Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 348 - Learn a foreign language?

Chapter 348 - Learning a foreign language?

Zhao Yaya expressed extreme helplessness towards Ai Wen's stinky shamelessness, if this guy wasn't a good friend of her own brother, Zhao Yaya would definitely have to ask him to make a theory!There is something like this?Rest day to add to the workload of others?

After receiving the material, Zhao Yaya opened the compressed package and began to check what Ai Wen had sent.When high-definition photos appeared in front of her eyes, she used her professionalism to ensure that there must be stories worth digging.

As a reporter for the official newspaper of Q City, Zhao Yaya is actually under a lot of pressure to find news materials every day.Although the sales of traditional newspapers have not been good, the orders from various units can still make the newspaper's life live.Because of the particularity of the readers, Zhao Yaya's work pressure is not small.

For Zhao Yaya, the material sent by Ai Wen is a good gift in a timely manner. These materials are at least enough for her to fool a large page.If it is made into a special continuous report, there will be a week's content.What a positive thing for students to do volunteer activities on weekends!
"Is this a student in your class?" Zhao Yaya asked in a message.

Ai Wen replied: "[Zuo Hengheng] How fresh! I have nothing to do to send you other students' students? Are you very interesting, Brother Wen?"

"Come on! You just want to use my platform to show off your work!" Zhao Yaya despised Ai Wen's deep purpose.

Ai Wen hesitantly: "Do you know what win-win cooperation is? I even wrote the newsletter for you, as long as you correct and typesetting it, you can publish it directly. You, Brother Wen, and I were the first ones in Northern Normal University back then. Your editor-in-chief Your level may not be able to catch up with me!"

"You can do it!" Zhao Yaya disdainfully said, "Do you want me to be a reporter for you?"

"Farewell! Being a teacher is very interesting. Do you want to consider giving me an exclusive interview with young teachers? At that time, your newspaper can make an education column dedicated to introducing advanced education workers in Q City." Ai Wen suggested cheaply .

Zhao Yaya pursed her lips: "Look! You have exposed your wolfish ambitions! Although you can have an exclusive interview, what will you give me in return?"

"It's definitely not enough to make a promise with your body. I'm already married and I have to keep my body like a jade. Shall I treat you to dinner? Or introduce you to a boyfriend or something." Aiwen said brazenly.

Zhao Yaya was furious: "The surname is Ai! You light up the toilet—are you courting death?"

"To tell you the truth, all the unmarried young people I know are outstanding people - those who are worth hundreds of millions. Do you want to think about it? Your brother complained to me about you being single. Back then, he wanted to match us up - just It's a pity that I don't call." Ai Wen suggested sincerely.

Zhao Yaya was furious: "I don't need him to take care of my affairs! Let him take care of himself!"

"By the way, you won't be a brother-controller, right? I heard that many girls have a kind of feeling towards their brothers." Aiwen guessed.

Zhao Yaya retorted: "You read too many orthopedic novels! How could I have feelings for that kind of guy?"

Alvin: .
Forget it, let's smooth things out for you brothers and sisters!Dude, I won't get involved!

"Dear Comrade Zhao Yaya, when will this report be published at the earliest?" Ai Wen asked bluntly, changing the subject.

Zhao Yaya thought for a while: "I will arrange it for you tomorrow, and I can log out the day after tomorrow."

Ai Wen thought about it, that day happened to be Monday, and when the school leaders received hot newspapers and saw their students' public welfare behaviors published in the newspapers, they would definitely be very happy.My class teacher will definitely be praised!Doing work that doesn't please the leader is nothing. Although Aiwen has outstanding abilities, he is more ironic in handling things.

Hearing Zhao Yaya's assurance, Ai Wen was relieved.His most direct relationship with the newspaper is Zhao Yaya.If it takes a lot of circles to find other people to help, it is best to do things in one step, because it is easy for people to ask others to get things done.

Chen Yanzi asked: "Honey, who are you chatting with?"

"Old Zhao's younger sister--Zhao Yaya, she is the chief reporter of our Q City Daily. I beg her to help send a newsletter." Ai Wen handed the chat record to Chen Yanzi.

Chen Yanzi glanced at it and threw the phone to Ai Wen: "You throw all the children in your class to me to learn musical instruments, do the parents of the students have any objections?"

"No! Isn't it a good thing to learn a musical instrument? After learning a craft at a young age, you won't be begging for food." Ivan joked.

"Is it illegal for you to do so?" Chen Yanzi hesitated to speak.

Ai Wen touched his chin: "Actually, I am quite strict with my students. My original words are to suggest that students learn a piece of folk music. It is their own business whether they learn it or not. But next summer I will take The Seventh Class of Chinese Orchestra went to Europe to travel to sixteen countries, and those who don’t know how to play musical instruments will definitely not be able to go”

"Aren't you forcing it!" Chen Yanzi thumped Ai Wen.

Aiwen said sternly: "Which thing I said is coercion? I pay for going to Europa! I have the freedom to invite whoever goes and who doesn't go-is this the truth? You can't say I'm different because I didn't take your child there Treat me, this is hooliganism! It doesn’t make sense anywhere! The reason why parents of students send their children to you is probably because I decide the list of Europa tour, in case I cancel because of a student who is learning an instrument elsewhere His qualifications are not good."

"It's still your Chinese teacher's thieves—by the way, you will disqualify a student because he is learning musical instruments elsewhere?" Chen Yanzi asked.

Ai Wen nodded: "Of course! My daughter-in-law runs an art school, and you asked to learn from other places-do you have an opinion on me or my wife? If you study at home, I have no idea. If there are students Going to other institutions to study, the Europa Sixteen Nations Tour must not have his share! I said it!"

"You are really small-minded!" Chen Yanzi giggled.

Ai Wen spread his hands: "I never said that I am a magnanimous gentleman. Confucius has said it—repaying grievances with virtue, how to repay virtue?"

"You're really drunk." Chen Yanzi leaned on Ai Wen's back and murmured, "It's good to have you!"

Ai Wen gently stroked her hair: "Good boy! You should also study foreign languages ​​hard, so that you won't understand anything when you travel to the sixteen countries of Europa next year."

Chen Yanzi had a bitter face: "To be honest, my English has long been returned to my junior high school teacher! Now I don't even know how many English letters!"

"Small but eager to learn is like the sun at sunrise; strong and eager to learn is like the light of the sun; old and eager to learn is like the light of a candle. It is never too late to learn, although we have to spend most of the rest of our lives in Huaxia Wait, but there is no harm in learning another language after all. Do you need me to enroll you in a class or something?" Ai Wen asked.

Chen Yanzi stuck out her tongue: "Isn't it because you are here! If you have any questions, I'll just ask you!"

Ai Wen scratched his head: "It is indeed reasonable for you to say that, but what if you get separated and get lost? There are not many people who can speak Chinese, and you may not even be able to find the embassy by then."

"Can you not learn!" Chen Yanzi acted like a baby while hugging Ai Wen's arm.

"It's better to learn! It doesn't require a high level, just being able to communicate in daily life! At least you can ask for help and ask for directions." Ai Wen kept lowering the requirements under Chen Yanzi's coquettish offensive.

In the end, Chen Yanzi printed a lip print on Ai Wen's face: "Husband is the best! Wow!"

Alvin: ┓(`)┏

(End of this chapter)

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