Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 313 - The heart of teaching Chinese is dirty

Chapter 313 – The heart of teaching Chinese is dirty

After the filming is over, Hu Yutian and the others can do the post-production project by themselves.Ai Wen finally got the long-lost free time, so he and Chen Yanzi stayed at home and neither wanted to move.

"The summer vacation is coming to an end, isn't our wedding going to be postponed again?" Ai Wen suddenly remembered that he seemed to have promised Chen Yanzi and her to hold a wedding in the summer vacation half a year ago.

Chen Yanzi suddenly understood: "That's right~ I almost forgot about it! We just got a certificate and didn't have a wedding!"

"Why didn't our parents remind us?" Ai Wen patted his head and said angrily: "There are not a few days left in the holiday, and the preparations are too rushed now, why don't we get married in early October? Just in time for a national celebration- - In the future, there will be statutory holidays to rest after the wedding anniversary."

Chen Yanzi followed Ai Wen's train of thought for a while, and she found that getting married on October [-] does have its advantages - there is no disadvantage except that there are more people holding weddings at the same time.However, it is definitely not in a hurry to book a restaurant at the beginning of October. Fortunately, Aiwen still has a leading restaurant such as Qishidai here.

Although Qishi Dai's main business is box lunch business, but Qishi Dai's chefs are all professional players.Aiwen's monthly expenses for supporting these chefs are a considerable amount. If it weren't for the astonishing profits of Qishidai, he would not be able to support these chefs.

Raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while, this time can reflect the advantages in various industrial layouts.The villa in Shanshuiyunjian has been blown up by the crew to destroy the furniture and decoration, so the engineering team needs to enter the venue immediately for decoration.

The decoration standard of the previous villa was at the top level more than ten years ago, but it will be slightly behind in 2021.Therefore, after learning that Ai Wen blew up the house, Lao Ai was relatively calm. He conveniently threw Ai Wen’s manuscript fee for half a year to let him redecorate the house.

Comrade Lao Ai is also a person who keeps pace with the times, and the new seewo all-in-one machine in Q City is very sneaky.The operation of the all-in-one computer by the old teachers in Experimental High School was taught by Addison himself-who made him the vice principal of teaching!

If it weren't for the hard work of redecorating the old house, or Addison would have replaced his home with smart devices in keeping with the times.Although Rebs unveiled the smart home overturned at the press conference before, no one can deny the convenience brought by smart home.

So it is completely feasible to get married on October [-]st - Young Master Yang Peng's resort has a huge catering department, and with the help of the chef from Qishidai, a wedding banquet couldn't be easier.

It's not interesting to just eat. Aiwen finally got married and had to have some pomp.At that time, Hu Yutian can be entrusted to arrange for a group of big-name celebrities to show up in beaming clothes to send blessings, and then arrange for singers to sing.The best way to host the wedding is to find famous celebrities from CCTV. If it is not possible, provincial TV stations can also make use of it.The witnesses had to find someone with high morals and high prestige. If it was impossible, Lao Jin was invited to be a teacher for a day and a father for life.As a teacher, Ai Wen is also a person who respects teachers.

It is much better to have Hu Yutian in contact than Aiwen to find someone rashly.After all, Lao Hu is an insider, and the managers of those celebrities would not dare to cheat him no matter what!No matter how big a celebrity is, they are all younger brothers in front of the capital, not to mention that besides being the CEO of a media company, Hu Yutian is also a very second-generation second generation - he is the capital himself!

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Ai Wen's marriage, the Four Chinese Young Masters can also get together.Since graduation, the combination of Ai Wen and his four idlers has been completely dismantled.In the past few years, everyone has worked hard in their respective fields, and there are not many opportunities to meet each other.However, Ai Wen and these three people have a lot of intersections - he has shares in Yang Peng's resort, has business in Lao Gao's travel company, and has a closer relationship with Lao Hu's media group. He was still filming two days ago. What about movies!

With Ai Wen as the link, the Four Chinese Young Masters can still be reunited.The power of these four people together is not small.Even if this small group is placed in the imperial capital where the young master walks everywhere, it is second-rate, top-notch, close to first-rate!It's just that Ivan and the others like to keep a low profile, and they all look mediocre on the bright side-Aquaman looks more successful than them!

But fighting for the family fortune, ten sea kings are not enough to beat a young man, Yang Peng. The Longpeng Group is the leading economic group in the province!
"Hey? Why are you in a daze?" Chen Yanzi pushed Ai Wen and asked.

Ai Wen smiled silly: "I'm thinking about the details of the wedding."

"You really have a long-term thinking—that is to say, we don't need to think about it. My father, my mother, and the four of them can probably get together." Chen Yanzi said relaxedly, as if she was not the one who got married.

Ai Wen hesitantly: "Daughter-in-law, no matter what we get married, we have to develop some personality? Do you think it is better to carry a big sedan chair, or a rickshaw to pick up the bride? Or I will find you a team of supercars."

Tears flowed down the corner of Chen Yanzi's mouth involuntarily (you savor, you savor carefully): "I want them all."

Alvin: (___)ノ

"You are definitely kidding me!" Ai Wen really knelt down to this girl.

"Why don't we hold more weddings? One time with eight sedan chairs and one luxury car supercar?" Chen Yanzi suggested.

Ai Wen: "What's the matter? How many times do you want to get married? Those who don't know think how many concubines I have married!"

Chen Yanzi felt unrealistic after thinking about it, so she rolled around wrapped in a quilt: "What should I do? I want it all! I want it all! I want it all!"

"Why don't you drive a supercar to carry the sedan chair?" Ai Wen's mind was wide open.

Chen Yanzi shuddered after imagining the painting style: "Isn't this too distorted? It would be black history if it was photographed!"

"So, you can't have both the fish and the bear's paw!" Ai Wen comforted him earnestly.

"Unhappy! Unhappy! I am unhappy!" Chen Yanzi snatched the quilt from Aiwen and continued to roll, the words "coax me" written all over her delicate face.

Ai Wen really had nothing to do, so he could only put on his pajamas and go to the living room to hide.It's really hard to be an old man these days. It's better to coax students at school and coax your wife at home. It's better to coax your wife when you cry.

"Student Xiao Ai, here is Tengger's "Invisible Wings." Ai Wen felt that only listening to Uncle Teng's song could give him strength at this time.The Teng version of "Invisible Wings" is also known as "Steel Wings", and its sense of power is stronger than that of the Zhang version.

Chen Yanzi, who was being listened to by Uncle Teng's devilish voice, couldn't stand it any longer. She angrily sat on Aiwen's lap and strangled Aiwen's neck: "You are still growing up! You don't know that you should coax you at this time dear baby?"

Ai Wen hurriedly begged for mercy: "Whose beautiful wife is this? Why is she so beautiful? No one wants me to take her away!"

Then he hugged Chen Yanzi by the waist and ran happily like a runaway Erha.Moreover, the bad guy Ai Wen ran extremely fast, and Chen Yanzi hugged Ai Wen tightly like a little quail.

Being so stimulated by Ai Wen, Chen Yanzi was as soft as noodles, and she no longer had the strength to act like a baby with Ai Wen.

The little lady still wants to fight with me?Evan is so bad!In the art of war, this move is called anti-customer.The heart of teaching Chinese is dirty!

(End of this chapter)

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