Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 312 – The Sa family is worth it in this life

Chapter 312 – The Sa family is worth it in this life
The crew's work was progressing so fast that in a blink of an eye all the shooting tasks were left with only the hero and heroine confronting the big villain.

Although the villain tested by the acting teacher is young, he has his own pattern. He has crushed Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi in terms of acting skills.Fortunately, with the blessing of the protagonist's halo and the delicious dog food, the aura of the hero and heroine was not suppressed by the villain.

When the shooting of this scene was successfully completed, the director happily announced that the film was completed.This film is the smoothest filming and the fastest work progress in his career.And no matter the main character or the supporting role, there will always be magical operations during the filming process. The magical operations here are not substitutes, cutouts, or reading numbers, but the actors always perform supernaturally, followed by a certain part of the scene. The whole process is high-energy.

If you dig deep into the connotation of this movie, you will definitely not be able to dig out anything.But as a popcorn commercial film, it is indeed quite qualified, and the film has not yet undergone post-processing.If the post-production is completed, the hot scenes of the movie will be one after another, and the adrenal glands of the viewers will definitely soar.

Why is the "Quick Series" so popular at home and abroad?Stimulating scenes are addictive poison!Although Ai Wen's movie does not have big names to join, all the actors are "rabble" composed of fans outside the circle.But the director dared to swear to the lamp that this is not a bad movie that goes online to cheat money. On the contrary, the characters in this movie are all online, and the acting skills are not outstanding, but they can still support a commercial popcorn movie.

If the post-production and release go well, the movie can be released in time for the Christmas schedule. After the movie is released, the works of Qi Animation can continue to take over during the Spring Festival.The result of this action movie is that Ivan didn't settle the bill, but Ivan knew the box office of the cartoon of Seven Animations.

That cartoon is a big hit!Wang Huixiu and Wang Yizhen have also become well-known screenwriters and animation producers in the industry, but it is a pity that these two are students, and it is impossible for them to drop out of school and start working directly.

Why did Ai Wen dare to brag to Zhao Yaya that he wanted to take students around sixteen countries in Europe?If the film co-produced by the whole class blooms, the box office revenue is enough to take them for a stroll abroad-if you feel that the law and order is not good, you can also hire a bodyguard to ensure safety.

Some people say that the safety factor of traveling abroad is low, and it is true to say that-but when your budget is high enough, the danger will bypass you far away.In a country ruled by the ZC class, money can really be willful!
Moreover, Aiwen must not be able to watch forty or so children alone when he takes students out on a trip.At this time, it is necessary to call the teachers of the seventh class - mathematics, foreign language, politics, history and geography, physics and chemistry, music and body art, information technology, general technology, and Chen Yanzi.Fifteen people watching forty children is not the same as playing?On average, each person only needs to take care of three children.If this is not done well, all these years of teaching career will be in vain!

The teachers in No. [-] Middle School are all old scouts!Even if they lose their students, they won't lose them!However, the issue of language communication is indeed a relatively important issue. Although there are many countries and complex language families in Europe, half of the people in Europe can understand English.Therefore, students only need to master English well to travel freely in Europe, and language will no longer be an obstacle to communication.

Therefore, before graduating from the second year of junior high school, students in Class [-] need to improve their oral English to the point where they can communicate normally.The specific requirement is to be able to communicate daily, ask for directions, and ask for help.As for the more professional field, Aiwen doesn't need children to master it. Language is just a tool-high-end operations such as writing poems in English can be left for the future.

One year is actually enough - many international students can basically communicate with foreigners normally for one year after being sent abroad.The student era is the period with the best plasticity and the fastest learning.As long as children in this period are interested and motivated to learn, their progress will advance by leaps and bounds.However, the effect of English teaching under the force of cramming education is very poor.

If a student resists learning English from the bottom of his heart, and thinks that learning English is useless, even if he has been studying in China for more than ten years, his level is still sloppy.But if you use traveling abroad to lure students, these guys will definitely scream to learn foreign languages ​​and practice spoken English.

Dumb English?nonexistent!Aiwen's assessment must be to communicate with foreigners-is it not easy to find an international student on the ground in China?There are many white-skinned and dark-skinned international students living in the International Student Building of Northern Normal University!I have to say that my house of etiquette is too friendly to foreigners, and the treatment in the international student building is better than that in Meow's graduate student building!

Do you know about hotel apartment-style dormitories?Ai Wen's eyes were almost red - although he occasionally stayed here, he still condemned this behavior.But I have to say that international student girls are still easy to meet. As long as you overcome the language barrier and have a good conversation with them, foreign girls are very willing to have a transnational friendship with you.Don't ask Aiwen how he knew it, just to ask is to learn a foreign language!

In Aiwen's circle of friends, there are also a few English people of pure blood, and their authentic London accent definitely does not contain curry flavor.He can use the reason of inviting them to visit Q City to borrow them as tool people. Why not help each other between good friends?

Aiwen's plan to travel around the world did not tell the students, it was just a plan, and he planned to wait until after school started to make an official announcement.After all, the children are very tired from filming every day during this holiday, so let them play freely for the remaining ten or so days!

Their homework this summer vacation is ridiculously small-this is the result of Ivan's negotiations with the teachers of various subjects.The grades of class [-] were really good, and the average scores of all subjects were among the top in the school and the top in the city.Secondly, they are willing to give Ai Wen a face and let the students of Class [-] go.The teachers in the third class also know that the summer vacation of Class [-] will be used to make movies, and they don't want to leave too much homework to be a villain.

However, the teachers still arranged preview homework to maintain the last trace of dignity.Students need to complete the tutorial plans sent by the teacher during the holidays.That thing can fill in the blanks as long as you read the book, so the total homework is not too big.

After the children were free to have fun, the Internet Cafe in Class [-] officially entered the stage of popular operation.Both the mobile game area and the end-game area are full of students, whooping.Ai Wen didn't stop this kind of enthusiastic atmosphere--the children are also working hard in filming and studying, so it's not a bad idea to let them decompress and relax.

But release is fine, but indulgence is not.Any breaks should be taken in moderation and in moderation.Want to be addicted to games?Aiwen will use the iron fist of education to tell you what it means to be kind to a teacher!

The students in Class [-] praised Ai Wen while playing--the configuration of the Internet cafe used by Class [-] is really high!When they run various large-scale games and graphics card killers, the picture quality is still stable and silky!
As a head teacher who is not short of money or errands, when did Aiwen buy things for the children?Do you know about Player Kingdom·Eye of the Prodigal?Know about the e-sports mobile phone with its own physical plug-in called Black Shark 4Pro?
When I was divided into classes in parallel in the first grade of junior high school, it was a great fortune to be drawn into the seventh class by Ai Wen!The state of mind of the students in Class [-] is very simple at this time-Sajia is worth living in this life!

(End of this chapter)

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