Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 335 - Class 7 cubs want to learn martial arts!

Chapter 335 - Class Seven Wants to Learn Martial Arts!

It was another new day, after Ai Wen packed himself up, he drove to work in No. [-] Middle School.Aiwen has already informed the students to gather on the playground. The era of running has passed, and the era of martial arts is coming.

Among the proposals made by the student committee of Class Seven, the students suggested that running be canceled and replaced by other sports—such as traditional martial arts, such as parkour.For this suggestion, Ivan said he could accept it.It is the time for junior high school students to develop their bodies, so there is nothing wrong with practicing martial arts to strengthen their bodies.

Anyway, Ai Wenhui's martial arts are top-notch, and the effect of fighting with it is not very good.As the saying goes, no matter how good your martial arts are, you will be afraid of kitchen knives, and no matter how well you wear them, you will fall down with a brick.The martial arts here refers to the acting in martial arts.

Since the founding of China, the traditional martial arts have been split-the fighting method, practice method, and performance method have been separated. Most of the martial arts training classes in China teach performance methods.That is to put on airs and boxing, all kinds of difficult movements are arranged for you, the movements are smooth and graceful, but the power is hard to describe.

But there are still real training methods and playing methods in the ancient inheritance, just like a certain Taoist Zhang who appealed to everyone to believe in science.Just as the big guy appealed to everyone to believe in science and told everyone that martial arts is just a tool for strengthening the body, his junior brother smashed a big log as thick as a bowl on his back.People are fine, the wood is broken
Those who say Chuanwu can't fight are basically talents who are fooling around on the Internet.Chuanwu's real style of play is generally circulated in the Huaxia Military Department.Those killer moves and fighting techniques are all born out of traditional martial arts.Even if these soldiers practice the most superficial hard qigong, they are still powerful after matching the style of play.

However, the Ministry of War only has fighting methods but not training methods-after all, it is too expensive to systematically cultivate a top-notch martial arts master with comprehensive abilities!Is it true that the words "poor, rich and military" are a joke?Why do real masters of martial arts never show their faces?People have plenty of money!Some are industries!Why do you want to show off with your bunch of clowns?Is this interesting?Does it make sense?Doesn't it smell good if you get bored with hair and make a lot of money?
Don't ask Aiwen why he knows this, his martial arts primary school was a branch of a forest temple.Back then, he really saw that there were masters among the monks!Why do everyone see various commercialization of a forest temple raising money, but rarely see where they spend money?Most of the sesame oil money was exchanged for martial arts training resources and sent to the back mountain!
Someone asked, why did Lin not take the commercial route before?This is recorded in history. In the past, monks had land belonging to temples, and the output on these lands was not taxed.Land output is the main source of income for the monks—but now. The land is gone, and they can only make money in another way.Otherwise, what would the monks in Luohan Hall and Bodhidharma Academy practice martial arts with?Take the lead?
You ask Ivan if he knows how to play and practice?Actually he will.Things that can't be solved without money these days!Although the martial arts elementary school doesn't know how to train or play, he can find famous teachers by himself!There is no destiny in the world, all because of your money.However, people always have to have some cards when walking in the rivers and lakes, so the foundation that Ai Wen has revealed for so many years is still only Sanda.

However, the training method and fighting method are not as mysterious as in the legend, especially the fighting method-in fact, the power of the ultimate moves of many brilliant fighting arts completely overwhelms the traditional martial arts fighting method.We must look at traditional culture objectively, neither inflated nor inferior.Confidence is the best attitude, we have good things, but the world is so big, other people also have good things!

Everything progresses and develops with the times, and it is unacceptable to have a conservative idea.Ai Wenwen's Sanda is all ordered by the old boxer who taught Ai Wen boxing - the birth of Huaxia Sanda has the efforts of Huaxia's previous generation of martial arts.

However, the training method of Chinese traditional martial arts does have its unique features, just like Ah San's yoga, it does have incredible power when practiced to a high level.For example, if you fold yourself, you can stuff it into a small box filled with water, especially the tortoise's breath-holding technique. Yoga has thoroughly studied this thing!

The Huaxia Chuanwu training method can also strengthen the muscles and bones and train the muscles horizontally.As for absorbing the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, and the sword energy of the six meridians coming out of the body, there is really no such thing!The martial arts in martial arts novels are indeed a bit exaggerated, and the masters who pass on martial arts are almost the same as the third-rate masters in the novels.

In fact, Qinggong is the traditional parkour in China. You have seen the ancient buildings in the past—that is, the height of the first floor and the second floor.It's only about ten meters if the sky is broken.Moreover, the houses used to have courtyard walls and various carvings, so it is not too difficult to get into the house with a few steps.Have you tried it in modern times?Dozens of high-rise buildings are covered with glass, and it would be difficult for you to climb if it weren't for Spider-Man.

As for the lightness skill of stepping on the left foot to step on the right foot to spiral into the air, it was all made up by Mr. Jin!Art comes from life and is higher than life. If you take the things in the online novels as real things, it will be bad!Readers, please pay attention: Touching the switch really does not allow you to travel through time!

It's a good thing that the children in class seven want to practice martial arts, but the style of play and practice cannot be passed on anyway.Practice is too expensive--the price of various resources needed at the beginning of laying the foundation is calculated according to "ten thousand".There are a few rich kids in Class [-], but if they really want to improve their practice to a more powerful level, it's really easy to empty out their families and turn a well-to-do family into a middle class.

As for working families, forget it!Ai Wen didn't want to have a negative impact on Huaxia's poverty alleviation work.Passing on martial arts training is a big hole for swallowing money, and it's the kind of sinkhole that doesn't work in a short time!

As for the style of play, it can't be taught!After learning how to play, children will become more destructive!The style of play often locks the throat and kicks the crotch, breaks the arm and dismantles the bone, and some moves are fierce to Ai Wen-isn't it making trouble for a group of emotionally unstable teenagers to learn this thing!

So Ivan can only teach acting!Aiwen has mastered the traditional martial arts routines, how to play beautifully, and how to do somersaults with the least effort. Aiwen has studied very thoroughly.After all, he was also a second-level martial arts athlete who won provincial awards back then, so these things are old-fashioned!

Actually, the students in Class [-] don't have any idea of ​​learning martial arts to fight.They just think that they are more handsome and sassy if they know martial arts, and they look at the husband and wife of a martial arts coach who PK if they don't agree with each other.What a feel!
So Aiwen's performance is the most appetizing thing for the students of Class Seven!practice?unnecessary!How to play?No need!We just want to be cool!handsome!beautiful!
With a year of running to lay the foundation, the overall physical fitness of the students in Class [-] is good.Without this foundation here, Ivan would not dare to teach children martial arts.After all, this thing needs to be practiced, in case any child is injured because his physical fitness cannot keep up with the training, he will have fun.

So Aiwen has already prepared all kinds of traumatic medicinal wine.For external application, for internal use, for disinfection, and for sterilization.There is no way, as long as the students enter the school, all safety issues will be left to the teacher.

Being a teacher is hard!

(End of this chapter)

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