanghao Longjing tea in the cup had turned into lemon tea—what kind of fairy teacher is Ai Wen?Taking students around sixteen countries in Europe?Thank you for thinking it out!Do you know how much it costs to go abroad?Airfare, board and lodging are a huge expense. Taking a class of students out for a trip?Why does your family have a mine?

Zhao Yaya asked with a distorted face: "My interview is going to be published in the newspapers, don't blow the cowhide out and never get it back!"

"You just write like that. Who is free to stare at a report in the newspaper and die? I don't have a Weibo and I am not a public figure, so there is no keyboard man who is free to die with me. Even if there is, so what? What does the barking of the dog with the broken spine have to do with me?" Aiwen asked lightly.

Zhao Yaya was speechless, and could only write Ai Wen's "crazy words" in the end.Anyway, the superior just wanted a report of typical deeds, even if Ai Wen uttered wild words, it was not her fault, Zhao Yaya!What's more, the superior likes people like Ai Wen-this is a good comrade who can bring political achievements!

After asking a few more questions, Zhao Yaya left Qishidai with the cameraman, and Ai Wen also drove back to the set to continue filming.He is the leading actor, and he must be present in most of the shots.So he asked for leave and the crew could only shoot other parts.There is still a lot of pressure on the leading actor!

(End of this chapter)

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