Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 336 – Stay away from him

Chapter 336 – Stay away from him
If you want to practice martial arts, you must first lay a solid foundation.The foundation of the students in Class 90.00 can be said to be quite good, and the bad guy Ai Wen took advantage of his position when he was filming a movie during the summer vacation, and asked the martial artists to help open the cross for the children-[-]% of the students in Class [-] can do it. The word horse splits!
On the first day, the children just took over the systematic martial arts training, and Ai Wen felt that he should start with the most basic, basic, simplest and most bluffing routines.Some friends who have gone to college should have also contacted the introduction routine of martial arts-five-step boxing!
That's right, it's the entry-level simple martial arts routines made up of the most basic movements of martial arts!It consists of basic martial arts movements such as left lunge, cuddling hands and punching, flicking kick and punching, horse stance fighting, resting step and cover punching, lifting knees and piercing palms, and empty steps to lift palms.If you don't even understand five-step boxing.Sorry, martial arts may not be the sport for you.
Tens of thousands of feet tall buildings rise from the ground, it is impossible for Aiwen to teach from the beginning with swords, guns, swords, axes and forks.Equipment training must be at a higher stage than boxing training.It is said that fists and feet are speechless, but knives and guns are more dangerous!

Because Wubuquan is very simple, children don't have so much difficulty in learning it.The children are young and smart, and they can learn everything very quickly. In less than an hour, the children can perform five-step boxing in style.

After all, the seventh class of the seventh year is wrong, and now it is the seventh class of the eighth year!After all, the children in Class [-] of the eighth grade were able to learn about the same level of martial art boxing during military training, and the difficulty of military boxing is even higher than that of five-step boxing!

So Wubuquan is just an appetizer, a bait for the students of class seven to fall into the trap.After they feel that it is very easy to learn martial arts and cultivate self-confidence, Aiwen will let them know what a pattern is!
How much did Aiwen suffer when he was practicing martial arts?Back then, in order to practice his reaction speed, the coach poked him with a small stick in various ways, and if he didn't dodge in time, he would get a bruise.The coach's marksmanship has been practiced for half a lifetime!The short spear sticks out like a storm. In ancient times, he must have been a general at least!
I heard that the name of the marksmanship that the coach has practiced all his life is the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Spear, which is the most powerful marksmanship inherited from the fierce general Zhao Yun during the Three Kingdoms period.But these are just rumors when everyone was chatting nonsense, and no one knows how true they are.But Ai Wen felt that if the coach's stick was really topped with a gun, he might have died so many times!

Thinking of this, Ai Wen smiled mischievously--you will be fine if you don't learn martial arts!But since you jumped into this pit yourself, don't blame the teacher for being cruel!

Aiwen hasn't taught the students how to set up moves yet, so they can't practice duel now.However, Li Guoyao is a martial arts expert, and his progress is much faster than his classmates.If Ai Wen is not working hard, Li Guoyao can fight Ai Wen well, just like a martial arts movie!

Taking advantage of the break, Li Guoyao slyly sneaked to Ai Wen's side: "Teacher, let's fight each other!"

Ai Wen laughed: "Is it because you are floating or I can't hold the knife anymore? Young people are very courageous."

Li Guoyao scratched the back of his head: "The coach told me that it would be good for me to have more opportunities to practice with you."

"Didn't senior brother tell you that you must find me when I'm in a good mood?" Ai Wen asked with a smile.

Li Guoyao shook his head: "He didn't say that"

Ai Wen took Li Guoyao to the small woods of the school, and said to a branch with a thick bowl mouth: "Look at this branch"

"Is it thick and hard?" Li Guoyao answered casually.

Aiwen: "Aren't you afraid to sing it out? Then come up with a freestyle?"

Looking at the thick branches more than two meters above the ground, Li Guoyao was a little confused: "Teacher, what is this?"

Ai Wen turned over, then threw out his palm and slammed it on the thick branch of the bowl.We all know that the branches that are not dead are very tough, and it takes a lot of effort to cut them with an axe.But after Ai Wen chopped it down with his palm, there was only a click, and the branch was broken by Ai Wen's palm.

"Gulu." Li Guoyao swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he now felt that his throat was very dry, and he needed a glass of 20 Years Sprite to calm his shock.

"Teacher, how did you do it?" Li Guoyao's voice was hoarse, he wanted to scream but he couldn't.

With his hands behind his back, Aiwen asked like a grandmaster, "Do you still want to practice against me?"

Li Guoyao was about to cry. He felt that there was a gap in hardness between his small body and the thick branches of a bowl.He is not a big tree!He knows it hurts!Ai Wen's palm slashed down, not to mention broken tendons and bones, but he would also have a bloody head!

After scaring Li Guoyao, Ai Wen quietly returned to the playground and continued to supervise the students practicing Wubuquan, leaving only Li Guoyao in the grove watching the broken branches messing up in the wind.He hastily contacted his coach - class [-] has unlocked the mobile phone now, as long as he doesn't play in class, it's not a big problem to bring it to school.

"Can the coach teach video?" Li Guoyao asked over the phone.

People who practice martial arts get up early, and at this time Li Guoyao's coach has already finished his morning training.

"What's wrong? Take over the video!" Li Guoyao's coach said calmly.

Li Guoyao turned on the rear camera and aimed at the broken branches that were only connected by tough bark.

"What's going on?" the coach asked.

Li Guoyao said tremblingly: "Our teacher Ai Wen"

"He kicked it with his feet? It seems that his legwork has improved!" The coach stroked his chin and praised, "I thought my brother would lose his kung fu after abandoning martial arts and pursuing literature. I didn't expect him to make great progress!"

Li Guoyao tremblingly said: "It was broken with the palm of your hand."

"My grass is a kind of plant." The coach's eyes almost popped out: "This is impossible! How can a human palm be harder than a branch? This is a branch as thick as the mouth of a bowl! Unless."

Li Guoyao asked, "Unless what?"

"Unless he has specially practiced palm skills, like iron cloth shirt and iron head skills. However, the palms of people who have practiced iron sand palms are as rough as big pancakes. How can they write with a pen?" the coach denied. Li Guoyao also denied his guess.

Aiwen's hands are delicate and smooth, which is very suitable for playing the piano!So he must have never practiced iron sand palms-other than that, there is only one situation where a person can split a thick branch with the palm of a bowl.

Aiwen has mastered the core training method of Chuanwu!
Li Guoyao's coach, Ai Wen's brother, also swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Guoyao, you will stay away from your teacher in the future, so don't make him angry. Also, don't practice against him! Don't ! He can cripple you with one miss!"

"Is it so ruthless?" Li Guoyao asked in surprise.

The coach said seriously: "What I usually teach you are martial arts performances, that is, martial arts routine performances. In the eyes of many people who learn Sanda and martial arts, our practice is just a show. They are right, acting The method is actually a show. However, besides the acting method, martial arts also has the practice method and the fighting method. The fighting method is the fierce move in the martial arts. It is rare to see these things, and most people don’t use them. But practice is very powerful. Practice is the core of martial arts inheritance. Performing without practice is ostentatious, but performing with practice is real kung fu! Judging from his skill in chopping branches with bare hands, his The practice method has already been introduced. If the practice method is introduced, it can be said that every gesture is full of wind and thunder! If you are playing tricks with him, you will be injured if you are not careful! So remember - stay away from him!"

(End of this chapter)

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