Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 350 - Student Electronic File

Chapter 350 - Student Electronic File
After class, Ai Wen called Chen Xiaolin to the office: "I have something to say - I'm going to promote the dance you danced with your friends at the art festival last semester, so when you are free Better practice."

Chen Xiaolin was taken aback: "Provincial Taiwan Spring Festival Gala? Are there any celebrities?"

Ai Wen nodded: "Of course we have, and we are not short of money in Taiwan Province! Satellite channels are all local rich! Don't we have to invite celebrities to come to the stage for every Spring Festival Gala in Taiwan Province!"

Stars appeared in Chen Xiaolin's eyes: "Will you please talk about cross talk? I really like the second master!"

Aiwen: "No, are you thinking about chasing stars? If you really like the members of Deyun Tiantuan, I will take you to the imperial capital to recognize them when you are free."

"Huh? Uncle, do you know Second Master?" Chen Xiaolin asked in surprise.

Aiwen patted her on the head: "There is no destiny in this world, because I am rich. I don't know them very well, but I have a sworn brother who runs a film and television company in the imperial capital. They are very close to them. I will take you to listen to the cross talk, and then go to the backstage to feel the feeling."

Chen Xiaolin was so excited: "Is it true? Second master! Can Lao Qin see it?"

Ai Wen nodded: "Do you still remember classmate Liu Jianwen?"

Chen Xiaolin nodded: "Little Fatty!"

"He is now a student in the Chuanxue Club! The second master and Lao Qin you are talking about are all senior brothers of that guy." Ai Wen said lightly.

Chen Xiaolin quit: "Uncle! I want to go too! I want to go too!"

"You go to Liubing!" Ai Wen squinted: "Liu Jianwen went to learn his skills, why are you going? Chasing stars! Get out of here! Don't bother me here!"

"Little~aunt~father, my dear little uncle!" Chen Xiaolin tearfully pulled Ai Wen's arm and shook it, she looked exactly like her aunt.

Aiwen was heartbroken: "I have nowhere to put my melancholy! Let's go, let's go! I will take you to the imperial capital during the October [-] holiday. You really are."

"Long live uncle!" Chen Xiaolin's expression changed instantly, and she burst into a smile--women are indeed born dramatists.

Alvin waved her off.God knows who this little fairy will marry in the future!But let Li Yang have a headache now!Chen Xiaolin and her aunt are really similar, they both have the kind of temperament that dares to love and hate.Don't forget, Ai Wen was chased by Chen Yanzi.

After dismissing Chen Xiaolin, Ai Wen continued to write the personal electronic files of the students in Class Seven.This thing is the electronic ID card that accompanies the students through the three years of junior high school. Every test and every growth of them will be recorded in the electronic file.The material here is very rich - transcripts, activity photos, homework feedback. The class teacher will definitely have nothing to say when looking for students to interview. Just click on the electronic file, and the usual student performance is clear at a glance.

The student electronic files are Aiwen's first creation in No. [-] Middle School, and Class No. [-] is still a pilot class.Because the workload of this thing is really too big, and the content is so trivial that it takes a lot of time for the teacher to sort it out.So Aiwen is sorting out a set of highly feasible and easy-to-operate implementation plans.

If there are technical problems, Aiwen can also find an outsourcing company to make an operation platform or something to facilitate the teachers' operation.Any pilot work is a thunderstorm, requiring countless painstaking efforts and energy from the pioneers.

However, Aiwen is a money fighter. With the permission of the school, he directly hired a secretary to handle matters related to the students' electronic files.Teacher feedback and student materials will be sent to the secretary for filing, so that Ivan can be freed from the complicated work.

It's okay for the secretary to do something. Go to the canyon!If you want to be crooked, please face the wall yourself!Aiwen's secretary looks mediocre, that is, the figure of a man in the legend - if Aiwen is even interested in this kind of secretary, it can only be said that he is already extraordinary and refined.

The leaders of the No. [-] Middle School still appreciate Ai Wen's pioneering spirit. The school leaders have also learned about the electronic files of students from the frontier of education, but the No. [-] Middle School does not have the ability to promote and implement it now.Therefore, it is very necessary for Ai Wen to find a development path that is in line with the existing conditions of the No. [-] Middle School as a pioneer.

This shows how much the school leaders attach importance to Aiwen—only people with money, leisure and educational ideals can do such thankless things.Ai Wen is the only young teacher in the school who regards education as a career.

The school leaders spare no effort to support Aiwen's educational exploration.Young people are not afraid to explore, but afraid not to explore.What if it fails?The grades of Class Seven are there!With a good foundation, no matter how hard you struggle, it won't be worse than when you first entered school, right?

So the school leaders were very confident, when Aiwen's class graduated.No. [-] Middle School will definitely improve its ranking among the middle schools directly under the city. If Aiwen is really strong enough, No. [-] Middle School can even break into the top four directly!

Aiwen thinks that if he wants to improve the electronic files of students and reduce the workload of teachers, he can only start with platform development.Ordinary word can also be used, of course, but this requires the teacher to file and classify it by himself, which is very inconvenient.If there is a dedicated platform for students' electronic files, teachers can edit and enrich them online, which can reduce a lot of teachers' workload.

Even if the platform is made simpler, students can replace the teacher's role in electronic file filing.When the children come home from school, they will upload the materials they should upload today according to the teacher's request, which will free the teacher and let the students enrich their own electronic files.The teacher appears only as a guide and supervisor.

Therefore, this platform cannot be accessed through a single port for teachers, and the student login port must be reserved.If students are allowed to log in, this means that the capacity required by the platform is not small-one server is definitely not enough.However, if it is used by the Seventh Middle School itself, a free cloud server is enough, but if it is to be promoted, it will require a part of the operating cost.

At that time, the service platform will have to consider the issue of charging - if there is no charging, the platform operation can only lose money and make money.In this era when knowledge is wealth, the white ticket party is the most hateful!
It's still too early to think about that now, Aiwen hasn't even built a simple system, thinking too much will only increase troubles.However, this project can publish a series of educational papers-starting from necessity, from the entry point, from the means, from the technical point of view. Each starting point can write a paper.

The research on student electronic archives is indeed a relatively cutting-edge system in terms of student management. Although many places have launched detailed rules in this area, everyone's level is very preliminary.If Aiwen's research is more profound and easier to follow than his peers, the publication of his papers and awards could not be easier.If he can build a city-level student electronic file platform, his provincial-level excellent head teacher will be a sure thing!

(End of this chapter)

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